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Plant castor - poisonous beauty

One of the most toxic plants on the planet is an ordinary castor oil plant. In everyday life it is also called "castor oil". The castor oil plant is poisonous and very dangerous. Recently, this representative of the flora from the natural conditions moves to the gardens. The venomous poisonous cock is a native of the tropical belt of Africa. It is cultivated as a plant-annual. That is, this representative of the flora does not grow for more than one year. However, even in this short time, he manages to rise to a height of three meters. In natural conditions, castor oil poisonous is perennial. Often it reaches a height of 12 meters. Her life time is about 10 years.


This representative of the flora has branches ending in dissected large leaves that resemble hemp. The color of the shoots of the plant is maroon, purple, bluish-red or green. The poisonous plague is completely covered with a very thin layer of natural transparent-blue wax. As a rule, the height of average adult specimens is about 2.5 meters. Flowers of plants have a red-pink color and are collected in a brush. Seeds are shiny, round, with a lot of gray-black spots. Compared with other parts of the plant, they contain the highest percentage of toxins. This representative of the flora prefers sandy-loamy fertile soils and needs timely abundant watering.


Poisonous poisonous cock is cultivated not only for decorative purposes. Castor oil is obtained from this plant, which is a very good laxative. The castor oil contains very toxic compounds - ricin and ricinin. They are capable of decomposing the proteins of tissues. Since the seeds of castor oil are poisonous to most other parts of the plant, respectively, the content of ricin and ricinin in them is the highest. Therefore, they are the most suitable raw material for the industrial production of castor oil, which is used for medical purposes to treat constipation and other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Precautionary measures

Kleshchevina poisonous, of course, has a laxative effect. But in no case should you try to chew or take any parts of this plant if you do not have the right drug from the pharmacy. The toxins of this representative of the flora can stop the work of such internal organs as the liver, kidneys and lungs. For a lethal outcome, it is enough to eat 4-8 seeds of a plant. For the child, one is enough to cause death. Therefore, it is not recommended to cultivate this beautiful, but dangerous plant if there are small children in the house.

Symptoms of poisoning and first aid

When poisoning, the first signs appear after a few hours after swallowing seeds or other parts of castor oil. A person has nausea, yellowing of the skin, severe pain and burning in the abdomen, weakness, painful headache, convulsions, decreased blood pressure, bloody diarrhea. Pulse may accelerate or slow down. Possible stopping breathing and loss of consciousness. At the first symptoms of poisoning one must immediately call an ambulance. It should be understood that there is no antidote for castor toxins. Therefore, a significant part of the poisoned dies in the next five days. Before the arrival of doctors, the patient should provide first aid. He needs several times to wash the stomach with clean water and give enveloping agents (whey, kissel, milk, decoction of flax seeds , etc.).

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