
Fiery buzulnik. Planting and care

More and more often in the gardens of Russian florists you can find such a beautiful and very unpretentious plant, like buzulnik. Landing and caring for it is almost everyone's power. The plant grows to 2 m tall and immediately attracts attention yellow-orange flowers collected in racemose, paniculate or corymbose inflorescences. Thanks to breeders breeding hybrids, many species have now appeared, differing from one another in the form and color of the leaves. In general, there are about 200 varieties of buzulnik.

Why do many growers recently acquire a homemade pad to decorate household plots? Planting and caring for this plant does not cause difficulties, besides it excels in damp and shady places, where other flowers simply do not survive. It is very interesting to watch the buzulnik in the old overgrown gardens, where its bright yellow "candles" seem to illuminate the gloomy and shady areas. Yes, and pleases the eye with its flowering, it is a lot, somewhere two months, and if the summer turned out to be cool - and that longer.

In Russia, you can often find a buzulnik dentate. Japan and China are his homeland, he grows up to one meter, inflorescence is paniculate, baskets - up to 8 cm in diameter. The leaves are assembled in a basal rosette and have a kidney shape. Flowering begins in August and lasts throughout the month. Most often in our gardens you can find two varieties: the buzzword Othello and Desdemona. The first is higher, blooms for 40 days, the diameter of the inflorescence is up to 13 cm, the color is richly orange, the leaves are very large, up to half a meter across. Desdemona slightly smaller, distinguished by fiery-orange inflorescences and lilac-brown leaves.

It is advisable to plant the buzulnik in the penumbra, since it is shade-tolerant and shade-loving, but if there is an opportunity to water the bush every day, the plant will also feel great on open flowerbeds. Under direct sunlight, especially in very hot weather, the leaves droop and become lifeless, but with the arrival of evening coolness buzulnik comes to life again. Planting and care involves choosing a nutrient and moist soil, it can be loamy, clayey with neutral acidity. Plants feel great even on very heavy soils.

A calm and quiet place - that's what buzulnik prefers. Planting and caring for it involves regular watering, the plant is not afraid of even temporary flooding. If the air is very dry, then from time to time the bush needs to be sprayed with water. Buzulnik likes fertilizers, so when planting in a pit, you can pour humus or mineral supplements. If there are significant temperature changes at night and daytime, then it is better not to add fertilizing at all, because this will affect the appearance of the plant.

To maintain the decorative appearance of flowers, faded inflorescences must be cut off in time, of course, if they do not need to be left on the seeds. It is not necessary to cover the plant for winter, since it is cold-resistant, it can freeze only in very severe frosts. Buzulnik does not need frequent transplants, on one site can grow up to 15 years and at the same time not lose its decorativeness.

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