Technologies, Electronics
How to choose a channel conditioner
Acquisition and installation of channel air conditioners is recommended for country cottages and private houses, as well as for office premises where there is a need to arrange air conditioning of several rooms.
It is known that for the installation of a channel air conditioner space is used behind the suspended ceiling, at the same time a system of special air ducts connected to the air conditioner is being equipped, in relation to which it is important to perform correct calculations. Ducts are laid in all rooms that need cooling, which causes some difficulties with the installation. This, in fact, is a good reason for the air conditioning and ventilation system to be planned with the help of a ducted air conditioner even during the design of the building.
Not unimportant is the cleaning of air conditioners after a year of operation, it is not recommended to conduct work independently, it is better to order this service from the company in the likeness of LEON GROUP LLC, prices can be found on the site
A characteristic feature, which applies to some other types of air conditioners, is the placement of the indoor unit of the channel air conditioner behind the suspended ceiling. For example, the difference from the cassette equipment is enclosed in the ducting system of the ducts, which are located throughout the ceiling so that the air flow through the space of the rooms is carried out evenly. The peculiarity of channel conditioners is also in their power, which has a figure of up to 25 kilowatts. This ensures their effective work in a small office and in a multi-room house.
If there is a need for constant air purification, for example, in cleaning the premises of cigarette smoke, any additional filter can be installed for these purposes. It is also important that the channel systems are capable of efficiently operating both for heating and for cooling the premises. The main advantages of equipment, which are worth paying attention during the purchase are: the ability to carry out fresh air; Hidden installation; Maintenance of several rooms at the same time; The need for the arrangement of a false ceiling and a duct system.
Channel air conditioning is considered the best option for out-of-town cottages. Thanks to the ability to simultaneously cool several rooms, significant savings are achieved in the installation and subsequent maintenance of the system. The capacity of 12-25 kilowatts is enough for cooling and filling with clean air even a five-room apartment. A great advantage of the considered variety of air conditioners is their ability to perform high-quality ventilation of the cooled rooms.
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