Spiritual development, Mystic
Emerald (stone): properties, the sign of the zodiac. The magical properties of the emerald for Taurus, Pisces, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer
Stones that occur in nature are not just ordinary minerals. Each of them has its own special meaning. One of the most beautiful and mysterious stones is the emerald. Even in ancient times, people believed in his magical and healing abilities. In this article we will try to tell you what the emerald (stone) is. The properties, the sign of the zodiac to which it best suits, will also be described in detail.
Magical properties
What mystical and magical abilities does the emerald (stone) have? Magic properties (the sign of the zodiac Cancer, by the way, falls under the strong influence of this mineral) of green beryl are appreciated from ancient times. People believed that the emerald is able to fight with dark forces and protect its master from evil spirits. The stone has the ability to deal with negative features of a person's character. People believed that jewelry from this mineral could clean the polluted human biofield and disperse bad energy.
If a long time peering at the stone, then all the secret will become a reality, and the negative accumulated in the subconscious will come out. From the desire of the owner, too much depends: if he refuses to listen to the hints of his "brilliant assistant", then the emerald will cease to serve him and find another master.
Emerald - stone, properties (the sign of the zodiac Pisces, it turns out, gets on well with him), which is described in detail in our article, is not only a symbol of spirituality, but also of sanity and sinlessness. Loving parents of grown-up children wore emeralds on the necks of their offspring and boldly sent them to the adult world, knowing that the stone will surely save its inexperienced master from the evil machinations of fate.
Beliefs of different peoples
It is known that the emeralds were worn by the queens themselves. Being confident of his power, they put him on his neck not only in the form of jewelry, but also to contribute to the conception of his son.
Do not hesitate to wear this stone and clergymen. It should be noted that the wonderful mineral was mentioned in the Bible itself. For the high priests, the emerald occupied an honorary place on the solemn breastplate.
The power of the mineral was believed in Russia. He was inserted into a silver cross, which made this sacred attribute a defender of all churches and temples from an attack of evil spirits. And to this day are recorded cases of the influence of the cross with the emerald on various church events.
Healing properties
Emerald - a stone, properties (the sign of the zodiac Capricorn, according to astrologers, must wear it constantly) which give the opportunity to consider him a real healer of various ailments. Since ancient times, people believed that this mineral is able not only to improve the health of its owner, but also to cure even the most hopeless disease.
Especially well emerald copes with the ailments of the cardiovascular system. It is able to normalize blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. If you constantly wear this stone, then headaches, stomach diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system will soon stop worrying a person.
A good emerald and in the fight against eye diseases. This is mentioned in ancient writings of the 3rd millennium BC. People believed that he was able to rid himself of night blindness, a thorn in his eye, and so on.
The medicinal ability of the stone is used in the treatment of the liver, kidneys, nervous system. Also, the emerald found its place in cosmetology. It is used to rejuvenate the body and face. It is known that with the decline of strength, efficiency, the emerald will also help.
It should be noted that the stone is capable of lowering body temperature, fighting infectious diseases, diabetes, bronchitis, psoriasis and tuberculosis.
People who are experiencing a lot of obstacles and difficulties in their lives must wear on their chest an amulet made of emeralds. Problems, of course, he will not solve, but will help get rid of bad mood and pessimism.
Emerald for the signs of the Zodiac. Taurus
As you know, any stone that occurs in nature is peculiar to some astrological sign. Next, we'll talk about who is the most suitable emerald (stone). Properties (the sign of the zodiac Taurus is the best owner for him) of this mineral are suitable for people with hard character traits. In this category just fall Taurus. Emerald is able to help the representative of this sign to withstand a difficult life situation, while maintaining a sense of dignity and steadfastness.
Wearing an ornament around this neck from this stone, Taurus can hope for a positive resolution of cases and success. By directing his master to the right path, the emerald finds the high potential the right application.
It should be said that the stone helps Taurus get rid of negative thoughts, recharge with positive energy, find good friends and avoid negative communication with the party.
The most favorable for this star sign is the emerald (stone). Properties (the sign of the zodiac Aries, according to most astrologers, is considered the most suitable) of the mineral allows Aries to deal with the negative aspects of its nature. As a rule, such people are fairly straightforward and truthful. These qualities are ideal for a powerful stone.
Representatives of this sign must constantly carry the emerald to themselves. And only then will balance, happiness, joy and luck come into their lives.
Emerald is what you need for Capricorns (especially for women). For the beautiful half of humanity it is ideal in all respects. If a woman is low-emotional and cold, then this mineral will make her kinder, softer, more romantic and more sensitive. It is known that the emerald can also help on the love front. It is simply necessary for the woman-Capricorn for a successful choice of the second half and the development of lasting relationships.
This mineral has the ability to heal the representatives of this sign from greed, greed, cruelty, envy, fear.
Emerald ... Stone, properties, zodiac sign, unique beauty - all this gives rise to genuine interest for many centuries. He is a true talisman for Capricorn women. Looking at this mineral for several minutes, you can reveal hidden abilities.
This "shining friend" will help representatives of this sign not to get off the right track and not allow evil people to interfere with happiness.
Emerald (stone): properties, zodiac sign Cancer
The most important stone for representatives of such a sign as the Cancer is the emerald. He is able to free his master from sorrow, grief and anxiety. Emerald is a stone, properties (the sign of the zodiac Cancer, according to many experts, like no one is friendly with this "green helper") which allows the representative of this sign to receive positive energy and strength, can help in difficult cases and problems.
Regular wearing of an emerald will allow Cancers to achieve new victories and achievements in any field. It should be noted that this stone suits this sign more than any other. "Green Assistant" is able not only to adjust the Cancers to the right mode, but also to save from emotionality, vulnerability and softness.
It is known that the representatives of this sign are rarely lucky in love. Emerald in this case will also be able to help. It will focus on the right choice of the second half and help create a strong and lasting relationship.
Emerald (stone). Properties. Sign of the Zodiac Pisces
Pisces is a very mysterious and mystical sign, with its principles and outlook on life. Therefore, they, like no other, have complete mutual understanding with this mineral. Emerald allows you to direct the energy of Pisces in the right direction, leading them to victory and new achievements.
The stone is able to protect representatives of this sign from bad habits, dangerous attachments and negative influences of the surrounding world. Astrologers believe that the emerald can reduce the impact of past mistakes on the future.
Fish with the help of this mineral strengthen their capabilities and strength, remain faithful and love, remain on the right track.
Who does not categorically fit the emerald?
The most unfavorable sign for an emerald is Scorpio. These two representatives of the strongest power simply can not withstand the power of each other. That one, that the second is extinguished against the background of the "rival". Therefore, astrologers categorically do not recommend to wear jewelry with this stone to Scorpios.
Also do not recommend emerald to Gemini, Virgo and Libra.
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