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Serval (cat): description, character, photo. The content of the cat was servant at home

A diverse and many-faced nature sometimes resorts to some irony, recreating truly miraculous forms of life. The most vivid example we can see in the breed is the serval. A cat of African descent is truly worthy of attention and universal admiration. Imitating the cheetah color, being graceful and having graceful proportions of the body, these bright animals attract attention. Let's take a more thorough look at this mammal and its accompanying moments of care and upbringing of these representatives of tropical fauna at home.

Cerval - cat southern latitudes

The homeland of animals, whose name is more capacious and accurately represented in the title, is West and South Africa. Tanzania today is considered the most favorable place for these "mini-cheetahs", they are home to about 40 individuals per 100 square meters. Km. Some subspecies are listed in the Red Book.

Feature of the breed

The fur of the serval is of some value. The original dark streaks and lines on the yellowish background of the animal's fur, chaotically located on the body of the cat, black spots of various shapes and sizes give it a magnificent view. The western part of the mainland, in view of the dense population of people, for serval has become an incredibly dangerous territory, where it is trapped by hunters, mercilessly killing for the sake of exotic fur.

It should be noted that out of 14 species the most interesting representatives of the breed are absolutely domesticated, because only through the painstaking work of breeders the white color of the individual with silvery patches on the skin in the form of spots was revealed to the world. Nevertheless, in the circles of specialists, it is pristine beauty of the breed that predetermines the purity of the species and its "naturalness".

Paws, muzzle, tail, or Characteristic features of the servoval

In addition to the wool cover, the signs of thoroughbredness are strictly proportional to the canons of the body, the shape of the ears, the color of the eyes and other features. Serval is a "high-level" cat. This applies not only to the price of the animal on the market, but also to actual physiological indices: height at the withers is 60-65 cm, length is 120-130 cm without tail. This is a kind of champion among the family of felines: the longest legs and ears are inherent in this species (in relation to parts of the body, the size of the head).

Despite the "marathon" data, the serval can not pursue his victim for a long time and prefers tracking tactics, using the surprise factor in hunting. The weight of the cat also does not predispose to a protracted run. The weight of an adult specimen often reaches a significant figure of 18 kg, which corresponds to the weight of a dog of the well-known Doberman breed.

Peace-loving predator

Particular attention should be paid to describing the character of the hero of our narrative. Few animals of the wild breed show friendliness and a sympathetic desire to be tamed. Meanwhile, the serval is a cat that can be nurtured by a good-natured and predestined complaisant animal, despite its powerful family ties with representatives of a far from peace-loving part of the animal world. However, this does not mean that the individuals of this breed will tolerate insults.

Of course, when establishing a contact, the owner must make clear to the animal who is the master of the house. And screaming and physically punishing serval in any case impossible, as the cat will long remember the aggression you have shown and enter the warpath, selectively annoying the offender. Enough will be an elementary shout "You can not!", Which will later become a signal for the pet. The African cat (scientically roared), in spite of its hot temperament of a wild animal, actually adapts quickly to the new environment and is incredibly easily accustomed to a new environment.

It is worth noting that some of the habits of a spotted beast will clearly resemble canine. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think about your shoes in advance: it is very pleasant to gnaw at all representatives of this breed. However, such qualities are not limited to the character of a cat.

Wild desire to be a pet

If among the huge variety of animals that you can have as pets, you are impressed by the breed of cats, you should pay tribute to your taste and at the same time the courage. Take responsibility for the content and generally the life of such an unusual representative of the family of felines - this must be decided, well thought out all. What is the uniqueness of this animal and why is it necessary to be cautious?

  • Firstly, it is a wild breed, considering most of the subspecies and, of course, heredity.
  • Secondly, the size of an adult can by no means be called small, so the safety of interior items and elements of general decor is highly questionable.
  • Thirdly, the servant's diet can not be classified as dietary. The animal is predatory and by definition eats meat. And the protein-rich "game" should, of course, be fresh. Be sure to take into account this rather unfavorable point of view of the content.
  • Fourthly, the cat tends to lead a nocturnal life. Therefore, if you are ready to reconcile with the nightly and early morning outings of your household, you should know the following. Quite an active movement of representatives of the breed is often associated with jumping, rumbling and a host of other sounds accompanying the hunt. Well, if you take into account the size and weight of the animal, in the morning you will be able to assess the damage, if you do not wake up earlier from the roar of falling flower pots.
  • Fifth, the wild cat, in addition to beautiful wool and grace, has a pronounced personality and always remains a full-fledged mistress of the situation, so sometimes it may resist training in training.

But however, with all this you can get along if you resort to the advice and recommendations of experienced kotatnikov.

Maintenance and care

Before you bring the animal to the house or apartment, you must in advance to organize a sleeping and paddling place for the pet, as well as to allocate the territory for the games, equipping the corner with a variety of "entertainment equipment" in the form of hanging ropes, shelves, nails and various adaptations. In the event that other fauna representatives live in the house, take as much time as possible to the process of getting to know a new member of the family, which will become a serval. A cat at home feels great if it creates a friendly environment.

A universal rule - treat a pet with love, and it will reciprocate - let it become your main. By the way, serval is a very capable student. By devoting a minimum of training time, the next day you will be able to discover its first results. Well, the most important: the representatives of the breed just love water. So do not forget that the bowl should always be filled with fresh liquid.

Dear cat

Probably, it was worth to tell about it before ... Perhaps you are interested in the question of how much is a serval, a cat of African blood? The answer is unequivocal: not cheap. However, the breed is worthy. In general, for a purebred kitten you will have to shell out about $ 25,000. A representative of the hybrid brood can be purchased for a less shocking amount - about $ 10,000. So pleasure is not from the public.


If, having weighed all the pros and cons, you decided to abandon the idea of starting a serval as a pet, you can admire the representatives of this wonderful breed by visiting a local zoo or sitting comfortably on your favorite chair and watching a documentary about the life of serval in Wild natural conditions. Fascinating views!

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