Food and drinkRecipes

What can be prepared from minced meat except for cutlets and meatballs?

To tastily feed the family and make the daily diet as varied as possible, a good housewife should know every possible application of any product. After all, even ready-made semi-finished products are often used in different ways. For example, what can be prepared from minced meat except for cutlets, if this dish is already tired of all household members? There are a lot of different options, each of which should be told separately.

Cheeseburger pasta

In every national cuisine you can find dishes that match any requests. For example, American women for a long time do not rack their brains over what can be prepared from minced meat except for cutlets. They have for this purpose an excellent recipe called "Cheeseburger pasta". To prepare this dish, the following ingredients are needed: 500 grams of minced meat (preferably a mixture of pork and beef), 2 cups of chicken broth, a tablespoon of hot tomato sauce, 300 grams of tomatoes, macaroni and Maasdam cheese, a glass of whole milk, 60 grams of flour And 40 grams of butter.

Everything is done very quickly:

  1. First, mince should be lightly fried in a pan, and then add broth and sauce to it.
  2. Once the mass boils, cover the pasta and cook them under the lid until it is ready.
  3. You can spend your free time preparing sauce. To do this, melt the butter, add flour to it and fry it, stirring, until tender golden color. Then you need to pour the milk, and after boiling add grated cheese, pepper and salt.
  4. Ready to pour the sauce over the pasta and mix everything well.

This dish will be a great answer to the question, what can be cooked from minced meat other than cutlets. In addition, all actions take no more than half an hour.

"The royal dinner"

A dish with this name for many will be a real discovery. Nevertheless, in time, they will be able to tell others with pleasure what can be prepared from minced meat except for cutlets. The recipe requires the following ingredients: 5 eggs, 2 slices of bread, 500 grams of minced meat, salt, a glass of milk, 2 onions, 80 grams of smoked cheese, ground pepper, 2 carrots, a kilo of potatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise and 35 grams Vegetable oil.

The cooking instruction contains several items:

  1. First, bread should be arbitrarily broken into pieces and, having put them in a bowl, pour the milk.
  2. In another bowl, add the peeled potatoes cut into large cubes. Add pepper, mayonnaise, salt, butter, mix everything and leave for marinating for 15 minutes.
  3. Warm up the loosened bread, and then pass it through the meat grinder along with the carrots, onion and garlic.
  4. Add 1 egg and turn the products into a homogeneous mixture.
  5. The mass is divided into 4 parts. From each piece, form a cake, making a small depression in the center.
  6. Cover the foil with a foil. Place meat on the edges. The rest of the free place is filled with marinated potatoes.
  7. In the deepening of flat cakes put pieces of cheese and break one egg.

After that, the pan should be sent to the oven and baked food there at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

Visual confirmation

It is best for training to use recipes from minced meat with a photo. So it's easier to learn the information. When there is a clear picture before your eyes, many moments become noticeably clear. Take, for example, the recipe for "Rolls in bacon".

The working process involved the following ingredients: 300 grams of chicken fillet, a slice of brioche, salt, milk, a few walnuts and prunes, 100 grams of smoked bacon and ground pepper.

The whole procedure is as follows:

  1. First, the fillet must be ground in a meat grinder.
  2. At this time, the bread is soaked in milk, and then add it to the meat along with pepper and salt, making a soft stuffing.
  3. Prunes and nuts gently knife and mix.
  4. Forcemeat, make cakes.
  5. In the center of each of them put the walnut mass and wrap the edges.
  6. Wrap the resulting blanks with bacon strips and fold them into a mold.

The final stage will be baking at a temperature of at least 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Fragrant rolls before serving can also be decorated with chopped greens on a plate.

Juicy zrazy

In the culinary books recipes from minced meat with a photo are presented by another interesting variant called "Zrazy" Bird's Milk. " To prepare it you will need: ½ cup of flour, 2 eggs, 50 grams of cheese, 300 grams of minced meat, pepper, slice of white bread, a tablespoon of butter, a third of a glass of milk and a little salt.

