Hobby, Needlework
Choose patterns of doll-pumpkin
We decided to start sewing exclusive interior heroes: smart young ladies, cute bunnies and bears? In the article you will find ready-made patterns of doll-pumpkin-head, as well as information on how to create templates yourself.
Characteristics of the pumpkin head
Patterns of doll-pumpkinheads differ from other species by the number of parts for making the head. These characters are characterized by a certain tailoring and, accordingly, the shape of the resulting element. The head is round in the form of an even ball or with a convex nose, and the pattern of this part looks like a petal. Typically, these petals make four or six pieces.
Materials and Tools
To make patterns of doll-pumpkin head, you need the following:
- Thin paper (millimetric or any other).
- Pencil.
- Ruler.
- Scissors.
You can also take a sample, template or photo of the finished product that you want to repeat. To sew an interior doll, you will need:
- Fabric beige or white for the head and trunk.
- Dyes to give a flesh-colored hue of white fabric (you can use tea, coffee).
- Patterns.
- Fabric for making clothes.
- Pins.
- Portnovsky chalk.
- Scissors.
- Needle with thread.
- Sewing machine.
- Filler (sintepon, holofayber, foam rubber).
- Yarn for making doll hair.
- Threads for embroidering face or acrylic paints and PVA glue for their drawing.
- Ornaments for creating an image.
Dolls by own hands: patterns of pumpkin heads
To sew the product, you will need to make the following parts from paper:
- Petal for sewing the head (4 or 6 pcs.).
- Torso (2 pcs.).
- Element of the hand (4 pcs.).
- Shape of the leg halves (4 pcs.).
This minimal set is presented in the following illustration. Depending on the desired proportions of the doll, you can change the scale of individual parts as you need. It is easy to take and several other forms of limb and trunk elements. If necessary, make them more elongated or, conversely, plump. Folds in the knees and elbows are usually squashed, although some perform these parts separately, which takes longer.
Below is another pattern. On it, the shapes of the arms and legs are more realistic. There is an element of the foot that will be sewed between the two elements of the foot. There is a detail of the eye that is sewn onto the head. The space is filled with a synthepon. The eye will turn out to be voluminous, although it is not necessary to do this. It is enough to draw an eye on the plane of the head itself. Choose what suits you best.
If you want, that at you the doll of a tilde-pump-head is turned out, a pattern can be used any of presented above. Tildes have a specific appearance (photo below) and are more often performed with flattened heads. If you want to get the shape of the ball, sew from 4 parts in the form of even petals or with a corner of the spout.
A detail of the head with a spout is shown in the text below, but you can finish any petal by dorisovav in the center of the left side of one detail and in the second part - the shape of the nose you want. Maybe you want to do Baba Yaga or another fairy-tale character with unnatural features. The choice is yours. There are many opportunities for creativity.
Working with the finished pattern
In order for you to get a neat doll-pump-head, the pattern should be exactly built. The easiest way to use a ready-made template. Take your favorite option and print it on the right scale. If you do not have a printer at hand, you can accurately transfer the image from the monitor screen by attaching a glass to it.
Based on the finished contour drawing, you can create your own version, slightly changing the proportions of the details.
How to make a pattern yourself
First, determine how many individual elements will sew your character. The body can consist of one piece, or all parts are done separately, and then stitched. The easiest way to make a head in the form of a ball is to use a shred of elastic nylon, for example, a piece of golf or pantyhose. In this case, you will quickly make a doll-pump-head. A pattern for the head will not be needed at all. To sew all the details of cotton fabric, you will have to cut out the elements of the head, from which the ball (petals) or the three-dimensional part with the spout will sew.
With all the other parts of the problems will not arise. They are easy to make.
How to sew a pumpkin doll
Patterns, as you can see, you can take ready or create yourself. Consider briefly the sequence of creating the product itself. So, the work goes as follows:
- Cut out the part templates from the paper.
- Lay the elements on fabric optimally sparingly.
- Pin with pins.
- Circle the workpiece along the contour and draw the allowances on the seams.
- Cut out all the elements of the product.
- Stitch each part on the left side, leaving a hole for eversion and packing.
- Turn out the stitched element, fill it with sintepon or other filler, sew up the hole.
- When all the elements of the doll are prepared, combine them into a single whole.
- Embroider or paint with acrylic paints with a preliminary coating of the fabric with PVA glue as a face primer.
- For dolls-people make a hairdress, for example, from a yarn of suitable color.
- Sew separately detached clothing or sew fixed parts directly onto the body workpiece.
- Decorate if necessary with additional decor (tie ribbons, glue bows, beads, give in handles or paws of a flower, a basket, etc.).
The doll is ready to decorate the interior of your house or go to visit your relatives and acquaintances.
As you can see, it is not at all difficult to make patterns of doll-pumpkins yourself. So if you decide to sew an exclusive thing, you can not use a ready-made template, but develop it for yourself.
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