Beauty, Cosmetics
Cosmetic remedy for gray hair - "Antiseedin". Reviews
Every person in life has a moment when he discovers his gray hair. The male population tolerates it somehow calmer. Some even believe that gray adorns a man. But this can not be said about women. After all, I want to look attractive. But how to be beautiful in the presence of gray hair, which, along with the loss of color, lose elasticity and brilliance ?! Their cardinal recovery is necessary. To do this, the Antiseedin cosmetic remedy was developed. Reviews of it confirm the ability of the drug to restore the natural color of hair. This happens by stimulating the synthesis of natural pigments.
The composition of the antiseedin includes, as the main components, ammonium chloride, sulfur, ethyl alcohol, glycerin. There are also ancillary medicinal herbs, among which is an extract of field horsetail, which has a beneficial effect on the restoration of water-salt metabolism in the skin of the head. The second additional component is the extract of nettle dioecious, which helps to strengthen the roots of the hair.
Those who have already used Antisedin, reviews about this tool are left ambiguous. Someone complains about the unpleasant odor that is held for several hours after using this lotion. In addition, some report that after applying this tool creates the effect of dirty hair. Agree, this is an unpleasant argument. And it is because of such shortcomings that many have refused to use this lotion.
As for the main purpose of Antiseedin, the responses here are divided. Most people who use this lotion are satisfied with the resulting final result. Their hair does change color, although the full return of pigmentation can not be achieved by everyone. But even those who have achieved even the slightest darkening of their gray hair, are satisfied with this result.
However, there is one small "but". Almost in all cases, when the use of the antiseedin is stopped, all efforts previously applied to restore the color of the hair are reduced to nothing. Therefore lotion should be used constantly.
The lotion is recommended for use only on unpainted hair. Otherwise, the interaction of the chemical components that make up the paint with the components of the antiseedin can occur. The damage done to the hair in this case has an irreversible process. This chemical interaction leads to the fact that the curls will become thin and brittle. In addition, you should not use this cosmetic product on the hairline of the eyebrows, beard, mustache and eyelashes, and if there are scratches on the scalp.
It should be noted and the fact that the contraindication of the use of lotion is the individual intolerance of the components that make up this drug. As for adverse reactions with the use of "Antiseedin", reviews of many people indicate their absence, except for single cases, which were accompanied by allergic reactions of a local nature. Very rarely there is a slight reddening, slight itching and flaking of the skin. If they occur, you should stop using this lotion and immediately consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences.
Undoubtedly, with the regular use of Antisedin, you can achieve a certain result. But it must be clearly understood that if your hair has begun to turn gray, then no remedy for gray hair can completely restore their previous condition. Therefore, for those who want to achieve a quick result, it is recommended to use hair dye all the same. Who does not want to look young again?
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