Preparing this dish is extremely simple:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to feed mince with bread through a meat grinder, and then add pepper and salt to the received mass. It will serve as the basis for future remedies.
  2. To prepare the filling, you need to boil 1 egg, and then grate it with cheese. To taste, if desired, you can add a little salt and pepper.
  3. To prepare zrazy on the palm put a piece of minced meat. In the middle place the filling and wrap it with meat, forming a kind of cutlets.
  4. From 1 egg, milk, salt, flour and pepper to cook.
  5. Each billet dipped in egg mass, and then fry on both sides in a hot pan.

To the full readiness zrazy need to bring in the oven at 220 degrees. This will take no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise the clay will contract and dry.

Where to apply the seafood?

But what if there is only minced fish available? What can I cook except for cutlets? To this question, for example, the Japanese have one answer. They are most likely to be asked to make sushi. But some Russian housewives have a different opinion on this. An excellent application for fish semi-finished products is casserole. Doing it is easy. As additional ingredients will only need: potatoes, onions, salt, carrots and any spices.

The whole process can be divided into three parts:

  1. Preparation of products. Onions and carrots must be finely chopped. Potatoes can also be crumbled or made from it a gentle puree.
  2. Assembly. In the oiled form the layers put the prepared foods in the following order: minced - carrots - onions - potatoes. So you can repeat it several times.
  3. Baking. The form is sent to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. For full availability it will take no more than half an hour.

And that the crust was more tender and fragrant, it can be pre-coated with a little sour cream. And formochki it is better to take a la carte.

Slow baking

There are still no less interesting recipes with minced meat. In the oven, such dishes are much more convenient to cook than on the stove. It's about stuffed vegetables. Very tasty zucchini with a filling under a cheese fragrant crust turns out. For their preparation it is necessary to have: for 1 large zucchini 0,5 kg of ground beef, 3 onions, 100 grams of mayonnaise, a bunch of greens, salt, 200 grams of cheese, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and ground pepper.

Work should take place in the following order:

  1. Zucchini cut along into 2 halves and carefully clean out of it all the seeds. Both "boats" put in a roasting dish.
  2. To prepare the filling, chop the onions together with the greens with a blender. After this, the resulting mass together with salt and pepper add to the stuffing and mix well.
  3. Grooves in the zucchini fill with cooked stuffing.
  4. Prepare the sauce from grated cheese, pasta and mayonnaise. Lubricate the surface of the stuffed halves.
  5. The form should be placed in the oven for 40 minutes. At the same time, the temperature of the air inside must be at least 200 degrees.

Zucchini has a more dense structure, so it will be ready at the last. It is for this vegetable to control the end of the process.

In Italian style

Lasagna is a national Italian dish, which is very popular in the country. The rest can also join the local culture. For this, there is a simple recipe for homemade lasagna with minced meat.

It takes only 1 hour of free time and the presence of the following necessary ingredients: 300 grams of minced meat, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a mixture of dried herbs (parsley, oregano, basil, mint and marjoram), 200 grams of lasagna pasta, as much grated cheese, Half a glass of chopped onions, a can of tomatoes in its own juice, ¼ teaspoon of pepper and salt.

The cooking process takes place in three stages:

  1. The most important thing is the filling. Therefore, first the onion should be lightly fried in oil. After that, add the mince and put the products together in a frying pan for 10 minutes. Next, spices, herbs and vegetables are introduced. Tomatoes can be cut beforehand. The fragrant mass should be left for about 5 minutes.
  2. Deeply lined with strips of lasagna. Then lay a third of the prepared filling. This procedure must be repeated 3 times. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese.
  3. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

A ready dish can be divided into pieces and boldly served to the table.

In the spirit of the times

The rhythm of modern life is so high that sometimes there is absolutely no time to prepare some complex dishes. In the freezer, of course, there can be a piece of minced meat, but to make something delicious from it is simply no time. In such a case every landlady must have her own secret recipe. In fact, you can prepare very interesting dishes from minced meat in a hurry. For one of these options it is necessary: for 500 grams of minced meat, 4 eggs, 100 grams of flour and as much hard cheese, half a glass of milk, 2 tomatoes, a teaspoon of vinegar, 4 grams of soda, 2 onions, salt, and a little greens, pepper And vegetable oil.

