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Cognac at home from vodka: the best recipes, cooking technology, reviews

Alcoholic beverages are an integral part of human life (at least on holidays). And I would like to drink quality products, and not throw out a lot of money, then to suffer with the stomach. Therefore, lovers of strong drinks are increasingly thinking about making good cognac at home from vodka, instead of being spent on questionable "cocktails" produced under this name.

You can understand skeptics of such aspirations. Even industrial drinks brandies, in principle, it is wrong: the name has the right to wear only cognac, released in the homonymous province of France. However, our people have already developed a tradition to call so any strong aromatic drink of brown color. By the way, many already insisted cognac at home from vodka. Testimonials of the experimenters are very positive. People approve homemade drinks much more often than purchased ones.

Basis of the basics

If you are thinking of preparing cognac at home from vodka, first of all, you need to take care of the main ingredient. Ideally, experienced masters recommend using medical alcohol: it is distinguished for its high purity. On the other hand, it needs to be cultivated according to all rules, which can create certain difficulties. So, we will prepare cognac at home from vodka, which requires very simple rules.

  1. The drink is taken qualitative, from a trusted producer.
  2. Vodka is required to be clean, without adding any eggs, birch buds and other things - such additions can have unpredictable effects on taste.

When cognac is made at home from vodka, recipes often require the use of oak bark. Nobody forbids to buy chemist's. But keep in mind that in boxes there is often a dead flesh. It is better not to be lazy and reach the nearest oak tree, from which you can borrow a few twigs or remove from the trunk a slightly exfoliated bark.

Cognac at home from vodka: recipes from the traditional to the exotic

Let's start with a variant that can be considered classic. Three liters of quality vodka is poured into a large container. Two spoons of sugar melted in a frying pan until the caramel state and sent to the bottle. There are three spoons of oak bark (large slices should be crushed), a little vanillin (not sugar of the same name!), Half a spoonful of nutmeg and three buds of cloves. The bottle is sealed tight and hides somewhere in a relatively cool and lightless place. Ideally, to maintain this cognac at home from vodka need at least a month (or better longer). And in general, the longer the holding lasts, the more positively it affects the flavor and aromatic qualities of the expected final product.

Aromatic cognac

A fascinating smell is almost the main advantage of such drinks. We can offer the production of cognac at home from vodka, which results in a very fragrant drink. True, it will take several approaches to the process.

  1. 15 walnuts are pricked. Of them, septa are removed.
  2. The raw material is poured into 3 liters of vodka and is aged for three days.
  3. The billet is filtered, the partitions are thrown out, and two spoons of bark from oak, half a spoonful of lemon balm, tarragon, high-quality black tea of a large leaf, three peach-peppercorns and as many broken lauries, plus a spoon of lemon or orange peel are poured into vodka.

A couple of weeks of insisting, and the homemade cognac is filtered and packed in beautiful bottles.

«For ladies»

Preparation of cognac at home from vodka can give a drink that is very much to the liking of the fairer sex, despite the fact that it will be strong. Lemon scrolls with zest through a meat grinder (bones are chosen), poured three liters of vodka and insisted for three days. After decanting, one-third spoons of caramel (the same molten sugar) and soluble coffee are introduced. Do not forget to pour a spoon of crushed oak bark. The period of infusion is from 10 days to two weeks.

Soft cognac

It can also be called a ladies' version, although it will be more liked by sweeties lovers, as it reminds of this characteristic of liqueurs. Another attractive thing is that such cognac at home from vodka will be ready in three days. Three spoons of vodka are poured into six prunes (for quicker return of aromas they can be cut in half), a dozen clove buds, two tablespoons of good tea (with or without a glass), a bag of vanillin and half a cup of sugar. The bottle is sealed tightly, shaken well and placed in the dark. Every day you need to shake it again. You can proceed to approbation immediately after filtering.

Coffee cognac

The drink has a very rich taste, which is combined with a rich and delicate aroma. To make cognac at home from vodka for this recipe, you need from three to five tablespoons of ground coffee of your favorite variety. It is poured half a liter of boiling water, sealed and left for a day in a dark and non-flammable place. As a result, we have very strong and well-infused coffee. Three liters of vodka are poured into it, mixed, and the bottle returns to the previous place of the week for three. Then from half a glass of sugar and full - water, a thick syrup is cooked, which is added to the almost ready cognac. You will have to wait 2-3 days, strain and enjoy the taste and aroma.

Cognac from beer and juice

If you use this recipe, you get a drink that is very close to the original French. True, you can not manage vodka here, alcohol will be needed. For starters, the juice is squeezed out of the grape by hand. It should be a liter. A variety of berries does not matter, although black varieties are recommended. In a large bottle of juice merge, a liter of fresh, preferably dark, beer and a quarter liter of medical alcohol. For fermentation, sugar (kilogram) and fresh yeast (100 grams) are filled. For the right color, you also need to add half a cup of granulated coffee. Wandering the mixture will be three weeks, in the dark and cool. When the bubbles cease to emerge, the cognac is filtered into cute bottles and offered to guests.

Muscat cognac

Muscat wine is often made by wine or champagne - and these drinks forever conquer aesthetes and gourmets. With an independent preparation of cognac, you can make this drink with your favorite taste. To do this, the bark of oak is ground to the bottom of a container of sufficient size, at the rate of one and a half tablespoons for each liter of vodka, ground nutmeg (half a spoonful), vanilla powder (we take it according to your taste, the initial sentence is gram Per liter) and buds of a carnation. After placing all the ingredients, vodka is poured, the bottle is clogged, shaken and retracted to the point where there is no access to the sun's rays, and the temperature never rises very much. To sustain muscat cognac at home from vodka needs a minimum of a month. But if you have the patience for a longer time, you will get an even more intense and pronounced aroma of the nut.

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