Spiritual development, Mystic
Homemade plant chlorophytum: signs and superstitions
Houseplants have densely entered the life of man. They are able to decorate the home, as well as improve the microflora inside the premises. When choosing a new flower, the owners are guided by certain taste preferences. Some like exotic plants, which complement certain types of interior. Many like blossoming varieties.
But recently, people have begun to pay increased attention to the signs associated with the plant. They have been invented a lot recently. What properties possesses chlorophytum, signs and superstitions about which are known to many owners, should be considered before purchase. Perhaps this will allow paying attention to some features of your home and improve its microclimate.
general characteristics
Homemade chlorophytum (the photo is presented further) has a mass of useful qualities. This plant can often be found in public institutions.
At home, the flower has a much more well-groomed appearance. Therefore, it should be considered as an option for his home, even if the plant in the public reception office once did not like.
Because of its sharp leaves, chlorophytum has received many different names. The most famous of them are the "green lily", "the flying Dutchman", "the wife of the veil". No matter how they call it, the decorative qualities of the plant can not be taken away.
This herb is a perennial type. His stalk is drooped. The leaves fall in beams. Their shape is linear or slightly curled. Leaves in chlorophytum of the radical type.
The plant blooms pretty beautifully. Loose pellets have a white color. They consist of small flowers. Well-developed representatives of the species possess a large number of hanging stems. They have sockets.
Homemade chlorophytum has a rather elegant, lush appearance. This is probably due to the cascade structure. The plant looks like a green fountain. If its leaves are twisted, the shape is even more magnificent.
Thanks to its unpretentious care, chlorophytum is well established almost everywhere. But if you fulfill even the most elementary requirements, you can get a really luxurious plant. Even with some mistakes in the care of chlorophytum, he does not cease to please owners with their blooming appearance.
Several species of chlorophytum are represented in our country. Its sheets can be wide or narrow. Their coloration is monophonic or striped. The most popular are compact varieties. They can easily find a place in a small apartment.
In our country the variegated varieties of chlorophytum are more in demand. In addition to its attractive appearance, the plant is known for its positive effect on the human body. This is another reason why you should buy chlorophytum home.
Beneficial features
A mass of positive characteristics is possessed by the plant represented in the image below. Chlorophytum (photo), the use of which has been proven by research scientists, is able to improve the quality of oxygen in the apartment.
This plant is recommended to grow in the inhabitants of megacities, contaminated areas. Literally in a few hours, chlorophytum can eliminate about 80% of the pathogenic microflora around itself. He has no equal in the fight against bacteria. The flower is also able to eliminate various contaminants, toxins that are present in the air. Scientists have proved that chlorophytum absorbs acetone, carbon monoxide, ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde. Instead, he sends phytoncides to the room. These substances have a positive effect on the human body.
Who needs to buy chlorophytum?
The chlorophytum flower is primarily necessary for people with frequent or chronic large diseases, lung pathology. With allergies, it will also be useful to purchase this plant for your home.
The flower moisturizes and purifies the air better than the purchase technique of such a profile. This effect can be enhanced by adding activated charcoal to the pot with chlorophytum. You can also have several flowers at once.
Some owners buy this plant to fight the fungus on the walls, mold. With different types of radiation (from a microwave oven, TV, computer), it is indispensable in the children's room, bedroom and kitchen. Complete cleaning of the room of 12 m² can provide 4 adult plants that are grown in proper conditions.
Signs about the plant
A lot of beliefs and superstitions are shrouded in chlorophytum. Almost any plant accompanies the signs. But chlorophytum stands out from the general series.
Plants are susceptible to energy, which is inherent in the room. Therefore, even with proper care, but an unfavorable environment in the spiritual plan, chlorophytum is poorly growing. If its leaves are healthy, the flower develops harmoniously, it means that happiness and well-being reign in the family.
If chlorophytum began to expand, this indicates a success for its owners. Sometimes it is a symbol of favorable changes in your personal life.
Chlorophytum is similar to cobweb in its action. Catching the smallest particles of negative energy, it eliminates them. If somebody from their environment negatively affects the owners of the house, this flower becomes a protective barrier for people living in the neighborhood of chlorophytum.
Happy chlorophytum
One of the strongest in the positive effects is chlorophytum. Superstitions and omens claim that it brings happiness. People who suffer from depression, who do not get along in their personal lives or careers, are recommended to have chlorophytum.
It attracts luck. This is especially true of flowering plants. The more he shoots the shoots, the stronger will be his positive effect.
People say that this flower is able to reduce with the right people, help to arrange destiny. If the households constantly have differences and conflicts, to restore peace and restore peace to the family, this magical plant also helps. It calms and sets on friendliness and compromise. That is why chlorophytum can often be found in the reception of public institutions.
A few more features
Chlorophytum, signs and superstitions about which are known in the people, also has several interesting features. Some people argue that this plant allows you to quickly learn new information. This can be achieved by oxygenation of the atmosphere in the room.
They also say that this plant is harmful to cats. In fact, fluffy pets can specially chew the leaves of chlorophytum to induce vomiting reflex, clean the stomach of accumulated hair. Therefore, if the house has a cat, the leaves can dry because of its tricks, and not because of bad energy.
Care of the plant
If the leaves dry with chlorophytum, this is not always a sign of negative energy in the house. To avoid such trouble, you should ensure the proper care of the plant. The flower, although unpretentious, still requires due attention.
The optimum temperature regime for it is the range from 18 to 20 ºС. And the chlorophytum does not tolerate a sharp warming or cold snap.
In the summer, he needs to provide abundant watering. In the cold season, the amount of moisture should be reduced. Also, protect the flower from direct sunlight.
Species with white strips on the leaves are particularly in need of sufficient light. The western and eastern windows are best for the plant.
A few more features
Chlorophytum, signs and superstitions about which are presented to your attention in the article, requires a sufficient amount of moisture. In this case, it fully fulfills the functions assigned to it for air purification. Dry leaves that appeared on the plant, speak of improper care.
Many superstitious masters may think that this is related to the energy of the home. To draw such conclusions, first you need to pay attention to the care for chlorophytum.
It is necessary in the warm season to spray its leaves with cool water. This avoids drying out. At the same time, it is necessary to feed the flower with liquid fertilizers.
If the plant is young, it must be transplanted once a year in February or March. Adult chlorophytum requires a similar procedure every 2 years.
Following these recommendations, you can achieve a truly luxurious kind of houseplant. With its help, you can create a unique decorative effect in a variety of types of interior. Useful qualities of chlorophytum are difficult to overestimate. He is able to positively influence the physical and spiritual health of his owners.
Considering such a plant as chlorophytum, signs and superstitions about which exist among our citizens, we can say about its significant benefit. It cleans the air in the room, favorably affects the human body. This flower brings peace and peace to the family, protecting all households from negative energy, stress and depression. This is a talisman for every person, bringing happiness and luck.
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