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41 weeks of pregnancy. What should I do when I am pregnant?

So, 40 weeks have passed, and the labor activity does not occur. This daily expectation is tedious, it's harder and harder for Mom to walk and breathe, so you want to give birth quickly and finally meet your baby!

But not always 41 weeks of pregnancy is actually carried over, the possibility of inaccurate timing is not ruled out. In any case, the doctor must make sure of the normal course of the pregnancy, that the baby is all right, and his condition is stable. The best method for this is the diagnosis of ultrasound. The procedure will primarily determine whether or not there is a 41 week gestation and the fact of overdrafting or indicate an erroneously determined obstetrical time. The further appointment of the doctor and the actions of the mother depend on the final result of the procedure.

Than pererashivanie dangerous? The ideal environment inside the uterus begins to deteriorate. The child's place is getting old, the baby is not getting enough oxygen and nutrition. The amniotic fluid is getting smaller. Perhaps the intrauterine movement of the original feces - meconium, which contributes to the development of oxygen deficiency and is very dangerous for the baby. With each passing day, the child becomes worse.

And for mom 41 weeks of pregnancy brings some difficulties associated with the birth of a baby. The bones of the child's skull become denser, which makes it difficult to pass through the birth canal and can lead to birth trauma.

If the research shows the normal state of the fetus, then the doctor will not rush to stimulate labor and will offer to wait 42 weeks. But if by that time the birth does not begin, then most likely you will have to resort to medication stimulation.

But often Mom does not want to resort to artificial stimulation with drugs, although 41 weeks of pregnancy are going on. What to do in this case? You can resort to natural and safe stimulation. Ways to cause labor activity:

- making long walks (more than two hours) in the fresh air. At this time it is quite difficult, but the method can work;

- an excellent way of development of ancestral activity - an orgasm. Often even doctors themselves recommend mothers who are pregnant with pregnancy, having sex with their spouses;

- stimulation of the intestines can help. Emptying the bowels can cause fights. It will be helped in this case by an enema or ingestion of castor oil, which causes strong contractions of the intestine. But this method has contraindications, so it is better to get approval from a doctor;

- stimulation of the nipples softens the cervix and is capable of causing contractions. For this, you can even use a breast pump, applying it to each breast for 15 minutes;

- A very warm, almost hot shower can help;

- Back massage in the sacrum;

- Many mothers leave for the hospital after physical exertion. This is not necessarily any exercise or exercise, a simple general cleaning will stimulate labor.

These methods help if it is 42 or 41 weeks of pregnancy. Discharge of mucus and water, the appearance of regular pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region are signals of the onset of labor. It's time to gather in the hospital!

But if these methods did not help, then only drug stimulation remains. This is an artificial opening of the fetal bladder, a special prostaglandin gel or the administration of oxytocin. Some mothers are negatively opposed to artificial causing of childbirth and refuse it when pregnant. But you need to realize that this procedure is simply necessary and is carried out for the sake of the well-being and health of the mother and child.

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