HealthDiseases and Conditions

Camedon. What is this pathology?

Kamedon - what is this pathology? This is a symptom of certain skin diseases. Cambodones can appear both in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, and in endocrine dysfunctions. They also arise in cases of liver ailments.

If a gum appeared, what does it mean? This pathology is a consequence of the clogging of pores with sebum, depleted cells of the epidermis, as well as dirt. It is as a result of this that the formation of nodules-gums occurs.

Causes of ailment

Comedones, as a rule, appear due to the accumulation of sebum in the mouths of hair follicles. Pores are clogged with a cork of particles of dust and skin cells. As a result, sebum itself can not be removed from the follicle itself, which provokes excessive accumulation. In the body, toxins accumulate, which themselves did not escape through the pores of the skin. These slags, interacting with sebum, form an adhesive thick mass. It is a gum. What is this phenomenon provoking? As a rule, the pathology appears due to improper skin care. This includes the use of cosmetics based on fats, as well as the habit of not going to bed.

All this contributes to the accumulation on the skin of hardened sebaceous secretion, dead cells, bacteria, dust, as well as crystals of sweat salts. After a certain time, the accumulated toxic mass exits partially through the mouth of the follicle. In this case, pathology takes on an open appearance.

Genetic predisposition can also cause a gum. What could this mean? The risk of the disease increases dramatically in the event that close relatives suffer from it.

Increased functioning of the sebaceous glands is observed in those people who have elevated testosterone levels. Especially it is shown in the one who is inclined to acne. Camedon can be a side effect when taking certain types of medications. After the abolition of drugs, pathology is eliminated on its own.

The cause of the ailment may be stressful situations. In such periods the composition of sebum changes, and the person devotes less time to hygienic procedures. This leads to the development of pathology. Provoke the formation of gums with a humid climate and polluted air. These factors contribute to the accumulation of microparticles of dirt on the skin, which is the cause of the disease.

Closed gum

Pathological phenomenon occurs in all age groups. However, most often the disease is observed in adolescence. It appears in women, especially during periods of hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, etc.).

The first symptoms of gum, when the pathology still refers to the closed type, is the expansion of the pores and coarsening on the skin. Prevents the disease and the scaling layer of the epidermis, especially if this phenomenon occurs with oily skin. Cosmetics at the same time is very bad. It just "drains" from the face due to sebaceous discharge. The skin acquires an unhealthy gray color, sometimes with a slight greenish tinge. All these are signs that closed gums have appeared. How to deal with this pathology? At this stage, therapy is particularly effective. This is due to the lack of nodules that have not yet appeared from the follicle orifice. Treatment consists of eliminating the causes of the disease, which can be covered in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract or malfunctioning of the endocrine system.

In the complex it is necessary to carry out cosmetic procedures. Their action should be aimed at slushing dead cells and normalizing the production of sebum. Particular attention should be paid to elementary rules of personal hygiene.

Open gum

In the second stage of the disease, nodules appear on the skin with a black dot inside. These are open gums. Outwardly they look like red or pink bumps. Skin in places of pathology can be both inflamed and unchanged. Independently new growth should not be deleted. This will lead to the formation of scars. In addition, a secondary infection of a purulent type can get into open wounds. It will promote the development of pyoderma. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs.

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