
The drug "Growth-norm": instructions, composition, reviews

The main causes of a deficiency in the body of calcium are inefficient nutrition and various pathological changes in which its absorption in the intestine is impaired.

And when, with a small intake of this trace element with food, hypovitaminosis also takes place, then this state develops with even greater speed. Also, the functioning of the thyroid and parathyroid glands affects the metabolism of calcium.

This micronutrient is also necessary for pathologies such as allergic changes in the blood coagulation system for chronic and acute their course, skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.). Requires additional calcium intake in the body and such physiological conditions as pregnancy, phases of active growth, etc.

general characteristics

"Growth-rate" is an integrated homeopathic remedy. Basic physical and chemical properties: this preparation is granules for use under the tongue, which dissolve in water. They are sweet to the taste, have a white color with a gray or cream tinge.

"Growth-norm". Composition

The product contains preparations from mineral raw materials: calcium carbonate (Calcium carbonicum) 30 CH, calcium carbonate (Calcium carbonicum) 1000CH at a dose of 20 mg, calcium phosphate (Calcium phosphoricum) 1000CH at a dose of 20 mg, calcium fluoride (Calcium fluoricum) 500 CH in a dose 20 mg, silicic acid (Silicea) 1000 CH at a dose of 20 mg.

An auxiliary substance is sugar grits.

Form of release of the drug "Growth rate"

The photo and the instruction testify that this remedy refers to those that are issued only in the form of homeopathic granules.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

The substance "Growth-norm" refers to substances acting on metabolic processes in the body.

The instruction for use says that this drug is used to regulate mineral metabolism, optimize the formation of bone tissue in the trauma of the musculoskeletal system, anti-inflammatory effect, create conditions for better wound healing, improve the results of surgical interventions (for example, plastic) on the bones, normalize the activity Digestive system, flora in the intestine, antiallergic, immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory actions.

In young children, the drug is used to restore the function of the central, autonomic nervous system, improve mental development.

There is a "Growth-rate" due to the summation of the effects of monopreparations, which are part of this medication.

Calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, calcium fluoride contribute to the restoration of mineral metabolism, better absorption of microelements in the intestine, easy entry of the latter into the bone and optimization of distribution in some areas of the support system, thereby creating conditions for physiological growth. Also, the drug has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect (reduces the risk of infection and damage to the child's body by viruses), a sufficient effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (dyspeptic phenomena are eliminated, allergies to food are reduced, in particular, to milk consumption, both digestion And digestion, biocenosis of the intestine is established). In addition, the drug has a regulating effect on calcium intake in the brain.

Silicea plays a role in the exchange of silicon in the body, in the normalization of the state of the nervous system, in optimizing the correlation of the processes of both excitation and inhibition in the cortical structures of the hemispheres, and improves the trophism of all tissues.


Kinetic studies of the drug were not carried out for the reason that its effect is due to the summation of the effects of the components.

Indications for use

The drug is used in a complex way in the following cases:

  • Therapy of the pathology of phosphoric-calcium metabolic processes for patients of all ages, including children;
  • Optimization of the development of the musculoskeletal system, in particular during the period of intensive growth;
  • Prevention and treatment of rickets, scoliosis, dental caries, osteoporosis;
  • Improvement of reparative processes of soft tissues and bone apparatus in case of traumatic lesion (and even operational);
  • Immunosuppressive conditions of children's organisms.

Doses of the drug

As already mentioned above, the agent is not prescribed in monotherapy, that is, its use is possible only in the complex treatment of a particular pathological condition.

So, in the preoperative period, patients use this drug with short courses in 8-10 days, distributing the daily dose for 3-6 doses during the day.

In cases of traumatic injuries, as well as in the complex treatment of osteomyelitis, the duration of therapy is 2 weeks - a month. The drug is taken 2-6-fold a day up to the normalization of the condition (healing of wounds, formation of bone callus in fractures).

Chronic pathology of the osseous system requires a longer application of the remedy - from several months to several years (1 dose in 2 or 3 days).

With the purpose of prevention and treatment of rickets or scoliosis, it is recommended to take 1 time for 2-3 days with long-term courses (from 3 to 6 months) "Growth-norm".

Instruction for infants recommends taking 3 older babies and adolescents - 5 granules per day. The drug should be taken 15-30 minutes before meals or an hour and a half after eating. The oral form of the drug should be placed under the tongue, in childhood it is permissible to resorption or wash down with a small portion of water.


Among the contraindications to the use of the drug is listed only the individual intolerance of the components that make up its composition.

Side effects

Only single allergic manifestations are possible with increased sensitivity to the constituent substances of the drug.


The use of this medication has no negative consequences and does not require antidote therapy.

Interaction with other substances

Combinations of this drug with various drugs and methods of treatment are completely permissible. This applies to substances such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins. However, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to ensure that the time interval between doses is not less than half an hour.

Necessary information

For 10 grams, the drug "Growth-norm" is packed in pellets placed in a plastic pencil case and cardboard package.

Instructions, reviews inform you that storage of the product is possible only in a dry place at a temperature appropriate to the room (the location of the medicine should be absolutely inaccessible to children).

In the pharmacy network, this drug can be purchased without a prescription.

The shelf life should not exceed three years when storing the drug "Growth-Norm."

The experts' testimonies testify that pregnancy and lactation period are relative contraindications for the purpose of the remedy, but its application is possible only after proper medical consultation. The doctor assesses the relationship between use for the mother's organism and the estimated risk for the fetus or infants.

Patients with diabetes should be informed that the preparation includes sugar grits as an auxiliary component. The appointment should be made only after consulting a doctor.

The use of this tool is not a potential hazard in the case of vehicle control or other mechanisms, since the use of the "Growth-Norm" means does not affect the rate of reactions.

For children, the instruction of this remedy indicates that the drug is applicable in therapy regimens.

Comments of doctors and patients mark high efficiency of the drug.

Research data

When observing children up to six months with early clinical signs of rickets, which were manifested by neurologic symptoms (sleep disturbance in the form of its shallow form and insufficient duration, anxiety, irritability, sweating in the nape of the neck), positive dynamics in the normalization of metabolic processes were noted.

After using the drug in the amount of 3 granules before feeding in 1-2 doses per day (without supplementation with vitamin therapy), repeated examinations by children's physicians indicated that almost every child had efficacy. Children have normalized all phases of sleep, decreased irritability, tearfulness. This manifested itself after a week of therapy. From the 3rd week after the beginning of treatment, sweating in the occipital region decreased. Also, moms noted improvement in appetite, normalization of the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In children who suffered from manifestations of exudative-catarrhal form of diathesis, there was a significant positive dynamics in the condition of the skin. The use of the drug in all children was noted for good tolerability. Undesirable manifestations during the period of therapy were not observed.

Thus, complex treatment with the appointment of this tool in diagnosing manifestations of early rickets (neurological symptoms) proved to be quite effective. There was a decrease in pathological manifestations from the side of the central nervous system and the vegetative parts of the nervous system.

The drug is well tolerated by patients, it is convenient to use, side effects are extremely rare.

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