
Children's insurance against accidents and diseases. Compulsory accident insurance for children

When a child comes into the world, the life of the family changes completely. Now the parents are not responsible for themselves, but for the new life that they let into this world. In the process of growing up, a small man very often faces many dangers and unforeseen situations. That is why the society increasingly raises the question of what it is necessary to introduce compulsory insurance of children against accidents. From dangerous and critical situations, of course, it does not save, but to help parents cope with the consequences of the policy is quite possible.

However, compulsory insurance has many opponents - according to some experts, this infringes some of the civil rights of a person, because everyone has the right to decide whether he needs insurance or not. Clearly, until the moment of their majority, this decision must be made by the parents.

Who needs an insurance policy

To date, accident insurance for children of school and preschool age is voluntary.

An accident is an unforeseeable, unpredictable circumstance that does not depend on the insured's desire, resulting in a permanent or temporary disability. From the above, it is clear that, although nobody wants to attack this very event, everyone must protect themselves from its consequences. This is the essence of the insurance policy - if your child, God forbid, anything happens, the insurance company will share the responsibility, at least material, with you.

Insurance for the child can be paid due to:

  • Traumatic injury - getting bruises, fractures, sprains and dislocations, damage to internal organs;
  • Temporary unforeseen health disorders - poisonings, burns and other similar diseases;
  • Occurrence of disability of any degree;
  • Death of an underage child.

An insurance contract can be entered into with respect to a child from one year to 17 years of age.

The subtleties of the child's insurance contract

You can buy a policy right after the birth of the child, the contract can be concluded for one year or for several years. It usually provides for the payment of compensation in the event that the child is injured by an unforeseen situation and needs medical care. The insurance does not cover usual illnesses of type ORVI, except for those cases when illness has arisen owing to approach of accident. For example, if a child accidentally gets poisoned and, as a result, has an ulcer, the insurance company will pay for the treatment of this disease.

Also, some features also have accident insurance for children in sports. Here you need to be very careful, especially those parents whose children are engaged in traumatic sports - karate, football, boxing, gymnastics and so on. The thing is, what matters is what exactly the conditions are prescribed in the contract. One option may be insurance for the period of participation in competitions - this insurance is cheaper, but it will not cover the costs of treating the injury received in a regular training session.

Polis. What are they like?

Now let's talk about what exactly can be the insurance of children from an accident. All VHI policies (voluntary health insurance) can be divided into groups depending on the period of validity, the age of the child, and, of course, the list of insurance cases.

Any insurance institution will offer you at least two programs:

  • Round-the-clock policy;
  • Temporary insurance.

As the name implies, in the first case, the policy will cover the costs of treating a trauma received by the child at any time of the day. A temporary policy protects your child, for example, in such cases:

  • In the evening, during walks;
  • During a visit to a certain lesson - chemistry, physical education, labor training;
  • For the period of stay in kindergarten or school;
  • During a visit to the sports section.

In addition to the usual insurance and policies for active children attending sports sections, there is another program that helps protect your child for many years. This is the so-called funded insurance. The essence of such a program is as follows:

  • Parents conclude with the insurance institution a long-term contract, for example, before the coming of age of the child;
  • Monthly, during the entire period of time, parents transfer to the account of the insurance company a small amount specified in the contract;
  • At the time of occurrence of the insured event the company covers the costs of the child's treatment and makes all the payments due;
  • If nothing happened during the entire period of the contract with the insured child, that is, the policy was not useful, the company pays all the amount contributed by the parents.

It is this type of insurance that is gaining the most popularity today, as it not only protects the child, but also allows you to accumulate a fairly impressive amount, for example, for his training.

Insurance of schoolchildren

Especially relevant is the insurance of children against accidents and illnesses during their visits to educational institutions. Although teachers answer the school for the child, they are simply physically unable to keep track of so many children at the same time. Have you ever seen a student who can sit in one place at the time of a call from a lesson or a child who never runs or jerks a pigtail or a knapsack like that? Probably there are such, but it is, rather, an exception.

