Self improvement, Psychology
Misandria is the path to loneliness
Unfortunately, this problem takes place in modern society. It is aggravated by the misunderstanding of such women by society: some people condemn them, others regret, the third is frank all the same. Meanwhile, few know what a misandry, do not have the faintest idea how to cope with it. It turns out that from year to year the number of women who are really burdened by their problem and do not represent how it can be solved increases. This article reveals the main meaning of the term and gives small recommendations for minimizing the manifestations of the reaction.
The nature of the problem
Misandria is not just a negative attitude towards men and a critical judgment about them, but a strong rejection of the stronger sex. Everything is much more serious and sadder. Misandriya - this is clearly manifested misinformation, reinforced by extreme disgust. Women who suffer from this problem sometimes can not restrain their emotions, they manifest themselves beyond their will.
Misgen hatred can not be controlled, this feeling literally strangles from within, it prevents us from remaining adequate and sensible to perceive reality. Such women in all that is connected with a man, see for themselves a real or hidden threat and therefore prefer to occupy an aggressive-defensive position. No convincing arguments do not work here, mizandriya is a morbid state of the soul characterized by mental disorders, borderline picture and frustration.
Origins, or Where It Comes from
It is clear that for such a pronounced aggression there must be specific reasons. Of course, every woman will have their own, individual. But still there are general patterns that contribute to the formation of this difficult situation. First of all, this is a dysfunctional, exhausting relationship with the father. If a little girl has ever experienced the humiliation of the pope (or the person replacing him), she will begin to form a psychological defense mechanism. And it will manifest itself at best in the fact that the baby will begin to avoid contact with people of the opposite sex. Stronger people start to show aggressive aggression: they offend those who are weaker.
One of the frequent reasons is also rape, which happened at any age. However, the moment when this happens with children or young girls is especially dramatic, then the inner world of the person is completely destroyed under the onslaught of cruel, uncontrollable force. The third reason can be the negative experience of marriage or cohabitation with a man, when he beats his companion and in everything restricts her freedom. In this situation, a woman feels so depressed that she has no choice but to develop ways of resistance on her own.
Desire to dominate
One of the serious consequences is that the woman wants to control the man in all, who is next to her. She behaves towards the guy rather selfishly, requires some material benefits, while she herself demonstrates to him a complete disregard. It is important for her to see the man submitting to her on her knees, in a figurative and direct sense.
Misandria - what is it? One can define it as an unconscious desire to follow selfish considerations in order to restore one's mental equilibrium, to get out of the burdensome role of the eternal victim and to take a worthy position.
The reaction of psychological defense
To somehow compensate for their own pain, a woman must necessarily include mechanisms of aggression. Sometimes it results in self-torture and accusation. Others prefer to take revenge on men, putting them in an embarrassing situation and showing unseemly, ugly behavior.
No matter how much the woman wants to change, she needs to go through a long process of rehabilitation, to understand her feelings. You can not hurry here. Any sharp movements are fraught with new complications and conditions, of which it is very difficult to get out.
How to solve a problem
First of all, it is important to realize that there is an anxious contradiction in the soul. Do not try to hide all your strength from yourself and others around your trouble. Today there are specialized centers where experienced psychotherapists will help to make friends with oneself, to find spiritual balance. It should be remembered that misandra is not just a mental pain, received with the participation of a man, but a strong personal injury that requires mandatory correction. Otherwise, a woman can not build a family, even just trust the person of the opposite sex. You need to start by reviewing the relationship with your own father. Perhaps it's time to forgive him for everything.
That's what a misandry is. The meaning of this term is strongly associated with heartache, but it must be overcome in order to be able to fully live on.
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