
Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida

So the world is arranged, that each of us is surrounded by thousands of microscopic beings. With the naked eye, we do not see them, but we come into contact with them every minute. Some "invisible" help us, others kill, and still others can bring harm and benefit. Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida are just such microbes that do not prevent us from living happily, but in certain situations they begin to behave aggressively, causing candidiasis or thrush. Because these microorganisms do not always bring harm, they are called opportunistic pathogens. There are 186 species of mushrooms from the genus Candida, but only two dozen species are dangerous. They will be discussed in this article.

Mushroom genus Candida: characteristic features

Candida refers to the genus of yeast. Most of their species are completely harmless, they live in the body of the tea fungus, in kefir, in other fermented milk products, and also in the human gastrointestinal tract, being a part of the microflora of the healthy intestine. Mushrooms of the genus Candida are aerobes, that is, they lead an active life in the presence of oxygen. They can exist in two forms - yeast and micellar. In yeast, fungi are round or oval blastospores and multiply by budding. In micellar form, the cells of fungi grow longer, becoming a pseudomycelia. Unlike the true, it has no partitions, but there are constrictions. They are located blastospores, and on terminal extensions of clamidiospores with a double shell. In the micellar form, fungi are able to mate.

From other dimorphic creatures the fungi of the genus Candida differ in that they can be in their host's body in two of their forms at once, and not change them depending on the temperature of the environment.

An important property of Candida - they know how to ferment maltose and glucose.

The disease of candidiasis, according to the latest research, causes about 20 species of these fungi, and the most dangerous are C.Albicans (60%) and C.Tropicalis (20%). The remaining 18 species are less common and have no significant effect on the incidence of candidiasis.

Brief description of pathogenic species

The most common are fungi of the genus Candida, called C. Albicans. Their carriers are about 8 people out of 10. Basically, these fungi enter the baby at birth and live without causing discomfort in the oral cavity, the esophagus and the intestines. In women, they are also part of the microflora of the vagina. It is this type of candida that is most often responsible for the onset of candidiasis.

The second dangerous species is called C.Tropicalis. These fungi are able to penetrate the blood and with its help populate the peripheral organs. Recent studies have revealed the characteristic of Candida C.Tropicalis to work in tandem with Serratia marcescens and with Escherichia coli, and lead to Crohn's disease.

Not very common, but the most dangerous yeast fungi of the genus Candida species C. Krusei. They are resistant to the drug "Fluconazole", used in the treatment of fungal infections, so it is important to correctly differentiate the type of pathogenic fungus that struck the patient.

Candida fungi C. Glabrata were considered non-pathogenic. They exist only in yeast form and multiply only by budding. Most often Candida Gladata is found on urinary catheters, where she forms thin biofilms. This fungus causes urogenital candidiasis.

Candida C. parapsilosis often becomes a cause of sepsis. It is capable of infecting wounds, especially if they contain foreign objects.

Types of fungi C.Rugosa and C.Lusitaniae and others from the genus Candida are extremely rare. For example, C.Lusitaniae between 1979 and 1990 was detected in only 30 patients.

Ways of infection

Conditionally pathogenic yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida in the process of evolution have developed mechanisms that help them to lead a parasitic existence. They are able to withstand the freezing and drying for a long time. They can enter the human body with unwashed and inadequately processed food, with dirty hands and other objects, for example C.Parapsilosis mushrooms infect wounds when foreign objects enter into them, including non-sterilized medical instruments, and C.Glabrata fungi with urinary or Intravenous catheters. Most often there is infection with fungi C. Albicans, and from the first minutes of the baby's life. This happens during childbirth, if the vagina of the woman in labor is populated by these microbes. There is also the assumption that C. Albicans penetrates into the body of the baby even at the embryo stage, as the fungi were repeatedly found in the amniotic fluid. If the parturient enters that small percentage of people who are not carriers of fungi, her baby during the first years of life can get them through the nipple, toys and so on. It is not necessary to panic because of this, Candida, having got into the organism of its owner, behave quietly, even help it, controlling the growth of other pathogens.