Everything is done very simply:

  1. Mince with onion, salt and pepper fry in a pan, and then put out for 5 minutes.
  2. From eggs, milk and flour knead the batter. Add salt, soda, pepper and a little vinegar, and then pour the mass onto a baking sheet and bake it in the oven at 200 degrees for 3 minutes.
  3. On top of the prepared omelette lay minced meat, chopped herbs, and then sprinkle all the grated cheese and send again in the oven for 15 minutes.

It turns out an original and quite delicious "omelet-pizza".

Dietary balls

People who closely monitor their health, very often choose dishes from chicken ground meat. Recipes-photos, however, can not convey the full benefit of the finished product. Nevertheless, they demonstrate very colorfully, both the intermediate stages and the final result. Take, for example, meatballs. If you add a little vegetables to the tender meat of a bird, you will get just magic balls. For cooking, you need: for half a kilo of minced meat a piece of white bread, 200 grams of spinach, onion, 50 milliliters of milk, salt, 1 carrot, 300 grams of tomato sauce, 2 cloves of garlic, a bunch of fresh herbs, ground pepper and a quarter of a glass of vegetable oil.

Cooking should be as follows:

  1. First, the bread should be soaked in milk, and then mix it with meat, spinach and herbs, adding a little pepper and salt.
  2. From the prepared mixture roll balls, lightly fry them in oil and lay them separately on a plate.
  3. In the same frying pan fry the onions with garlic.
  4. Add finely chopped carrots, and later add the sauce.
  5. In the prepared mixture, shift the meatballs and continue to simmer them for 15 minutes.

To the table such fragrant balls can be served with rice or pasta. At the same time, the load on the body will be minimal.

Stuffed Tomatoes

As practice shows, many people prefer to prepare dishes from forcemeat. Recipes "fast and tasty" have always enjoyed immense popularity. Among them, a special place is occupied by famous stuffed tomatoes. Moreover, they will need very little for their preparation: fresh tomatoes, onions, minced meat, garlic, cheese and some bread.

Preparation is quick, and without much effort:

  1. The first step is to prepare the filling. To do this, first the bread crumb should be slightly soaked in water.
  2. After that, it should be squeezed and, together with onions, minced meat and garlic, pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the pulp from each part.
  4. Fill the space with cooked meat mixture.
  5. Top with a piece of grated cheese.
  6. Stuff the halves carefully on a baking tray and send to the oven for 20 minutes.

The mistress will not have time to look back, as a juicy and fragrant dish will be ready.

Juicy cabbage rolls

The most popular are recipes from minced meat. There are so many of them that it is possible to list all the names for a very long time. Separately, you can note all your favorite cabbage rolls. There are many options for their preparation. As an example, you can consider one of them, which requires: 1 head of Peking cabbage, 700 grams of minced pork, 2 carrots, 5 tablespoons of sour cream and tomato sauce, 2 glasses of water, 0.5 kg of mushrooms, salt, ¾ cup steamed Rice and red ground pepper.

The technology of the process is as follows:

  1. First, the head is to be divided into leaves, removing the lower solid part from it.
  2. Then lower them for 5-6 minutes in hot water.
  3. Rice boil until half cooked. Shred the carrots with onion and chopped mushrooms. Add all these products together with the spices to the minced meat and cook the flavored stuffing. She must stand up a little.
  4. For each cabbage leaf on one side put a little stuffing, and then twist it in any convenient way.
  5. Prepared semifinished products in this way, put them in a deep saucepan.
  6. Add fillings from sour cream, water, sauce and spices.
  7. Stew on low heat for at least 1 hour.

Serve hot cabbage on the table with fragrant filling. In addition, you can put a spoonful of sour cream in the dish.

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