Automobiles, Cars
Driver's medical board - where to go and what list of doctors
To date, no one has the right to gain access to driving or other vehicles without going through a medical commission. After visiting several doctors, a candidate for drivers receives a medical certificate issued in accordance with state requirements, in form 083 / у-89.
Driving medical board: when it is necessary to pass it?
There are several cases in which a driver's certificate is necessary, and to receive it you need to undergo a medical commission. It does not take too much time, it usually takes two to three hours, provided that all specialists are in the same building.
It is necessary to pass a medical examination and issue a certificate if you do not have a driving license and you intend to take the exam for the first time to drive a vehicle of a pre-selected category. Also, a certificate is needed if you have lost the rights or the validity period of the driving license has expired. If the court earlier took away your rights, and the term of their validity for this time has come to an end, you will need to pass a medical examination. In the case of an international driving license, the situation is similar.
How to pass a medical examination for health problems?
If you have a restriction related to your state of health, the procedure for passing the medical board is somewhat different. According to the existing legislation, you must constantly carry a medical certificate with you if there is an appropriate note in your driving license.
If this mark is not on the right, a medical certificate should not be carried constantly with you. At the moment the document is not in the list of necessary papers, which the driver must present to the traffic police inspector when the vehicle stops.
How to pass a driver's medical examination?
All candidates for drivers have the right to pass a commission in any medical institutions that have the appropriate certification and the ability to carry out physical examinations. This will have to spend from 600 to 2500 rubles.
The medical board for the driver's license can be passed by you and in the state polyclinic, nobody forbids it. However, in this case it will take a huge amount of time to turn to each specialist, so many candidates for drivers and those who need to get a new certificate, turn to private doctors.
Driving schools and medical commission
Some driving schools meet their students and arrange medical examinations on their own. In each group there are those who would like to receive a medical certificate without visiting the doctors. The administrator forms a list, and then on a certain day invites experts to conduct a medical examination. This process is no different from the one described above, it will also have to pay a certain amount. However, the practice proves that the cost of such a medical examination is much lower than when passing it in private clinics. This advantage can be used by people who have not yet received a driving license.
Distrust of nurses
Some traffic police officers require drivers to contact specific clinics for medical certificates, and they do not act correctly. Nobody has the right to force you to choose a clinic. The medical board for a driver's license implies the issuance of a single reference certificate, which is valid throughout the whole of Russia.
Employees of the traffic police are suspicious enough to refer to medical certificates issued not at the place of residence of the future driver. There may be a large number of problems associated with temporary delays and the transfer of documents, so it is best to go through the examination in the city where you plan to take the exam.
What do you need?
If you are going to undergo a medical commission, you will need to present a number of documents. It's about the passport and its photocopies, two matte photos of 3x4, a military ticket (if you are liable for military service), an old driver's license (if you received it earlier).
Some medical institutions do not require potential drivers to provide pictures, because in their state there is a photographer who will do everything right on the spot. In the event that you are a resident of another region, you will need to provide additional information about the place of your residence permit. Remember that you do not have the right to refuse to take an exam in another region.
Are you interested in driver's medical board? Which doctors give you access to the rights? When passing a physical examination, the future candidate for drivers will need to visit a surgeon, an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist. Also, the driver's medical board includes a visit to a psychiatrist and an expert in narcology. They are obliged to check whether you are registered with the psycho-neurological and narcological dispensaries.
The driver's medical board ends with a visit to the therapist, it is he who makes a verdict on fitness for driving a vehicle. If you have any diseases that can interfere with obtaining a coveted certificate, you need to submit your medication and the results of previous studies to specialists.
Additional procedures
If you know what a medical board for a driver's license is, you should understand that if there are any disputable situations, you can be sent for an additional examination. Most often we are talking about electrocardiograms and studies of the work of the heart, they must be carried out either at the place of residence or at the place of commission, if possible.
Driver's medical board for the fair sex representatives is a troublesome business, they will have to visit the gynecologist in addition. A pregnant girl can drive a vehicle, but in this case, the therapist may ask for a certificate stating that the pregnancy is currently proceeding well, no abnormalities are observed.
How to pass a medical examination if you use glasses?
If your vision can not be called good, you need to take glasses for an examination to an ophthalmologist. All future drivers who have the right to drive a vehicle with glasses will receive an appropriate note in the certificate. Medical board for driver's license is very thorough and demanding to the eyesight, therefore this mark will appear in the driver's license.
At the moment, three current versions of the mark are used, which indicate the most optimal variant of the ride. The driver can drive the vehicle only using the means specified in the document. If the driver's license says that the driver can only ride with lenses, with them he should drive and must. If you want, you can achieve that the rights were marked "lenses or glasses are required", then you can change them.
In what situations can the certificate not be issued?
If you have already learned where to pass the driver's medical examination, went to the polyclinic and passed all the doctors, do not think that you will certainly be given a certificate. There is a whole list of diseases in which the issuance of a certificate (and rights) is impossible. They are associated with vision, hearing, diseases of the endocrine, cardiac and nervous systems. A detailed list of restrictions on driving a vehicle can be found in the orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
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