
Drainage of the site with their own hands on clay soils. Drainage of the site with your own hands: how to do it

Drainage of the site with their own hands on clay soils can be produced. This is necessary for the reason that in areas where clay soils predominate, water often lags, unable to escape into the soil. In view of this circumstance, cultural plants begin to feel bad, this leads to the fact that they do not develop properly. In order to solve this problem, it is absolutely necessary to equip the drainage of the site. It is possible to carry out such work correctly if you are acquainted with the recommendations presented below.

Features of the territory with a predominance of clay soil

Drainage of the site with their own hands on clay soils, as a rule, is necessary for the reason that such areas are characterized by excessive stagnation of water. In this case, the roots of plants are constantly under the influence of moisture, and the air does not flow there in the required volume. This sooner or later becomes the cause of oxygen starvation, with the cultural plants can no longer develop normally and, in the end, die. In particular, this phenomenon applies to lawns, which suffer not only from excessive amounts of moisture, but also because of a fairly dense sod, because it is not loosened even from time to time and is not plowed. This leads to the fact that a dense layer located on top prevents the full saturation of plants with air.

Drainage of the site with your own hands on clay soils should be arranged before you plant a lawn or all kinds of crops. After using the site it will be possible immediately after the winter season comes to an end, which is accompanied by the descent of the snow cover.

What parameters of the site should be taken into account when designing

Before the drainage system is equipped, a calculation is usually carried out, and a draft of the future system is drawn up. However, if you want to work with a territory that is not too large, then it is not necessary to make a calculation when designing. At the same time, the main condition is the need to take into account the main parameters of the system for tapping water from the territory. Among them, it is necessary to identify all the data relating to drainage, namely: slope, depth of location, location according to plan, step between rows, installation of manholes, and wellhead. The territory of the countryside is not in all cases even, for this reason, if there is even a slight slope of the soil surface, then it must necessarily be used.

Application of terrain features

Drainage of the site with their own hands on clay soils should be arranged taking into account the inclination of the soil surface. If you compare the inclined and flat section, then it should be noted that with the first it will be somewhat easier. Moreover, in this case, with the arrangement of the drainage system, labor costs will be reduced many times. At the same time, it is necessary to perform work in such a way that the closed and open drainages are successfully combined.

In the latter case, ditches are used in the course of work, which have an open top. Such a system is also called surface. It will be most effective for the outflow of excess water in the warm period of the year, it is at this time that a large amount of precipitation falls, which causes an increase in the groundwater level. Without this type of drainage can not do and in the winter. In a number of latitudes in winter, thaws are often frequent, accompanied by a frozen ground, which is unable to absorb water, and there is a need to remove liquid from the soil surface. In the described cases it is absolutely necessary to equip the drainage of the site with your own hands, how to do it - you must certainly be interested.

Description of open and closed types of drainage

If you decide to install an open type system, then you need to use a special tile, it has a slight slope, which will effectively remove excess moisture. Through a similar system, liquid from roofs of houses and asphalt pavements will enter the closed drainage system, which acts as the leading one. Closed drainage will work as follows: the liquid that comes from the surface of the ground, will flow through underground communications, which have a shape and look like pipes in appearance. Before starting work, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of clay soil, which has a significant weight and high density. This indicates the need for its loosening before starting work. During the installation of drains, you will need to bypass the areas that are intended for vehicles.

Installation of a closed drainage system

If you decide to equip the drainage area with your own hands, how to do this, be sure to know. Before the start of the work, it is necessary to determine which type of water intake will be used in this system. In its role, for example, a natural reservoir can act, an alternative solution that often involves the withdrawal of water into an artificially constructed ditch is often used. It should be located near the road. But it can also happen that there are none, while the task can be solved in several ways, each of which can be realized independently. There are several options for equipping the outflow of liquid. It is possible to equip the reservoir with its own resources, making it a pond. In this case, do not be afraid that he eventually will resemble a wetland of a small size. In addition, you can dig a ditch yourself. It must be made deep, and placed outside the boundaries of its own site. If you decide to use the latter option, then it must first be agreed with the neighbors.

