
Hortensia "wims red": description, characterization, planting and care in the open ground

Hortensia paniculate "wims red" was derived relatively recently. Despite this, gardeners around the world appreciated the magnificent decorative qualities of this plant.

Hydrangea paniculata Wim's Red looks interesting both in a group and in a single landing. Beautiful and elegant bush is used to decorate lawns, gardens, front gardens, as well as to create original compositions in combination with other plants.

Description and description of the hydrangea "wims red"

Of the numerous family of panicle hydrangeas, "wims red" is one of the smallest. In height, it does not exceed one and a half meters. The branches of the bush stretch out to the sides quite widely, which always looks very impressive. A feature of this variety are the huge inflorescences (up to 40 cm in length). They have a narrow pyramidal shape.

Flowers fertile and sterile in a ratio of 50:50. Sterile flowers, as a rule, are four-lobed, with a diameter of five to seven centimeters. The diameter of the flowers is one-dimensional along the length of the brush, this circumstance gives the inflorescence of the inflorescence. At the beginning of flowering the bush is covered with snow-white flowers, then they turn pink, and in the autumn they are painted in wine-red color. But the most remarkable thing about them is an unusual aroma. When hydrangea "wims red" blooms, the air is filled with the smell of honey. But this is not all its merits.

Hortensia "wims red", a description of which periodically publishes all publications on gardening and floriculture, has large dark green, with reddish tint leaves. But especially they are good in the autumn, when the leaves appear metallic shine, which gradually turns into shades of purple, bronze, cherry, yellow and orange. Shoots have a deep dark red color. Flowers hydrangea paniculate "wims red" every year on last year's shoots.

Frost resistance

Winter hardiness of the plant is quite high - it can withstand frost of 30 ° C. Meanwhile, young shoots are required to hide and mulch for the winter. Only two years later, the hydrangea can be considered an adult plant, which in the Middle Belt and southern regions is perfectly experienced in the winter even without shelter.

When to plant a hydrangea?

First of all, you need to determine the time of planting of shrubs. This can be done both in early spring and in autumn. However, experts believe that hydrangea planted in autumn is much more active. Planting and leaving almost do not differ depending on the season. Just for the summer the seedling will get stronger, it will have more chances to survive in any climatic conditions.

Hydrangea: planting and care in the open ground

For this sort of hydrangea, the composition of the soil in which it develops is important. Preferably neutral or acidic soils. The soil must be fertile, with sufficient moisture and well drained. It should be noted that in the acidic soil the color of the inflorescence is always brighter.

Before landing, you should prepare a pit depth of at least 40 cm and 50х50 cm in length and width. Landing takes two days. On the first day it is necessary to excavate a pit into which three buckets of water should be poured. In this state, it is left until morning. For the further development of the plant it is important that the soil is well saturated with moisture.

On the second day, it is necessary to fertilize the seedlings. As a rule, the soil mixture consists of equal parts of fertile soil, peat. Separately mix humus and sand. The formulations are then mixed in a 2: 1 ratio. Now the mixture should be added superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea. These organic fertilizers are very important for this variety.

The resulting soil mixture is filled up to the top almost to the top, leaving about 10-15 cm. It's time to plant a seedling whose roots should be straightened and to dig up the remaining land after the pit was created. A little more effort will be required planted in the autumn hydrangea. Planting and care in the open ground will be supplemented by the shelter of the seedling for the winter. This must be done without fail, despite the fact that the plant is frost-resistant.

Choose a place

Hortensia "wims red" prefers penumbra. But sometimes such planting is fraught with loss of brightness of inflorescences. As a rule, this is due to insufficiently prepared soil. Many growers believe that this variety is beautifully developed on a sunny site, but on condition that the bush is protected from the wind.

Care of the plant

No matter how unpretentious the plant is, without the active participation of the gardener, it will not give all the beauty that breeders have planted in this or that variety. Hortensia "wims red" will require the gardener to fulfill three conditions for growth and development:

  1. This exquisite beauty does not like to be in direct sunlight.
  2. Reproduction of shrubs is done either by layers or by cuttings.
  3. It is necessary to use growth stimulants.


