
What you need to know before you can treat lichen

Children like to mess with cats, dogs and other animals. However, not always a favorable experience of communication with the animal world turns out to be of use, and one day the parents discover pink or red spots caused by a disease called lichen. Then the parents face a number of questions: "What is lichen?", "How to treat lichen?" And "How to protect the rest of the family from this disease?"

In nature, there is a wide variety of lichen species, and not necessarily its carriers and sources of infection are animals. Depending on the variety of this dermatosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. However, before treating the lichen, it is necessary to establish what kind of disease the skin of the patient is affected.

Red flat lichen

Symptoms of red lichen are lesions of the skin, mucous parts of the body and nails with the formation of red spots filled with fluid, accompanied by severe itching and unpleasant sensations. Foci of lesions with red flat lichens are located mainly on the skin of the stomach and hands. This disease is viral, can give complications and develop into a chronic form. In case of symptoms, you should, without delay, consult a doctor who, based on a more accurate diagnosis of the disease, will tell you what to treat herpes and how to protect relatives from this infection.

To treatment of a red flat lichen approach or suit complex. There is an external therapy, prescribed antihistamines and sedatives. In severe forms of the disease, antibiotics are used. The gastrointestinal tract is examined for the presence of diseases, the neuropsychological and hormonal state of the organism.


Its name was given to this type of lichen because of what appears on the hair of the human body and affects the hair in these areas. From the outside it looks like a shaved hair, mostly round in shape. Most often ringworm sick children who visit educational institutions and are in close contact with other children. Ringworm can be transmitted through common things and objects on which the pathogen can linger long enough.

Ringworm is treated with antimycotic drugs (lamizil, griseofulvin, orungal, nizoral). For local treatment, sulfuric-salicylic and sulfur-tar ointments, mycosolone, Wilkinson's ointment are used.


Symptoms of this viral disease are characterized by the precipitation of fluid-filled vesicles on the body, which are usually very itchy and accompanied by painful sensations. The patient may have fever, headache, chills. This is the most severe form of all known types of diseases we are depriving, which can last many years and give serious complications. Therefore, how to treat shingles, the doctor will tell you the best.

Treatment of shingles is performed with the use of antiviral drugs, sometimes corticosteroids. Appointed analgesics and sedatives. Local therapy with antiseptic ointments is performed.

Pink lichen

This infectious-allergic skin disease most often affects the skin of the back, abdomen, arms, legs and very rarely the face. The lesions have a pale pink color and are strongly flaky from the middle to the edges. If a pink leaf is damaged, the patient must be isolated, since this infectious form is highly contagious.

In the treatment of pink lichen, antihistamines, antipruritic and sedative drugs are prescribed, in severe cases - antibiotics. The patient is recommended to limit walking in the sun, water procedures. A set of fortifying measures is being carried out.

Peregrine lichen

The activity of the fungus manifests itself in the form of pale pink spots of various forms, without obvious signs of inflammation. The disease begins to progress in conditions of high humidity and warm environment, such as in patients with increased sweating.

Otryvidny deprive is treated with the use of funds that soften the cornea of rashes, antifungal drugs and products containing zinc pyrithionate.

In all varieties, depriving the main signs of lesion in the early stages is very similar and is expressed by the appearance of flaky pale pink spots on the closed areas of the body, an increase in temperature and an increase in the size of the lymph nodes.

At the first symptoms of the lesion, the patient must be protected from close contact with the surrounding people, to disinfect his belongings. If this is a child, then make sure that he does not comb the stains. Do not take a bath, as in a humid environment, the lichen spreads faster. To put on a sick thing out of cotton. Limit it from overheating and walking in the open sun.

Before treating the lichen, in any case, it is worth to consult a doctor for advice, since it is quite difficult to diagnose the disease itself. Moreover, the causes of the appearance of some species of lichen are not sufficiently studied.

And do not forget about basic hygiene: wash your hands after using public transport, keep the house clean, the apartment, especially if there are pets. In case of danger, you should boil your clothes and clothes. It is important to teach your child to keep his body clean. Subject to these simple tips, it is possible that the infection will bypass and do not have to think about how to treat lichen.

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