That is why many insurance institutions offer special policies that guarantee additional protection to your child during school hours. The duration of such policies usually makes up the academic year - 9 months. They guarantee payment in the event that the child is injured in the school, but on the way to school and back your child remains unprotected.

Cost of the policy

The insurance of children from an accident can include many risky items. It is on their number will depend on the cost of the policy. The more points you want to include in the contract, the more expensive you will have to pay.

The cost of an insurance policy can start from 100-150 rubles per month, the highest bar can be 20-30 thousand rubles a year or more. What to choose and how much to pay - you decide.

How to reduce the cost of a policy

As you already understood, the insurance of children and schoolchildren from accidents can be both quite cheap and very expensive. If you do not lack money, very well. And what about those who want to insure their child, but not financially well-off? There are several ways to reduce the cost of a policy. Here are some of them:

  1. Try to organize collective insurance, for example, conduct a conversation among parents and insure the whole class immediately. In this case, you can expect a significant discount.
  2. Carefully read the contract and exclude from it those items that do not suit you. For example, many companies make compulsory vaccination or a monthly course of a health massage.
  3. Eliminate dental services from insurance cases - it is very expensive, it is easier to treat them yourself if necessary.
  4. Pay attention to the franchise - this is the minimum amount, the costs of which are not reimbursed. For example, if the franchise is 500 rubles, and the treatment of the injury cost less, then the insurance company does not owe you anything. If the treatment costs, for example, 800 rubles, then the policy will cover only the difference - 300. If the franchise is not - insurance is more expensive.

How much can I get

The life insurance of a child from accidents provides for partial or full payments, all depends on the severity of the injury received. The maximum compensation is usually provided in case of disability or death. Undoubtedly, the less the policy cost, the lower the amount of insurance payment. It can be roughly calculated as follows - the cost of the policy is approximately 0.5 to 1.5% of the payment, relying in case of an insured event. However, there is an unspoken rule - the alleged compensation can not be more than 2 million rubles.

What you need to do to receive insurance payment

Compensation under a contract with any insurance company does not depend on how many more such contracts have been concluded with other institutions. This means that you can purchase a policy in two or three different companies, and after the occurrence of an insured event get a payment in each of them.

The insurance of children from an accident usually provides that from the moment of the incident you are obliged to notify the company within three days about this in any way that is available to you.

In order to receive payment, you need to provide in the UK:

  • Contract;
  • insurance policy;
  • Document confirming the occurrence of an insured event.

Such documents may include:

  • Certificate from the emergency station;
  • Medical statement from a medical or outpatient card;
  • Confirmation of the expert medical board on the appointment of disability of any category;
  • Certificate of the death of the insured (copy + original).

Also, the insurance company can request additional documents confirming the occurrence of the insured event.

How to make an agreement

The insurance of children from an accident, as well as any other type of insurance, is quite a simple matter. You will need to perform a number of simple actions:

  • Choose an insurance company;
  • Carefully study all options and terms of service (preliminary consultation can be obtained by phone or visiting the company's website);
  • Select the appropriate insurance program;
  • Prepare a package of documents necessary for the conclusion of the contract (usually only a passport and a birth certificate of the child are needed);
  • Conclude the contract and pay it.

As you can see, everything is very simple and in practice rarely takes more than half an hour.

Choose an insurance program

If you still decided to arrange child insurance against an accident, the reviews of those who have already used the services of a particular IC will help you make the right choice. What to look for:

  1. Choose an organization with a proven track record, read reviews about it from other customers. Especially pay attention to the negative - it is usually they describe all the "pitfalls".
  2. Before concluding a contract, think again and try to assess impartially the personal qualities of your child. If your baby is an active person who can be in four places at the same time, choose the program that best covers all the risks. If you are lucky enough to have a child with an average or minimum level of activity, the program with a basic set of parameters is quite suitable.

Some parents lightly think that child insurance is a senseless waste of money. Of course, each of us hopes that nothing bad will happen to him, let alone to his child. However, it is better to protect the child from accidents as much as possible.

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