The planted shrub should be watered abundantly so that the root system can be more easily adapted to the new terrain. In a strong heat watering is carried out at the rate of 30 liters of water per 1 m² of soil. Such abundant watering should be done every seven days. In rainy time, its volume and frequency are reduced.

Gardeners need to remember that the soil under the decorative shrub should be wet always. To achieve this, you can resort to mulching sawdust around the plant. In the stand-by water, intended for irrigation, it is recommended to add a little manganese, so that it is painted in a light pink color.

Top dressing

If you want your hydrangea "wims red" to actively and abundantly bloom, you must feed the bush. The first top dressing should be done in the spring, during the formation of the inflorescences. At this time, most suitable organic fertilizers, slurry, for example.

The second feeding is necessary during the bud ripening. In this case, various means, including superphosphates, potassium and urea, are suitable.

The third fertilizing is carried out with a mineral fertilizer complex. Its timing depends largely on the degree of flowering of the plant. Pay attention, if the buds blossomed completely, then it's time for the third feeding. This procedure will significantly increase the period of flowering hydrangeas.

The fourth top dressing is carried out during preparation of the plant for wintering. During this period it is necessary to use special chemical compounds for hydrangeas, which today can be easily purchased at specialized stores.

Beginners should remember that hydrangea "wims red" needs to be fed. Only with the use of organic and mineral fertilizers you can achieve active growth and timely abundant and long flowering shrub that will delight you with huge fragrant inflorescences all summer.


You need to trim the bush and during the preparation for the winter. In this case, the gardener has a purpose to rejuvenate the bush, so old, damaged shoots are removed. Cut them in such a way that remained hemp length of 5-6 cm.

In order to bloom your hydrangea was brighter, in the spring, before the beginning of vegetation, it is necessary to conduct competent pruning. In addition, such a procedure will give an accurate correct shape to the plant during flowering and growth. In spring, select five to ten strong and healthy shoots on each bush. Reduce their length so that there are not more than five kidneys left.


Hydrangeas can be propagated in three ways:

  • Seeds;
  • Layering;
  • Cuttings.

The first way we will not even consider: the seeds of the plant are very small, they do not grow very well, besides, you can get a fully flowering shrub not earlier than in four years.

Much more effectively develop hydrangea "wims red", propagated by cuttings. The remaining part of the autumn trimming part of the branches set in water for three days. After this, cuttings should be cut in such a way that at each of them there are at least three interstices. The lower cut of the cuttings should be treated with a growth stimulant and planted in a room in ordinary pots 2/3.

As a rule, seedlings are kept in room conditions until spring. After the temperature of the air on the street becomes stable plus, the plant can be planted in the open ground to a permanent place.

Reproduction by layers

Duck one of the branches of the bush to the ground and prikopayte it. It may be necessary to fix it, so that it does not straighten, with the help of a small stone. Use a small support, on which you can fix the top of the branch in a vertical position.

This method of reproduction is appropriate to use in spring or late summer. The next year the sprout will take root. After this, it can be separated from the main plant.

Hydrangea in winter

Many gardeners believe that the hydrangea "wims red" is very beautiful in winter, when large inflorescences not cut in autumn cover the caps of fluffy snow. However, professional florists do not agree with this opinion. They believe that all inflorescences must be removed in late autumn. The fact is that gusts of the winter wind, icy rain can break the thin branches of the plant, especially if the remaining inflorescences are covered with snow.

Despite the ability of this variety to easily tolerate mild winters, it is better to cover the bush. It is not necessary to use covering material for an adult plant. It is necessary only for a young seedling. Adult shrubs in it do not need. Only the root system needs to be sheltered.

You can use the following methods:

  1. Around the bush, you can spread out a small layer of manure.
  2. Suitable for sheltering peat or fallen leaves. In this case, the covering layer must be at least 20 cm.

In the northern regions, if you are afraid for the young branches, build a frame around the hydrangea and cover it with a dense polyethylene film. It will hold the snow and create a greenhouse for the plant.

Reviews of gardeners

Most flower lovers from different regions of our country believe that the best variety from the existing ones is hydrangea "wims red". The reviews about this plant are enthusiastic: a bright magnificent bloom, a divine fragrance, an uncomplicated care - all this makes it extremely popular in our country. To the disadvantages of the florists of the northern regions only consider the need for winter shelter.

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