
"Nuga Best": contraindications. "Nuga Best": reviews of doctors about the bed

We all want to be healthy, young and strong. But that's just no matter how hard we try, health problems happen, and the years take their toll. It is good that we live at a time when the medicine is sufficiently developed and capable of helping us solve most problems. And as soon as a new invention appears, we immediately try to test it on ourselves. And suddenly it is precisely this that will save us from the pain and inconvenience forever.

Quite recently, one of these inventions produced a real boom: they created a special bed that massages, warms, heals and rejuvenates our exhausted bodies, and the name was given to it "Nuga Best". The motto of the company that developed the find is: "Be healthy without medication!" It is encouraging, right?

Dozens of people were drawn to medical centers for health and youth, and some even bought a crib at home. But is such an apparatus really effective, what do patients say about it, and most importantly, what do the doctors think about the bed? When is it able to help and what are the contraindications of Nougat Best?

From Korea with Love

Korean inventors in search of a panacea created something completely new. They have united in the apparatus two directions: modern technologies and knowledge of our great-grandfathers. The bed is equipped with ceramic rollers using natural material - tourmaline. And he is able to influence our body with his special magnetic field, heals him, and this is an indisputable fact. Rollers also serve to massage the body, but, in addition, it is also able to warm up the bed of "Nuga Best" perfectly. There are also contraindications to it, so let's be careful and understand what's what and how to behave with the Korean miracle.

How it works

A device was designed to help people suffering from back pain. And this is exactly the problem, which affects almost the entire population of our planet. But did its creators take care of safety for our health? Does Nuga Best have any contraindications, if so, which ones?

The novelty can work in two modes:

  • Body heating with massage (for relaxation and preparation for other procedures);
  • Point cauterization (it affects our biologically active points, triggering the regenerative functions of the body).

And here the question should arise whether all the patients can be heated by the body (the unit can be heated to a temperature of 70 degrees), and whether the cauterization is safe. Does Nuga Best have contra-indications for people? If you ask a question to doctors, they will confirm doubts - in some diseases such an effect will be not only undesirable, but even dangerous.

Do I need the Nuga Best bed

The spine not only supports our body and provides movement, it is a reliable skeleton for the spinal cord, to which other systems of our life support are connected. Doctors say that a healthy spine is already half of our well-being. And it is extremely important to give him maximum attention. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Nuga Best attracted such close attention to itself: doctors' reviews, contra-indications, recommendations and positive feedback from consumers - all this was put to the discussion and caused different opinions.

There were many people who responded immediately. Some claimed that they were really helped by the "Nuga Best". Contraindications worried others, they did not dare to use this thing. Who can use the bed, but who does not?


  • Pain in the spine (lumbar and brachial parts), protrusions, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, pinching of the intervertebral nerves, hernia, recovery from surgery or trauma.
  • Problems with excess weight, insomnia, pressure disorders (hypotension and hypertension), headaches, stress, diabetes, increased body resistance and general recovery.

But doctors say that "Nuga Best" also has contra-indications, so you need to be prudent.

First visit to the salon

As soon as you cross the threshold, they will immediately pay attention to you, and this, of course, is very pleasant. You will be fully shown and told how the Nuga Best device works, contra-indications, reviews about it, advantages of the device - nothing will remain hidden. Also, they will certainly inquire about your state of health and will give their recommendations regarding further procedures. All this is very good and, of course, has. But!

Remember that the person who met you on the threshold is just a manager. He can have a medical education in some area or not have it at all. He knows well how procedures are conducted, how the equipment is arranged, and he knows how to provoke interest and how to sell you this bed. But after all, Nuga Best also has contra-indications, so it is important to understand whether this device is suitable for you and whether it will cause harm.

The person who met you is in no way interested in harming you, but the banal ignorance of the characteristics of your body and hidden diseases can lead to a serious error. Therefore, before you go to the procedure, carefully study about "Nougat Best" reviews of doctors. Contraindications are something that can not be neglected. Elemental negligence can lead to a serious health problem.

And what do the doctors say? Contraindications

Be attentive, if you have at least one of the listed problems, "Nuga Best" can do you harm:

  • Any acute illness, especially with fever and inflammatory processes.
  • All kinds of bleeding or disease, as a result of which they can happen. Including menstruation.
  • Various inflammations on the skin of the back, abscesses or wounds.
  • Various diseases of the vascular system, as well as attacks of angina pectoris, hypertensive crisis.
  • The last stage of osteoporosis.
  • All kinds of gynecological and venereal diseases (syphilis especially).

Recommendations of doctors

Be aware that even if you did not find any of the diseases that you identified in the list, it does not mean that you do not have them. Some may develop in a latent form or manifest themselves poorly, and you, in turn, can write off a bad state of health for normal fatigue. Before visiting the Nuga Best Center, you should consult your doctor. Only he can give really worthwhile advice, prescribe a treatment and recommend or prohibit the use of this device. It's not difficult to come to see a doctor, but you will know for sure if the Nuga Best bed has contra-indications specifically for your health.

"The second heart of" Nougat Best ""

The company "Nuga Best" produces today a large number of products based on tourmaline. This is not only machines, massagers, but also dishes, bracelets, skin care products and some elements of clothing (gloves, for example). The positive effect of this natural material is really great for us, the company tries to use it all over the place.

There is another interesting solution, which is quite worthy of our attention - the rug "The Second Heart of Nougat Best." Contraindications to it are practically reduced to zero, if you can not use the bed for a number of contraindications, then such a rug will come to the rescue. The principle of its action is simpler, it heats the zones of the feet, acting on biologically active currents. This triggers a number of processes in the body that can stimulate, restore and activate the reserve functions of your body.

Be attentive to your health, appreciate and protect it!

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