EducationSecondary education and schools

"The role of personality in history" (composition): reasoning, arguments

School time is a wonderful, but not an easy time for every child. Complex science, homework, projects - all this is not so easily given to the student. What about the works that are written already from primary school. With each academic year, writing essays becomes more complicated, and their volume increases. Therefore, even a high school student can not easily cope with the task at hand.

"The role of personality in history" - an essay that is written in high school. This theme is used both in essays on social studies, and in topics on subjects such as history and literature. Let's understand the features of writing and learn how to properly express their thoughts.

Primary requirements

To write a competent essay on the theme "The role of the individual in history", one should observe the basic rules:

  1. Volume. For each of the above school subjects, the size of the essay is different. So, the essay on literature should be at least 5-6 pages for 10-11 class. The essay on social studies and history does not have a strict framework, but you must take into account that for a full disclosure of the topic you will need at least 150 words.
  2. Any composition must have a strict structure: an introduction, a basic part and a conclusion. The main part is not less than ½ of the total volume.
  3. Your reasoning must necessarily have arguments.

Observing these three rules, you can correctly and correctly state the course of your thoughts and write a worthy composition.

And now you need to understand the intricacies of this task.

A work on history

"The role of personality in history" is the final composition written by students who chose to take the USE as an object such as history.

This area of science is not easy to learn, because there are many theories and discussions about each period and even each historical topic. Therefore, when writing a composition, you must adhere to an officially approved version.

For example, your work touches on the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Recently, this topic is extremely topical for historians, and there are many opinions on this period, beginning with the judgment that there was no invasion at all, and ending with the theory that the Tatar-Mongol yoke is just a cover for internecine wars. But the essay on the topic "The role of the person in history" should contain only officially accepted information, otherwise the actual error will be included in the verification.

"The Tatar-Mongolian yoke is the period of Mongol conquest of the lands of Russia, which lasted more than 2 centuries," such a judgment may well be present in the composition of the pupil.

What else should you know about the historical work?

The criteria that must be met are to highlight the following mandatory points:

  • 2 events that occurred during the described period of time;
  • 2 persons associated with the described events, also you must characterize the data of the person;
  • 2 cause-effect relationships between events;
  • The assessment of this period for the further development of Russia.

Thus, the theme "The role of personality in history" can be disclosed. The composition can score a maximum of 11 points.

An example of a historical work (excerpt)

"1019-1054 - the years of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. This ruler was remembered in history as a man who had a huge influence on the development of Russia. First of all, Jaroslav concluded dynastic marriages, one of which was the marriage of his daughter Anna with the French king. Anna's union helped to strengthen relations between Russia and France.

In addition, Yaroslav the Wise issued the first set of Russian laws - "Russian Truth". This document became the prototype of the future legislation in Russia and helped to consolidate the basic rights and duties of the inhabitants of the Russian land. "

In this short passage there are already several criteria of the historical work - 2 persons, 2 historical events, 1 cause-effect relationship are indicated. Continuing his work in a similar spirit, the student will earn a high score.

Composition on social studies "The role of personality in history"

The work on social science differs significantly from the historical exposition. To get a high score for their work, the student needs to complete only 3 basic points:

  • Reveal the meaning of the selected proposition;
  • Use special terms;
  • Give 2 arguments.

Thus, to write a composition you will need accurate knowledge in the field of the chosen topic. It is important to note that these criteria refer to the essay on social studies in the USE. But this does not mean that if you write an ordinary essay in a lesson, you can neglect all the criteria. Verification of the essay on the USE is more stringent, but these points must be observed in any case.

For example, in the center of your work is Karl Marx - the German philosopher, his direct judgment. Your task is not simply to explain the meaning of the statement or to tell a brief biography of the life of the philosopher. You need to identify the role of this person, his activities. Thus, the argument of the significance of the personality of Marx will serve as an example of Bolshevism.

The essay "The Role of the Individual in History", the arguments that you give, should contain terms from social studies. In the framework of our example, it can be words such as capital, property, economy, labor, etc.

Composition on literature

"The role of personality in history" is an essay-reasoning, which is most difficult to write precisely from the literature. First of all, this is justified by the large volume of the text. However, this allows you to fully open a given topic.

To disclose the theme "The Role of the Individual in History", the essay on literature should correspond to the following points:

  • Describing the chosen personality, it is not worth emphasizing just one biography.
  • In the composition it is necessary to give examples of the author's works, use quotations.
  • It should be clearly expressed, what is the role of the chosen person, why she remembered and left a trace in history.
  • Give arguments.

Complexities of structure

Since the composition should be sufficiently large, it is necessary to break it down into several sub-themes. Approximately it should look like this:

  1. A short biography of the author, telling how the author came to fame.
  2. The most popular, vivid works.
  3. A brief analysis of the creativity of the author.
  4. Influence of creativity of the chosen person on a society of that time.
  5. The significance of the author's works today.
  6. Conclusion on the meaning of personality in history.

The essay "The Role of the Individual in History" (arguments, reasoning) should contain not only naked facts, but also your personal opinion and conclusions. Therefore, when writing it is important to give a personal evaluation of each part.

An example of a literary composition

"Leo Tolstoy is the greatest writer of the 19th century. A lot of his works are included in the school curriculum today. Only the novel "War and Peace" is so densely included in the history of literature that even today this work remains relevant. In it the most important questions of human life are revealed: the question of love, honor, friendship, life errors and vicissitudes. Not surprisingly, it is from this work that quotes and statements are often taken for writing various essays and essays, not only at the school level, but also at the level of higher education. Thus, it can be concluded that Leo Tolstoy exerted a tremendous influence not only on the society of his time, but also on the present. "

Such lines can serve as an introduction, and the conclusion of your essay. The main thing is for the pupil to open the topic and meaning of the chosen person as broadly as possible.

It is important to control the style of the text and not to allow various mistakes. If grammatical and punctuation errors are forgivable in works on history and social studies, then in literature they can not be done.

That's all. It remains only to collect all the knowledge together and put them on paper, using the above tips.

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