When infection with Candida fungi becomes a disease

A person can be a carrier of these microbes throughout his life, while remaining completely healthy. Fungi of the genus Candida become pathogenic only when their reproduction is out of control. Causes:

- Pregnancy;

- various infections;

- exacerbation of chronic diseases;

Hypo or avitaminosis;

- Prolonged treatment with antibiotics;

- taking corticosteroids;

- hormonal disorders.

The main cause of candidiasis is low immunity. This condition can appear in many situations, including poor nutrition, unfavorable living conditions, frequent stress.

In addition, the sudden growth of fungi of the genus Candida occurs with the following concomitant diseases:

- AIDS (or HIV infection);

- diabetes;

- tuberculosis;

- Gastrointestinal diseases;

- diseases of the genitourinary system;

- hypothyroidism;

- Some blood diseases;

- Vaginosis.

Pathogenicity factors

The size of one fungus of the Candida genus is only 2-5 microns, so they can only be examined in a microscope. Those white or yellowish-grayish film that grow on agar or plaque visible on the affected parts of the body are whole colonies of fungi, numbering hundreds of thousands of individual microorganisms. Once in the host's body, how are the fungi of the genus Candida behaved? Studies of microbiologists have shown that each fungus tends to begin adhesion, that is, tightly mesh, one might say, to grow into human epithelial cells. This microbes succeeds the easier, the lower the immunity of their victims, and the higher it has endocrine disruptions. The most active part of the clutch is C.Albicans. Once on mucous membranes, it adheres in 100% of cases. The most passive fungus is C.Krusei. It can not be fixed at all, that is, there is no infection. The fungi are assisted by surface proteins, surface proteins and some molecules, for example, polysaccharides and glycoproteins, and in the mouth of the molecules of saliva. In general, Candida are glycogenophiles (like glycogen), so most often colonize tissues where it contains a lot, for example, the vaginal mucosa and oral cavity. When a thrush occurs, Candida mushrooms in a smear taken from these organs are detected with high probability, which makes it possible to correctly diagnose.

At the initial stage of adhesion, the fungi are in yeast form, but they are quickly rearranged, forming long filaments (hyphae), which penetrate more easily into the damaged host cells, and the phagocytosis of leukocytes is less affected.

Having become entrenched and accustomed, parasites in the course of their life emit various poisons into the host's body:

- Candidotoxin (a protein that acts on basophils and mast cells and causes a pseudoallergic reaction);

- 6 types of low molecular weight toxins (increase vascular permeability, lower arterial pressure);

- lipid toxins (cause local leukocyte reaction and lead to the appearance of granulation tissue).

Candidiasis in children

As noted above, infants are infected with candidias either in the womb or during childbirth at the time of passage of the birth canal. In the future, the fungus can enter the infant in the mouth with a badly worked nipple, rattles, from the nipples of the infected mother. Symptoms of the infant getting infected with thrush are as follows:

- white, curd like a curd on the tongue, on the inner surface of the gums and cheeks;

- capriciousness;

- refusal of food.

Without treatment, the fungus continues to settle and soon appears on the baby's lips.

Fungi of the genus Candida in the intestine manifest symptoms of dysbiosis, such as:

- diarrhea;

- lethargy;

- temperature;

- loss in weight.

Diarrhea in infants is dangerous because it leads to rapid dehydration, so a sick child is hospitalized. Only in a hospital can you provide him with the necessary treatment (dropper) to prevent loss of fluid.

In addition to the digestive tract and oral cavity, thrush in toddlers can manifest themselves on the skin. In this case, not white, but red spots appear, similar to intertrigo. The child becomes very moody, as any touch of erosion causes him suffering. Most often, cutaneous candidiasis in infants appears in wrinkles on the legs, on the buttocks and in the groin area. Preceding this intertrigo, finding in the diaper for too long, poor hygiene and improper (synthetic, too tight) clothes.

Treatment of childhood candidiasis

If the fungi of the genus Candida started a pathogenic process in the oral cavity of the child, the treatment is usually done locally. It is in the processing of places where there is white coating, special preparations. Previously, doctors attributed to grease the child's mouth with green. This medicine works well, but dries the mucous membranes. Now apply "Akriderm", "Fukortsin", solutions of borax in glycerin.