Alternative flow option

If you intend to do the drainage of the site with your own hands, how to make the system, it is worth knowing, otherwise it will not cope with its functions, the plants in the territory will die, and the work will have to be done anew. The third variant of the organization of the water flow involves the excavation of oversized wells. Their walls must be made vertical, and after filling, the water must be pumped out using a pump. It is necessary to make such manipulations from time to time. For units, the pumping mode can be made automatic.

Carrying out excavation works

Before you do the drainage of the garden area with your own hands, you first have to excavate the trenches. They need to be located around the perimeter of the countryside. In this case, the trenches should be given such depth and width, which should not be more than 1,2 and 0,4 m. Once the ditches are prepared, they must lay pipes that are intended for collecting water. These ditches, by the way, have the name of main trenches. Pre-installed pipes must reach the water intake. In order to fill the main channels, it is preferable to use pipes with a diameter of 110 mm for this purpose. The depth of the main pipelines, if compared with the collecting branches of the system, should be somewhat larger. Should be made according to the rules of work, when the drainage of the site is arranged by oneself, advice and guidance must be read before starting the work. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve the desired result.

Piping installation

In work, it is necessary to follow the rules, which are prescribed in the normative and technical literature. They regulate the need to remove drainage pipelines from the fence. So, the step between the pipeline and the fence should be 0.5 m or more. It should be taken into account that the pipeline should be removed from the main construction area, retreating from it when mounting 1 m. The liquid will initially collect in the drainage trenches, only then it will enter the main canals. A whole network of trenches must be created on the territory, the depth and width of which should be 1.2 and 0.35 m respectively.

Must necessarily have a certain slope of the drainage area, the circuit and the device the master can easily produce. Thus, the trench net should be equipped with the creation of a slope, which is 5 cm per meter. In this case, the channels should not have a long length. If you apply this rule, the drainage system will work properly. A less impressive bias is not recommended, this is due to the fact that the flow rate of the liquid will not be as intense as necessary, this will eventually cause stagnant phenomena in a certain area. If the work is to be done on the territory of the clay site, the drains should be located at a distance of 10 m from each other.

System performance check

The installation of a drainage system on clay soil after trenches are dug and pipes are laid in them does not imply the immediate closure of the elements. Before, it is necessary to check drainage for efficiency and efficiency.

The trench network must remain open for a while. For testing as the most successful option is the precipitation of heavy rainfall. If such an opportunity does not last long, then in the trench it is simply necessary to let the water out of the irrigation slurry. At the same time, one should observe how soon the flow of water will pass through the system. On the correct functioning indicates the absence of stagnation in all areas, only this way it will be possible to check the drainage of the site with their own hands, technology and rules should be known to the master, only then everything will work without stagnation. If there is a need, then at this stage it is necessary to correct certain parameters that will increase the flow rate.

Troubleshooting system functionality

If it was found during the system check that it does not work efficiently, then you can put pipes of more impressive diameter, in addition, you can increase the slope. In some cases, the masters make a system that is equipped with a thicker network. You can close the system if the drainage of the site works properly, especially how to drain the soil - all this is important to find out even before the start of work.

The final stage

The system can be closed with a geotextile that is capable of passing water. In return, it is permissible to apply volumetric filters that demonstrate themselves well when draining clay soils. The most practical for draining works are plastic pipes with a diameter of 63 mm, the surface of which must be corrugated. The pipes must be connected by means of tees.

The cost of arranging drainage

If you have decided to drain the site with your own hands on clay soils, the price of a professional installation should certainly interest you. This may help you decide whether to do the work yourself or to entrust the matter to professionals. So, if you decided to turn to specialists, then the cost per meter of surface drainage will cost 1300 rubles. While the same amount of work, but above the deep drainage, will cost 2400 rubles.

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