HealthDiseases and Conditions

Causes, symptoms and treatment deprived

Lishay is a fairly common skin disease, which is characterized by the defeat and inflammation of certain areas of the skin. Treatment depriving directly depends on the form of the disease. Indeed, in fact, there is a mass of a wide variety of infectious diseases, united under this term.

What is lichen?

Before you learn about how the treatment is deprived, you need to understand the causes and progress of this disease. As already mentioned, there are many varieties of the disease, which differ in some symptoms and, of course, pathogens. But there are some common features that can be distinguished:

  • Lishay is a skin disease of an infectious nature. As a rule, it is rather quickly transferred from a sick person to a healthy person.
  • The disease is accompanied by the defeat of individual skin areas, on which, as the disease develops, there are changes in color, swelling, redness.
  • Lishai almost always accompanied by itching, flaking and hair loss.

In any case, the treatment of depriving people requires medical examination and appropriate recommendations.

Causes of development of the disease

As already mentioned, in most cases, lichen is an infectious disease, although there is an exception, for example, red flat lichen.

The most common cause of the disease are pathogenic fungal organisms. To date, many kinds of pathogenic fungi are known. There are microorganisms that can survive on the skin of both humans and animals. In such cases, lichen can be picked up during contact with the infected animal.

There are also kinds of fungal organisms that are very specific and can exist only on human skin. Such a disease is transmitted only when in contact with a sick person.

There are also quite rare fungi that a person can get infected by contact with the ground.

In addition, lichen can be caused by viruses. These forms of the disease include pink and shingles. By the way, the probability of the disease increases during the reduction of immune defense. There are forms of viruses that can live in the body for a long time, causing repeated diseases during the weakening of the immune system.

It is worthwhile to understand that the treatment depriving directly depends on the pathogen, the form and severity of the disease. A doctor can correctly diagnose the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment of lichen

In fact, the process of therapy directly depends on the form of the disease and the nature of the pathogen. Only after examination, blood tests and other studies the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and choose a therapy.

For example, pink lichen practically does not require medical intervention - it passes by itself after a few weeks. It is only necessary to adhere to the rules of hygiene, to limit the time spent in the sun and at the time to abandon synthetic clothing.

In other cases, doctors prescribe the use of special antifungal drugs, immunomodulators, local ointments and antiseptic solutions. In the most severe cases (for example, with shingles), immediate hospitalization and continuous monitoring by medical staff is required.

Treatment depriving at home

Of course, traditional medicine has its own methods of therapy. For example, it is believed that you can treat lichen with cranberry juice. They need to rub the affected areas of the skin thoroughly. The procedure should be repeated after each drying of the juice as often as possible.

Some people also recommend lubricating the affected skin with iodine or zelenok.

In any case, deprivation is best left to the doctor. After all, wrong therapy can lead to future retsedivam, and some severe forms of the disease are dangerous for the state of the whole organism.

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