Food and drink, Dessert
Cake "Pillow" made of mastic: master-class
Baking cakes has now become, rather, the art of creating masterpieces. Now desserts decorated with lots of whipped cream and fatty oil cream are not interesting. To give the plot and the original shape, the biscuit base is covered with a layer of almond food mastic. Then it is decorated with decor elements. Cakes made of mastic for a birthday make in the form of a heart, a cartoon character or a flower basket. Desserts with many different colors decorate the wedding tables. With inscriptions make cakes made of mastic for the birthday.
Description of the main element for decor
And what is mastic? The material from natural food products is a sticky mass, very similar to plasticine. From the mastic, you can make some decor elements or cover biscuits with it. If there is no possibility to purchase mastic in the store, you can prepare mass yourself. For example, mixing condensed milk, powdered sugar and starch. There is also a recipe for making mastic from marshmallow or gelatin. They also make chocolate mastic. It is made from a single can of condensed milk, cocoa powder and milk powder. How do they make mastic?
Cocoa is poured into the condensed milk, then the milk is dried and mixed until a mass that does not stick to your hands and looks like clay or clay. This mastic can be used immediately in the work of decorating the cake. Also can be folded into a plastic bag, restrict air access and store in the refrigerator. Use of mastic is allowed for 3 months. Then it loses its plastic properties.
An interesting dessert
Many women, fond of pastries, try in their kitchen to make cakes of mastic. Where should I start and what bake? The easiest way to name the cake is "Pillow" made of mastic. Such a dessert can be presented as a gift for the birthday of a girl of any age or decorate a festive table on the day of March 8. Cake "Pillows" looks very natural and unusual. Such a dessert can be made for presenting the main gift, for example, putting in the middle a gold ornament.
A beautiful cake decorated with mastic will take the main place on the table during any festive feast. How to do it? We'll talk about this later, having thoroughly examined the master class on manufacturing. After reading, you can create such a dessert yourself.
Cake "Pillow". Master Class on Manufacturing
It is necessary to bake a biscuit on any recipe, the main thing is that it should be large enough, approximately 20 x 20 centimeters and high, not less than 10 centimeters. If there is not such a large shape, then you need to bake a few small square biscuits, and then in the course of the work combine them into one. Biscuit should be made 2 days before the cake is ready. Well-laid biscuit dense in structure. It does not break when cutting with a knife.
A well-cooled biscuit must be divided into three layers and then reconnected. Lubricate them with a gentle cream cream. Korzhi must be pressed tightly to each other and cut off in an arc-shaped manner, giving a pillow shape. The remaining biscuit crushed and mixed with cream. Use this mixture to grout the seams and cavities of the cake base. After that, you need to send the biscuit base in the refrigerator for 2 hours. A mistake of beginners is the use of liquid impregnation in the preparation of cake. The fact is that mastic from moisture becomes soft and melts even at low temperatures. The cream for interlayers is used on the basis of butter, condensed milk, cottage cheese or sour cream. Do not fit protein and custard, as well as chocolate.
Preparation of mastics
In order to shape, you should prepare several pieces of mastic of different colors. Usually it is sold white. Therefore, to add color, add a few drops of food coloring. If there is no liquid, then you can use dry. But you need to carefully mix it in the bulk. To prepare a cake "Pillow" is best to take pink shades or blue, gentle yellow and green.
For registration take one color in different shades. The main is rolled into a thin sheet. Then they throw on the biscuit base, carefully press it to the base. Do not leave any air bubbles. The closer the cover is, the cautious the cake looks. The edges of the mastic are placed under the base. Mastics of a different color make the side fringe on the pillow. In order to correctly do it, you need to roll out a part of the mass into a thin layer. Then it is necessary to cut out four identical in width and length of the strip, then use the hands to make on these strips of folds, and only after that ruffles are glued to the base of the cake.
The last stage of creating a dessert
A knife or special device is applied to the surface of the cake. Then it becomes an ornament with small beads, roses and other elements of decor. The resulting dessert should be put in a cool place to freeze the mastic. But do not store the cake "Pillow" for more than two days, as the mastic quickly loses its moisture and becomes very hard and inedible. To give a solemnity, you can make a crown from the mastic. Then you need to put it in the center of the dessert.
Cake "Pillow" with a crown is very suitable for celebrating the birthday of a young girl or girl. Although for sure, any woman will be delighted with such a gift.
Cake "Cushion" is very attractive, easy. But do not dwell only on this model of dessert. You can try to make a pie in the form of a little animal or car.
Perhaps, after the first production of the cake from the mastic, the hostess will not only delight her household with an unusual confectionery, but she will also decide to start making cakes for sale. This will already be a kind of income that will not only support the love of cooking, but also improve the financial position of the family. After all, it is now fashionable to purchase cakes not of factory production, but individual works of masters of culinary art.
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