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Celery leaf. Useful properties of the plant

Celery is a herbaceous biennial that reaches a height of up to 100 cm. It has a straight stem and bright green leaves. In the first year of life, the celery forms only a rosette rosette. High stems grow only to the next spring. In the wild, this cold-resistant plant is found in the southern regions. From it there are cultural forms.

There are three varieties of cultivated plants: celery leaf, root and petiolate. In many countries, the plant is used as a seasoning for dishes. Leaf celery has a very branched and powerful root system. Rosette is larger than other species. The leaves are also different. They are more delicate, their petioles are ribbed, fragile, hollow inside.

What is useful celery leaf? The plant contains essential and fatty oils. They also give it a specific smell and taste. Leaves and green shoots are richer in vitamins than roots. They are used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. Fresh juice from them is drunk for weight loss and used in the form of lotions for the treatment of external wounds. Tea made from leaves and seeds is especially useful to people aged with constipation. Also, celery effectively removes slag from the body. Its leaves and roots contain furokumariny, which have an anti-cancer effect. Strengthening of the heart muscle is also well promoted by celery leaf. Its useful properties, however, directly depend on the environment under which it was grown and collected. The climate, fertility and composition of the soil, the phase of development, the prevailing vegetation, the position under the sun - everything matters.

Celery leaf: contraindications

This plant, like any other, has not only useful properties. In some cases, it is capable of doing harm. So, pregnant women and mothers who breastfeed their infants, celery is contraindicated. Also, you should not eat it after bites of snakes, spiders, scorpions, since it increases the effect of poison.

Celery leaf. Useful properties for diabetes mellitus

A glass of boiling water pour 20 g of grass and cook for 15 minutes. After cooling and straining, the infusion is drunk three times a day for 40-60 ml.

Celery leaf. Useful properties with a decrease in potency

The fact that the plant favorably affects the potency, was noticed in ancient times. There is a legend according to which Tristan and Isolde took a drink of love, which, along with other ingredients, included celery juice. So, to increase the potency, you need to take 100 grams of celery leaves and fennel seeds and pour this mixture with white dry wine (1 liter). It is necessary to insist it for a month, without forgetting to shake it daily. Take a strained tincture should be ¾ cup after eating.

Celery leaf. Useful properties in gynecology

For women, the plant helps to get rid of painful menstruation. To this end, they need to take twice a day (you can, and before meals, and after some time after it) a third of a glass of juice from the leaves and stems of celery. Thanks to the normalization of hormonal activity, celery can be considered an excellent means to overcome female infertility.

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