
Deciphering the FGS. FGS survey

The method of investigation, used to accurately diagnose diseases, examine mucous membranes and detect inflammatory changes in the gastrointestinal tract with the help of a special apparatus - an endoscope (a flexible tube with fiber optics, equipped with a special channel and the possibility of placing biopsy tools therein) is called GFG of the stomach. Deciphering FGS sounds like "fibrogastroskopiya" (from the Greek "stomach" and "watch", "look"). This method of Gastrointestinal Tests is the most reliable, fast (conducted under local anesthesia for several minutes) and allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis, if necessary, enables the biopsy (taking a tissue sample for more detailed examination in a bacteriological laboratory).

Indications for FGS survey

Recently, this method of research is used by doctors very actively. Examination of the stomach, FGS for this ideal, accurately gives answers to all questions related to the digestive tract, from simple discomfort to symptoms that cause anxiety: bleeding, constant reduction of hemoglobin, suspicion of foreign body.

How to prepare for FGS

Preparation for the FGS is not particularly difficult. The main aspect for a good result is the presence of a positive psychological mood of the patient and his full confidence in the endoscopist doctor. The physician should be aware of all the concomitant diseases of the patient and those medications that he is taking at this time.

FGS - examination, which is carried out on an empty stomach in a specially equipped office of a hospital or polyclinic. On the day of the procedure, it is prohibited to smoke, eat, drink and chew gum. A couple of days before the examination, the patient is advised not to use heavy foods for the stomach and causing gas production (legumes, various dairy products, fish, meat). The last dinner on the eve of the examination day should be no later than 18 hours.

How does the FGS procedure technically work?

Prepared patient with a special local anesthetic freezes the larynx. After this, in order for the jaw to not close during the procedure, with teeth, it clamps a special rotor-sweeper, through which the endoscope will pass.

In the sitting position, the patient, under the guidance of the doctor, performs swallowing movements until the apparatus reaches the desired depth of the examined area. After this, the patient is laid on his side and under low pressure, oxygen is introduced into the stomach (to straighten the walls). The doctor, by examining the mucous, can take an analysis of the contents of the stomach (gastric juice), remove the tumor, undergo treatment or perform a biopsy.

What the results of FGS show

Endoscopy is the only method by which at the earliest stage you can see structural changes in the mucosa. The attending physician-gastroenterologist, appointing such procedure, clarifies the diagnosis with the help of additional methods of examining the patient's body. The results of FGS of the stomach will help confirm or refute the presence of such diseases as gastric or esophageal cancer, esophagitis, benign tumor, gastritis of increased or decreased acidity, gastric ulcer, polyps, gastric dysfunction and other gastrointestinal ailments. With the help of the FGS, it is possible to monitor the dynamics of the treatment of the disease.

By results of a biopsy it is possible to speak about essence of the processes occurring in tissues of an organism, about presence in them of cancer cells or usual inflammation. Histological examination promotes the detection of pathologies in the early stages of development.

What to expect during the FGS

The very process of introducing the tube into the digestive tract can accompany vomitive reflexes or regurgitation. It is unnecessary to be ashamed, because such a reaction is an indicator of a normally functioning body. Such responses of the body to the FGS arise from the air, which is pumped into the stomach with the help of an endoscope and straightens its walls for a better view. This depends on the subsequent interpretation of the FGS. The doctor thoroughly studies the mucous membrane and, if there is a need to remove the polyp, liquidates it, and if you need to take a part of the material for a biopsy, it takes it painlessly.

Possible complications after FGS

The application of this serious diagnostic procedure has proved itself in medical practice as one of the safest studies. Complications after FGS are reduced to zero. The endoscope is a very expensive reusable tool, and before every manipulation it is processed according to medical regulations, therefore infection with any disease or infection is excluded.

But, as is known, in medicine there is always a small percentage of complications, even from the most innocuous procedures. In this case, this indicator is very small and depends directly on the patient. The patient should be properly prepared physically and psychologically, and during the FGS to follow the recommendations of the endoscopist. Possible complications resulting from FGS are the perforation of the wall of the organ under investigation or slight bleeding due to a pinch of a small portion of the esophagus, stomach or duodenal wall for biopsy.

After the procedure, the patient may feel some discomfort for a while when swallowing. The usual state occurs within a day. A full transcript of the FGS and the necessary recommendations for adjusting the diet in the first few days of the patient will be given immediately after the study is completed.

What is the difference between FGS and other methods of stomach examination

Each method of investigation has features depending on the area that is being analyzed. Some names seem to be similar, but in practice the procedures are very different. The doctor-endoscopist is perfectly guided in what the FGS shows, and what is the FGD or EGDS. All these methods can be given one definition - fibrogastroscopy. Even if the endoscopist does FGS with an emphasis on the gastric cavity, he will still look at the duodenum as in the case of FGD (fibrogastroduodenoscopy), and the esophagus, which is being examined with EGDS (esophagogastroduodenoscopy). Also, in the study of all the departments of the gastrointestinal tract, the method of videogastroscopy can be used, during which video recording with the help of an endoscopic camera takes place.

Every patient should understand what the procedure of endoscopy is, how important it is, and what depends on him, whether he is healthy or not.

This method of research, due to high efficiency and low probability of occurrence of possible complications, is widely practiced and used in medical work. Deciphering FGS by experienced specialists will help to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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