
Can I take tea with tablets? Answer specialist

Each of us, unfortunately, is faced with a situation when it is necessary to take medicine. Banal influenza, migraine, toothache, suddenly upset intestine make us resort to taking the pill orally, that is, swallowing them. The procedure is unpleasant, but necessary.

Doctors recommend, as a rule, drink medicines with water. It is not always at hand, and sometimes you want to sweeten the reception of a bitter pill with a sweet drink. Is it worth replacing the water with tea, coffee, milk or juice?

Let's try to understand why the question: "Is it possible to drink tablets with tea or other drinks?" The answer is always one: "No!".

Tea and health

Tea is the most famous and used in the world drink after water. From one plant different types of tea are obtained: black, green, white and ulong. They differ from each other in the way of processing leaves of one plant - camellia Chinese. Tea is drunk with milk, lemon, various spices, honey. Someone likes a hot drink, but someone is pleased to refresh themselves with tea with ice.

Since ancient times, the healing properties of this plant are known. Depending on the type of tea, the beneficial properties change.

However, in all types of beverage contains:

  • Water - up to 95 percent;
  • Carbohydrates (easily soluble) - from 3 to 4.5 percent;
  • Carbohydrates insoluble - from 6 to 18 percent;
  • Caffeine - from 1.5 to 3.5 percent;
  • Lignin - from 6 to 10 percent;
  • Phenolic compounds - from 7.5 to 15 percent;
  • Mineral substances - from 3.2 to 4.2 percent;
  • Proteins - from 20 to 22 percent.

The usual black tea as a drink has the following main positive properties:

  • Promotes strengthening of cardiovascular and circulatory systems;
  • Acts antiseptically on the pathogenic flora of the gastrointestinal tract in disorders of the stomach and intestines;
  • Has toning properties;
  • Removes toxins from the body and causes sweating.

Green tea is better studied, many useful properties are attributed to it. The main ones are:

  • Antiseptic properties for colds and flu. Helps reduce high fever, stops inflammation.
  • Promotes the removal of toxins and radionuclides.
  • Relieves the condition in diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system.
  • Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, improves memory, attention.
  • Eliminates mild depression, drowsiness, invigorates and tones.
  • It is indicated for obesity.
  • It is an antioxidant.
  • Used to prevent inflammation of the oral cavity and caries.

It would seem that tea has many positive properties. Why can not it be used when taking medications?

Tea and tablets

Typically, appointing pills to the patient, the doctor pays attention to the pattern of drug use, not always recalling what should be drunk the drug. Unless otherwise prescribed, all tablets are washed down with cold boiled water in sufficient quantities.

Can I take pills with tea or coffee?

Tea and coffee contain caffeine. They well tone up the nervous system and are quite exciting drinks. If a sedative, a pressure-reducing medicine, or an antidepressant is prescribed, taking a tablet with tea or coffee will cause a strong overexcitation, insomnia or provoke an increase in blood pressure.

Tannins, with which tea is rich, in combination with some chemical substances form insoluble precipitation. They can nay reduce treatment and even cause significant damage to health (in fact a patient hardly knows how his tablet will behave when meeting with tea or coffee compounds). For example, preparations containing iron interacting with tannin form an insoluble precipitate.

Attention! You can not drink tea:

  • Alkaloids (papaverine, codeine, etc.);
  • Oral contraceptives;
  • Neuroleptics and psychotropics;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Preparations containing nitrogen;
  • Drugs that stop ulcerative processes and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cardiac and vascular drugs.

The list is far from complete. Therefore, when you have a question: "Is it possible to wash down tablets with black tea?", It is better to set aside a cup of tea and drink the drug with water. The same goes for green tea. The answer to the question: "Can I take tablets with green tea?", Negative.

Coffee and tablets

We tried to answer the question: "Can I take tea with tablets?", But maybe someone thinks that when taking the drug, coffee will be more harmless? Not at all.

It is necessary to know that coffee not only contains tonic and exciting caffeine. The effect of the drug in combination with the drink becomes unpredictable: coffee can speed up the action of the pill or slow down. All this is extremely dangerous.

Coffee drink facilitates the rapid withdrawal of antibiotics, which, when taken with it, become useless. Moreover, with the frequent use of antibiotics with coffee, the patient's body becomes insensitive to the drug of a particular group, and the doctor will have nothing left to do but replace it with a stronger one.

Drinking painkillers (aspirin, paracetamol, citramone) with coffee drinks, instead of benefiting the patient harms the liver and kidneys.

Thus, the answer to the question "Is it possible to wash down tablets with hot tea or coffee?" Is quite obvious. No you can not. First, it is difficult to predict the result of such interaction. And secondly, you do not want the tablet to dissolve right in your mouth and become completely useless?

Tablets and citrus fruits

Everyone knows the benefits of lemon, grapefruit, mandarin and orange. Citrus juice contains many vitamins, microelements, which makes them very attractive for maintaining health and vivacity.

However, patients taking medications should carefully approach the use of citrus fruits. The fact is that they contain an enzyme furanocoumarin, which is heavily digested by the liver. If the pill is taken along with such a fruit (juice), then the liver will not be able to break the medicine in time, it will completely fall into the blood, exceeding the permissible concentration. The consequences of such a "curative" effect are unpredictable.

Physicians have proved that several spoons of grapefruit juice or another citrus (lemon) can lead to an overdose of the drug and increase its concentration in two hundred (!) Times.

So do not take any chances. To the question: "Can I take tea with lemon?" The answer is one: "No!". Not only is tea harmful when washing tablets: lemon juice can also lead to irreversible consequences.

Tablets and honey

Often the question arises: "Can I take tablets with tea and honey?".

Honey has unique healing properties. It is widely used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating product.

But honey is not shown to everyone. It can not be taken with allergies to beekeeping products. With very great caution, this treat should be consumed by diabetics and people with high blood sugar.

It must be remembered that honey is a complex organic compound that changes its composition and properties when it enters hot water (tea). What compounds are formed in the body when taking medication and honey, dissolved in tea, is unknown. Therefore, drink tablets with tea with honey (even so useful!) Is not worth it.

Tablets and alcohol

I would like to remind you that when taking medication, you should give up alcohol. At all! For when taking many tablets, the effect of alcohol on the body becomes deadly.

In no case should you take the following tablets with alcoholic beverages:

  • Tranquilizers, psychotropic and antipsychotics.
  • "Cloffee" and drugs that dramatically reduce blood pressure.
  • Beta-blockers.
  • Anticoagulants.
  • Insulin and preparations for diabetics.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Vitamins of group B, C and folic acid.

Tablets and mineral water

To wash down tablets is correct most of the warm boiled water. It is suitable for all types of medications.

Sometimes doctors recommend drinking down tablets with warm alkaline mineral water. It is believed that almost all drugs in the alkaline environment are absorbed more quickly. The mineral water used for taking medicines should be free of gas.

Tablets erythromycin (and similar to them) must be washed down with such water. In its absence, the drug is washed down with a solution of boiled water with drinking soda.

Vitamins are allowed to be washed down with milk, and some sedatives and antibiotics are sour juices. But only on the recommendation of a doctor!


In order for the medicines to be useful and to facilitate a quick recovery, it is necessary to take them correctly. When appointing tablets, the doctor will draw up a chart and the rules for taking the tablets. Do not disregard these tips. If you yourself have prescribed treatment (this, of course, is bad, but anything can happen), carefully read the insert with the description of the drug and follow its recommendations.

In extreme cases, take only tablets with water. Be healthy!

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