
Duck agidel: a description of the breed, characteristics, reviews, photo

The breed of ducks, the agidel, was brought out in our country not so long ago and immediately gained enormous popularity. This cross meat direction of productivity is characterized by rapid weight gain, high egg production and unpretentiousness in the content.

History of deducing and lines

Obtained duck agidel was by crossing two highly productive hybrids: Blagovar and super M (the famous British firm Cherry Valley) with Indian runners. In total, the breeders derived three main lines of this cross:

  • A3 and A4 (based on super M).
  • A5 (based on super M and Indian runner).
  • Parental form A45.

On the basis of the last line, two hybrids were obtained: agidel 34 and agidel 345. A characteristic feature of these ducks is white plumage and excellent productivity, and hereditarily fixed.

Duck agidel: description of the breed

Ducks have a pronounced "meaty" appearance. Their body is wide and long, horizontally planted. From runners, they took excellent productivity in terms of egg production. From super M - the ability to quickly increase body weight at low feed costs, and from the Blagovar cross - a soft pen of pure white color, very valued in the market. During the productive period from one layer you can get up to 240 eggs (88-100 grams). At seven weeks of age, drakes weigh more than three kilograms, ducks - about 2.8 kg. Among other things, the meat of the duck agidel breed has just a great taste. It is considered dietary and refers to a biologically valuable product.

The nature of the ducks is very calm and flexible. This clever bird easily gets along with any other inhabitants of the household farm and understands the demands of the owners from a half-word.

The content of ducks of this breed is not too complicated, because they are resistant to many diseases. For example, they are practically not prone to leukemia. The resistance to this disease in ducks is approximately three times higher than in other breeds.

Features of the content

For the successful cultivation of such poultry as a duck agidel, it will be sufficient to build a small shed with a range on the site, and also to stock up a certain amount of inexpensive feed. The presence of a nearby reservoir is not a prerequisite. However, to dig somewhere on the site a small container with water for bathing ducks is still worth it. You can install it right in the paddock. Sometimes, in order to ensure that the ducks do not get dirty and do not pull dirt on the poultry house, they arrange an artificial pond and somewhere in the depths of the garden, from time to time expelling the birds for the adoption of water procedures. The fact is that dirt and dampness on the walk and in the barn can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the pen.

Advantages of the hybrid

Thus, the duck agidel, the photo of which can be seen below, is distinguished by a huge number of advantages. To such it is possible to carry:

  • Fast weight gain;
  • Unpretentiousness with respect to feed;
  • delicious meat;
  • High egg production;
  • Calm benevolent disposition;
  • Resistance to diseases.

Duck agidel (the characteristic of this breed, as you can see, is simply excellent) is appreciated and because of the purely white color of the feather. The carcasses of this bird look very neat, because they are completely devoid of dark "stumps".

What should be the house

As already mentioned, the agidel does not present any specific requirements for the arrangement of the shed. However, it is still necessary to observe certain rules when constructing a house. Despite the excellent resistance to various diseases and the ability to quickly adapt to any conditions of detention, the bird of this breed does not like drafts very much. Therefore, when building a chicken, care must be taken that there are no cracks in the walls. If the house is a panel house, the boards on the frame have three pieces: two in butt and one overlap.

The walls inside the mattress are best plastered, and the remaining slots at the door and windows are filled with mounting foam. A litter of sawdust or straw is laid on the floor. In the future, it will have to be changed from time to time. Otherwise, parasites will be put into the birds' poultry. The density of the "population" in the poultry house should not exceed 2-3 heads per 1 m2.

Ventilation, lighting and equipment

With the success of growing a bird of this breed can and in a regular shed. However, the window in it must be mandatory. These ducks do not like air stagnation very quickly, losing their productivity. It would be better to even arrange in the poultry elemental natural exhaust ventilation, by making a small hole near the ceiling. In such a room, a particularly strong and healthy duck agidel can be grown. Photos suitable for this kind of poultry shed can be seen below.

Feeding troughs in the waders are usually used for low and long, in the form of a trough. Install them more often close to the wall. Drinkers, in order to duck in them did not climb, put on a small hill (15-20 cm from the floor). You can also use drip or nipple modern designs.

Nests are placed along the wall, opposite the feeding troughs. A very good option is the usual capacious wicker baskets. You can use just low wooden boxes. In addition to the nests and feeding troughs, small containers filled with ash are often placed in the poultry house. Ducks are very fond of floundering in them. In addition, ashes are afraid of many kinds of feather parasites.

Features of feeding

Duck agidel, the description of which was given a little above in all details, is absolutely not exacting with respect to the diet. It is usually made up of very inexpensive feeds. Most often these are cereals, grass and vegetables. Very often these ducks are simply allowed to graze next to the house. In this case, they quickly find their livelihood among the herbs. However, of course, to transfer the bird completely to the pasture is not worth it. Cereals and vegetables in the diet of ducks are agidel, at least in small quantities, but must be present.

Ducks agidel: reviews

The fact that this hybrid is actually very productive and very convenient in its content is eloquently evidenced by the fact that many of the largest domestic poultry farms have come to a decision to grow it large-scale. One of the enterprises, Evrodon, even announced that it is going to produce duck meat on the basis of the agidel on an industrial scale. Such popularity among large manufacturers this cross deserved mainly due to its unpretentiousness and rather tasty meat.

Very good deserve the duck agidel reviews from the owners of small household plots. This bird grows very quickly and does not require large maintenance costs. However, some summer residents say that the meat of this bird is slightly zhirnovato. Especially in comparison with musk duck. Too very sugary it is not considered, but it is advised nevertheless to provide the bird with a natural range and add more grass to its diet. In this case, the meat will be lean. Well, of course, do not delay with slaughter. Produce this procedure before the beginning of the juvenile molt - in the 55-60-day-old age.


Many owners of household plots lay eggs of these ducks in an incubator twice a year: in summer and in spring. The chicks of the duck agidel appear on day 28. Fertility of eggs in this hybrid is approximately 93%.

They look after hatched chicks in the same way as for ducklings of any other meat breed. That is, for children it is necessary to fence off the corner in the house, and also arrange a separate small paddock, covered with a net from forty and crows.

After hatching, the ducklings are usually kept in boxes. The temperature of the air in such a manger should not fall below 30 degrees. Over the next three weeks, it is gradually reduced to about 16 degrees. The first five days the light in the box is not turned off even at night. Starting from the moment of birth and up to three weeks of age, the density of planting ducklings should not exceed 25 individuals per 1 m2. After the chicks are 21 days old, they should be moved to a bigger room. On 1 m2 there are no more than 16 three-week individuals.

As you can see, the duck is an agidel - the bird is very unpretentious and at the same time extremely productive. Judging by the responses of many owners of suburban areas, keeping it really is very simple and at the same time quite profitable.

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