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Baribal (black bear): description, appearance, features, habitat and interesting facts

In ancient times this bear species was widely spread in the territory of present-day Europe, but it was quickly destroyed, and today it is not found in European countries in natural conditions. What is the difference between a baribal (or a black bear) from one's clumsy brethren? What are his habits, external features? These and many other questions will be answered further in the article.


The black bear baribal still very recently inhabited the wooded and flat areas of North America. But most of the population was exterminated or displaced by a man from the eastern and southeastern regions of the United States. By the beginning of the XXI century the number of these animals does not exceed 200 thousand individuals. Most of the range of black bears baribal shares with grizzlies.

The area of distribution of this animal is limited to mountainous areas with altitudes from 900 to 3 000 meters above sea level. Baribal is a bear that now lives in Canada and thirty two US states. Small populations are also fixed in Mexico.

As a rule, he prefers to settle in forests and areas that are not very densely populated by people. In Canada, baribal (bear) occupies most of its historical range. He avoids only areas of the central plains where agriculture is actively developing. Although occasionally it comes to these territories.

Baribal (black bear): appearance

This animal, unlike its larger counterparts, is of average size. Muzzle somewhat pointed, paws high, with very long claws. The coat is short and smooth. Most often, just below the throat, you can see a white, light brown or beige spot. Ears large, widely set. Despite some external resemblance to grizzly, baribal is a bear that does not have an anterior humeral humerus.

The length of the animal's body is 1.5 m, the length of the tail is about one meter, the length of the auricle is 80 mm. The black bear weighs an average of 135 kg, although cases have been officially recorded when individuals reached a significantly higher weight (250 kg). Female is about a third smaller than males.

The life expectancy of this species, according to researchers, is about twenty-five years, although its rare representatives survive to ten years. This fact is explained by ecological conditions and poaching. More than 90% of the deaths of baribal at the age after 18 months are somehow connected with a meeting with a man - shots of hunters or poachers, car accidents, etc.


Baribal, a description of which can be found in the special literature on wild animals, usually has black, less often black-brown fur. The only exception is the end of the muzzle, painted in light yellow. At the same time, even in one brood bear cubs of chocolate-brown and bluish-black color can be born.

Usually a brown shade is typical for young animals. Baribal is a bear, which is considerably inferior in size to a brown fellow, but this species does not yield to it in a variety of colors. In addition to black or black and brown, on the west coast of the US there are light brown representatives of the species, the Alaskan variety is distinguished by silver-blue fur (glacial bears), animals that live on the island of Gribbell have a white fur coat. But all varieties have a characteristic feature - the light yellow end of the muzzle.

Where does the baribal live?

Black bears feel comfortable in the territories that combine forests and meadows. Ideal for their habitats are forests with various types of nuts and fruits. In small sunny meadows these animals find their food. Wetlands and lowlands provide them with juicy and delicate plant food, and streams and small rivers in the wooded area - with drinking water. In addition, they are used to be clubbed for cooling in the summer heat.

Bear cubs with growing offspring need large trees, and their trunk diameter should be at least 50 cm. The bark should be ribbed (for example, white pine). These trees are the safest for small cubs who are just learning to climb, and are an excellent place to arrange a night's lodging.

Does the baribal have enemies?

Yes, and there are many of them. Baribal is a bear that avoids open areas because of the fear of attack of larger and stronger brown bears. That's why he prefers to settle in wooded areas. Gray wolves, coyotes, cougars often hunt for cubs. Still, most of the killed baribals are adult animals, and their man kills them.


Baribal - Bear is rather timid, non-aggressive and omnivorous. In food, he is completely uneducated and illegible. It mainly feeds on plant food, larvae and insects. Black bears can not be called active predators: most vertebrates they consume only in the form of carrion. At the same time, baribal will not give up small rodents: beavers, rabbits, can cope with a small deer.

Baribal eats as much food as the stomach can hold. After that, he goes to sleep, and waking up, again looking for food. Depending on the season, up to 80-95% of its diet is plant food. In spring (April-May), baribal mainly feeds on herbs. In June, their diet becomes a little more diverse: insects, larvae and ants appear, and in the autumn the bear regains berries, mushrooms and acorns.

When in some rivers of Alaska and in Canada spawns of salmon are rising to spawn, black bears gather on the shores and in shallow water to fish. It must be said that autumn for baribal is a critical period. At this time, he needs to stock up on fat for the winter. This is especially important for females, which during the winter will feed offspring. Fat reserves black bears accumulate due to eating a large number of fruits, acorns and nuts.

Baribal: Reproduction

Immediately after awakening from winter hibernation, the baribals mate. This occurs in May-July. Pregnancy lasts up to two hundred and twenty days. It is interesting that pregnancy in a bear grows not immediately, but only in late autumn. And only if it accumulates the necessary amount of fat. Another interesting feature: two or three cubs are born in winter, at a time when their mother is very fast asleep.

Babies are born not more than 450 grams. They independently find a way to fat and warm milk, and by spring their weight already reaches 5 kg. Tedders everywhere follow their mother, receiving from her lessons for all occasions. They leave it only the next year, when it's time for the next pairing.


The black bear is a great climber, he perfectly climbs trees, even at a very old age. These are cautious animals, with a highly developed sense of smell, exceptional hearing. In a day, in search of food or a sexual partner, the baribals cross considerable distances:

  • Young animals, odnodki - 1.6 km;
  • Adult males - 12 km;
  • Adult females - 9 km.

The maximum recorded length of a daily walk was about 200 km.

Baribal quickly runs uphill or along a horizontal surface, speeding up to 55 km / h. These animals are also good swimmers, swimming in fresh water at least 2.5 km.

Feed black bears prefer early in the morning or in the evening, when the day's heat falls. However, some are active at night. They try to avoid meeting with other bears and with people. The brain of a black bear is quite large in relation to body size. The animal has an excellent memory. It is considered one of the most intelligent mammals.

Employees of the national reserve in the state of Georgia argue that black bears, when they are caught for poaching tricks outside the reserve, behave surprisingly cleverly. They flee to the park and provide employees themselves to settle matters with furious farmers, while they themselves calmly stroll along the border of the park.

And finally, some interesting facts:

  • The black bear is a popular heraldic symbol. In many countries, its image is used in coats of arms: in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia.
  • London bifitters - the famous guard of the Queen of Great Britain - wear high hats from the fur of Canadian baribals.
  • Baribal is endowed with nature with good color vision.

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