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Chest pain on the right - a symptom of many diseases

Most of our compatriots employed at work prefer to visit the doctor very rarely. We are used to not paying attention to a mild cold, toothache, joint pains or chest cramps. Visiting a doctor we often prefer self-medication, and prescribe the medicine ourselves.

In vain. Pain is the first signal that the body's work has been disturbed, this is his reaction to the problem that has arisen.

By the nature and localization of unpleasant sensations, it is impossible to determine the disease: many diseases have the same symptoms.

For example, aching pain in the chest can occur with tuberculosis, pleurisy, infarction, lung tumors. With a lung tumor, its character is unstable as well as localization. Stitching, sharp, pressing or aching unpleasant paresthesia can be felt behind the sternum on the right or left, give in the stomach or shoulder. To determine what exactly is the cause, only a specialist can. To make a diagnosis, he will have to conduct a patient examination.

The pain on the right also does not allow to recognize a disease that threatens a person. It can be with pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis, diseases of the spine or pulmonary embolism. An infarct, a stomach ulcer, even an ordinary constipation often accompanies the pain in the thorax to the right.

On the other hand, the symptoms of all diseases are strictly individual in specific people. Sometimes they can be undetected for a long time, because they are very weakly expressed. And sometimes the disease manifests atypical. For example, one of the signs of a heart attack is a burning pain in the chest. However, a certain contingent during the infarction does not feel pressure and pressure behind the sternum, and acute colic, spasms of the throat, etc. This atypical course of the disease only complicates the diagnosis and treatment.

Pain in the chest on the right requires urgent consultation with a doctor, because it can signal the appearance of a severe deviation - spontaneous pneumothorax: air accumulation in the middle of the pleural cavity. Usually, pneumothorax occurs on the background of tuberculosis, emphysema or other diseases, accompanied by the destruction (destruction) of lung tissue. Nevertheless, the condition can arise in a healthy person. With pneumothorax, there is a sharp pain in the thorax to the right, severe shortness of breath, sweating, intense arousal.

Cutting, colic on the right side of the sternum can occur with croupous pneumonia. Usually it is an acute or cutting pain, which is worse when inhaled or coughing. To reduce discomfort, many try to curb cough, less breathe, making shallow breaths. Such methods only exacerbate the condition, and if untimely appeal to a specialist, the death of the sick person may occur.

What should I do if I feel pain in the chest on the right, behind the breastbone, anywhere else?

First of all, you can not take an unknown medicine. Very often colleagues offer pills that help them. However, this does not mean that they will be harmless to another person.

With severe pain, you should try to calm down, relax, sit down, adjust even breathing.

If the sensations increase, you should call an ambulance. With tolerant sensations, you can go to the clinic yourself.

Sometimes painful sensations are provoked not by a specific, but by a psychosomatic disease. This means that the pain in the chest on the right or any other place can be caused by a nervous breakdown or breakdown. If so, the attending physician may prescribe a consultation with a neurologist or psychotherapist.

You can avoid serious illnesses only if you carefully assess the condition of the body, listen to its tips, take timely measures to improve it.

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