In order to prevent the need in the first months of life babies boil nipples and bottles, wash rattles. Mom must before the feeding process nipples with antifungal drugs.

With the symptoms of dysbiosis, the feces of babies are handed over to the bac. It is believed that fungi of the Candida genus in feces in children up to 12 months of age may be present in amounts not exceeding 103 KOU / g, and over 12 months in the amount of 104 KOU / g. If the indicator is exceeded, prescribe drugs that restore the microflora and strengthen immunity.

When skin candidiasis, the affected areas are lubricated with antifungal ointments - nystatin, levorin. It is very useful to bathe a child with the addition of decoction, calendula, chamomile. All linen and diapers need to be ironed, and diapers to change often enough, not waiting for their full filling.

If the above methods of treatment do not help, the child undergoes additional examination and prescribes antifungal therapy.

Candidiasis in women and men

In adults, Candida can infect, like children, the oral cavity, skin, intestines. Candidiasis in the mouth manifests itself as a curd, touching the tongue, gum, palate, inner side of the cheeks and accompanied by painful sensations. Sometimes mucous membranes ulcerate. Candidiasis on the skin is characterized by red spots in the areas of the fungus (under the armpits, under the breasts in women, in the groin, less often under the knees). These spots itch and flake, and with combs ulcerate. But most often adults suffer from candidiasis of the genito-urinary organs. Women mushrooms live in the vagina and on the vulva, so the disease was called vulvovaginitis. In the initial stages, his symptoms are as follows:

- white (like sour milk) vaginal discharge;

- itching, not passing, but, on the contrary, increasing after washing and in the mornings;

- unpleasant smell of underwear;

Pain in intercourse.

The most indicative symptom is the fungi of the genus Candida in a smear taken from the vagina.

Without treatment, the signs of the disease are exacerbated. There are pains not only with sexual intercourse, but also with each urination, the vaginal mucosa swells, ulcerates, the discharge becomes more dense.

In men, infection with candida is called balanoposthitis. Symptoms:

- allocation of cheesy species from the genital organ;

- itching, pain when urinating;

Painful sexual intercourse.

In addition to the genitourinary system, Candida mushrooms are parasitic on the external organs of people. Infection of the nails is called "onychia", and the pri-nosed roller is called "paranihia". The causes of these diseases can become bugs, the execution of manicure by infected instruments.

Analysis for fungi of the genus Candida

The presence of candidiasis is determined by the results of such studies:

- smear from the oral cavity or vagina;

- sowing;

- EIA;

- PCR.

In addition, the doctor can prescribe urine and blood tests.

If a smear is planned to be taken from the vagina and / or urethra, it is not allowed to wash out before that, and it is possible to urinate only 2 hours before taking the smear, not later. If a smear is planned to be taken from the mouth, it is forbidden to brush your teeth before that.

For sowing, use feces, sputum, urine, scrapings from affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. After three days, they receive an answer whether or not there are fungi of the genus Candida in the material. A norm is a negative result. If the tests confirm the presence of the fungus, determine its appearance and sensitivity to medications.

An ELISA test is called an enzyme immunoassay. It helps to identify antibodies to the fungus and track the dynamics of the process. The material of the studies for ELISA is blood from the vein. As a rule, it is carried out together with bakpossevo.

The most accurate analysis is PCR, which means a polymer-chain reaction of DNA molecules of the fungus. He determines the presence of the pathogen even at the very first stage of the disease. The material for PCR is sputum, excreta, blood.


If the patient has fungi of the genus Candida, the treatment is medicated. Inside they write out:




Ointments are used externally:


- "Sertokanazol".


- Candles with pumafin and other means that suppress the growth of the fungus. Anti-inflammatory ointments can also be prescribed.

Treatment of pregnant women is carried out only by external means. Only in some cases, "Pumafin" is administered orally.

Candidiasis of the genitourinary tract treats both sexual partners.

In addition to antifungal drugs are prescribed vitamins and other drugs that strengthen immunity.

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