
Can I get a tan while taking melanin in tablets?

Melanin is a pigment of the human or animal body, painted black or brown, designed to be responsible for the color of the skin, hair, eyes, feathers and wool, and also give the skin tan under the influence of ultraviolet or sunlight. So, let's see what products contain this pigment and whether melanin is useful in tablets.

What foods contain melanin?

Doctors, nutritionists note that the pigment itself is not contained in any product, but there is a certain group that contributes to its production in the body. Since melanin is released only under the influence of chemical compounds containing tryptophan and tyrosine acids, it is necessary to increase the intake of foods containing amino acids (meat, fish, liver, nuts, especially almonds, beans, rice, bananas) in the diet. In some foodstuffs, these two acids are immediately contained: millet, oysters, sesame. It is also worth emphasizing that the activity of melanin production depends on the consumption of vitamins A, C, B and E, as well as beta-carotene. And they, in turn, will restrain themselves in carrots, pumpkins, apricots, peaches, soybeans and wheat.

In addition to products designed to stimulate the production of melanin, there are also those that interfere with its production. As a rule, it's all fried and salted fish, meat, coffee, chocolate, alcohol.

It is worthwhile to warn against excessive intake of vitamin C, as its large amount protects the skin from penetration of ultraviolet into its deeper layers and, consequently, getting a tan.

Myth or reality: melanin in tablets

In the event that melanin is allocated too much or little, various diseases occur. To avoid this, doctors have been working for several years to develop medicines that stimulate the release of pigment without direct exposure to the body of ultraviolet rays. The latest innovation in this area is melanin in tablets. The components in their composition affect the production of the pigment and, as a consequence, giving the skin a tan, which makes it a protective screen against sunburn and growth of cancer cells. In addition to medicines, melanin in tablets is widely distributed in cosmetology, and its action is aimed at protecting the hair and preserving the youthfulness of the skin. But nevertheless, despite the high efficiency, the so-called "suntan tablets" are not very common, because they have a high cost, and they need to be taken in large quantities in order to achieve the desired effect.

In conclusion...

Thus, in order to preserve the health of hair and skin, and also to obtain a healthy, safe tan, it should be remembered that melanin will be of particular benefit in products rich in tyrosine and tryptophan. In addition, you can use the latest developments in the field of medicine and cosmetology and purchase "ready-made melanin" in the form of tablets in which it is created on the basis of natural elements and will not cause the body significant harm, of course, if it is correctly taken.

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