HealthHealthy Eating

Choose foods rich in fiber for your daily diet

Nutritionists say that every day on the table of each person must be foods high in fiber. What is fiber, and what is the use of it? These are vegetable fibers, which, unlike fat, carbohydrates and proteins, are not digested and not digested by the body, but are almost completely unchanged from it. There is another characteristic feature of these fibers: some of them are dissolved in water, and some are not. Those that do not dissolve are natural "mechanical" cleaners of the body, they push food through the esophagus, increasing the volume of feces, softening them, easily removing them from the intestines. The water-soluble cellulose, turning into a jelly-like mass, promotes the elimination of toxins and cholesterol, as a result the vessels are cleaned, the pressure normalizes. Another property of soluble fibers in slowing down the absorption of sugar, which is beneficial to people with diabetes.

Foods rich in fiber insoluble are wholemeal, nuts, bran and vegetables. Soluble fibers are found in beans, apples, citrus fruits and carrots.

The daily requirement for fiber depends on the age and sex of the person. Thus, for children aged 5 to 9, 25 grams of fiber per day are sufficient, men between 18 and 50 years old are 38-40 grams, at a more mature age (55 to 70 years), their number in the daily diet can be reduced to 30 Grams per day. Women in young and middle age are recommended to consume up to 25 grams of dietary fiber per day, in more mature - up to 20 grams. To saturate the body with the necessary amount of useful fiber, soluble and insoluble, the daily diet should be as varied as possible. What foods are high in fiber?

The largest quantity of plant fibers is found in avocado, grapefruit, blueberries and raspberries, bananas and pears. Foods rich in fiber are carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, green beans and peas. Many useful fibers contain dishes made from leafy cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini and zucchini. Insoluble fiber in large quantities is found in grain bread, in buns with bran, wild rice. It is plentiful in almonds, pumpkin and flaxseed, in sunflower seeds and peanuts. But the greatest number of fibers contain dishes made of lentils, beans and black beans.

Foods rich in fiber - vegetables and fruits - are recommended to be consumed in a natural way and preferably with a skin, as in juices, mashed potatoes and canned foods a smaller amount of these essential substances. It is very useful to at least partially replace white bread with bran rolls, and white rice - wild black. Also, for a healthier diet, it is recommended that two meals a week be eaten from legumes, replacing them with meat. Replacing traditional products with foods rich in fiber should be gradual. You should not abruptly change the habitual diet, this can lead to a malfunction in the work of the stomach and intestines, because these organs also need a certain adaptation to more rough food. It is also very important to eat plenty of water every day and not to dehydrate the body. Insoluble fiber works well only in combination with a liquid, otherwise, it not only does not relieve the constipation, but can aggravate it, tightly corking the intestine.

Separately, it should be said about how foods rich in fiber affect weight loss. It has already been said that food fibers cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, lower the level of sugar and insulin in the blood, which prevents the accumulation of fat. In addition, they simply satiate well, reduce the feeling of hunger, and, consequently, the daily intake of food.

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