
DTP vaccine: complications and possible consequences

About whether it is worth to vaccinate themselves and their children, there is a huge amount of talk and arguments. And there is simply no clear answer to this question. Both supporters and opponents of vaccination have enough valid arguments to keep the defense of their position. Therefore, the matter of choice for today is exclusively for parents.

About DTP

Probably, all mothers know that this is one of the mandatory vaccinations that are necessary for a kindergarten and a school. But what does this abbreviation mean? And from what, in fact, vaccinated baby? DTP is an adsorbed pertussis diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. This vaccine is given intramuscularly - in the ass or leg of the child. Timing: the first - at three months, again at 4 and 5 months. Then follows the revaccination.


But why are parents so afraid of DTP? Complications after vaccination - this is the first and, perhaps, the most important reason. Most often, if complications occur, they do not go further than a small temperature and worry the baby. But even this is unpleasant. The child can badly sleep, be capricious during wakefulness, a little fever. It can also disturb the site of the injection - seals, redness, soreness - that's what can happen after vaccination. But what do the doctors say about this? If the consequences of vaccination are just such, it's absolutely not scary. On the contrary, this is to some extent even good, because every normal organism is simply obliged to react to the introduction of a foreign substance.

Severe consequences

But there are situations when DTP vaccination is not so easy . Complications are quite severe. If the baby rises to a temperature of 40 degrees, do not waste time, you should immediately seek medical help. This is an atypical reaction of the body, for each such case, doctors are simply required to report to an ad hoc committee that monitors the quality of vaccines. In addition to the temperature, the child may have an anaphylactic shock - sharply drop the pressure, there may be a different complexity of allergic reactions. Also, complications after DPT vaccination are possible, such as the defeat of certain organs - the kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract, the heart, the disruption of the central nervous system. But it is worth noting that they happen very rarely. And they are caused more likely by unprofessional introduction of a vaccine, wrong conditions of its storage, probably, connection of a various sort of an infection. It should also be noted that the child will need to be revaccinated and DPT. Complications after these vaccinations almost do not occur.

Preparation for vaccination

According to the advice of doctors, vaccination should be prepared. Especially if it's a DTP vaccine, complications from which are not news. Parents should first know what kind of preparation the child will be vaccinated with. Today, there are many different vaccines with different compositions. It is not necessary to save, if you can afford to buy the desired vaccine, which will be vaccinated child. Here you can take into account the characteristics of the baby's body, as well as the composition of the drug. Parents should make sure beforehand whether the vaccine was stored correctly, whether it will be introduced by a good specialist, etc. Only after all these manipulations can you not be afraid to do such an inoculation, as DPT. The risk of complications in the post-vaccination period in such a situation will be minimized.

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