Sports and Fitness, Fishing
Bottom tackle on the bream. Bottom tackle on catfish. How to catch bream
Bottom tackle on bream and catfish is used when fishing at great depths and on the current. The equipment can be based on traditional donkeys, feeders, strong spinning rods.
How to catch bream
Donkeys are placed both on the shore in deep places, along the channel, and from the boat. When using floats, do not do long tackle: it's very uncomfortable to catch with them while sitting in a boat. Bream can peck very imperceptibly or pull tackle so quickly and often that it is simply impossible to detect fish at such times. Therefore, it is necessary to cut the fish immediately after biting.
Bottom tackle on bream of traditional donkey consists of main line (average diameter 0.3 mm), leashes no thicker than 0.16 mm, sinker with feeder, hook. From the signaling devices you can choose any, but more recently in the course of plumbs. Bells are out of fashion, but they are not replaceable when catching at night.
How to make a bottom tackle on a bream? Simple enough. First you need to pick up the rod. It can be:
- A peg hammered in, a dug-in stick;
- V-shaped pointed plank 30-50 cm - it is convenient to wind the line;
- Old spinning rod;
- Even a float fishing rod can be turned into a half-bowl, taking off the float or displacing it to the very top.
On the peg or rod, installation of the bottom gear is carried out: lines with a load and a hook. In the classical donkey, the coil is usually not used. The fisherman with loops spreads the line on the shore so that it does not get tangled when cast. And then he throws the cargo along with the left hand or a special stick with a hook.
The length of the line depends on the width of the river, the desired fishing place and the physical strength of the fisherman. The diameter of the main line should be quite large: from 0.2 mm and above. Depends on the type of bottom of the reservoir, the presence of aquatic vegetation, the weight of the fish being caught. You can use a braided line, but it's expensive. The strength of a quality monofilament line is sufficient for fishing large bream. Now they produce monolesses of a new generation, more delicate, but very durable.
The thinner the line, the larger the catch. Given the fishing rule: the bottom tackle on the bream is equipped with a leash with a diameter of 0.12-0.16 mm, which is tied to the main line. These values are conditional and more dependent on specific preferences. Too thin wires quickly wears away on stones and shells, curls with loops. But there are thin lines of leading manufacturers, devoid of these shortcomings. Someone leashes a fishing line 0.25 mm. The general rule is that the leash must be thinner than the main line, so that when the dead hook is caught, only the hook is lost, and the main tackle is preserved. Given that each node reduces the strength of tackle, some use a solid line without leashes.
It is selected depending on the conditions of the reservoir, the presence of current, depth. The casting distance depends on the weight of the sinker. Through the through hole the main line is stretched. Closer to its end is attached a loader-stopper. And the main cargo freely moves along the line. This is a necessary condition. Otherwise, careful bream when bitten, feeling the resistance of a heavy sinker, spit out the bait.
The division of hooks by species of fish is a marketing ploy. The choice of hook depends on the nozzle used. When catching a worm, it should be long, on plant attachments, and the spatter - short. Forms of bending are of no fundamental importance. It is much more important that the hook be sharp, not break, not straighten out when fishing. It is desirable to select the color of the hook for a particular pond. Dimensions - No. 8-12 according to the international classification.
If you plan to catch bream, bait greatly improves the catchability. With long casts, it is problematic to feed the fishing zone from the shore. Feeders come to the aid. They can be used instead of cargo. They come in a variety of forms, but the function is one - to entice bream.
How to fill the feeder, everyone decides for himself. Composition of complementary foods depends on its design. If the open-type feeder, where the bait is held by the outer spiral, or the design has wide nests, the composition of the mixture should be more viscous. For example, put a millet porridge, mixed with breadcrumbs and ground oats for sticking bait.
Now the opinion prevails that bream is better attracted by finely dispersed particles of food, washed by the current. Following a peculiar path, against the current, fish find bait at a great distance. Therefore, often on the rivers use feeders with small cells, filled with a more loose composition. For example, a mixture of clay (earth, sand) with grinded fried seeds of sunflower, hemp, oatmeal, grain. It is useful to add live food. The mixture of bait must be freely washed out of it.
Feeding by feeders
Feeder - a specially designed universal rod, which allows you to use tackles for bottom fishing. It works great both on the river and in the reservoirs without current. This tackle can be of different types, with different tip stiffness. The design allows you to pellet feeders of a variety of weights, up to a hundred-odd grams. The snap-in of the feeder is arranged so that the fish is often cut by itself.
How to assemble the bottom tackle for the feeder
Equipping the donkey and the feeder is not fundamentally different. But there are nuances. The main difference is that the feeder is equipped with a coil. Due to the flexibility of the rod, acting as a lever, the fisherman is able to throw the tackle very far. The margin of the line on the coil is much larger (50-200 m) than it is used on ordinary donkeys. After casting the fishing line it is easy to rewind and tighten. From the spool the line is stretched through the rings. A flexible top or bell serves as a signal indicator for bites.
The cargo is usually made gliding, at the end of the main line is put a silicone stopper or small load. Bottom tackle on the bream is often equipped with a feeder. But if long-distance casting is required, too heavy a feeder may not reach the required point. In this case, sliding sinkers are used: for example, concave "spoons" or sinkers "planes" of triangular shape. When cast they have less resistance to air. Under certain conditions, you can make casts for a hundred meters. During the dive, they plan under water, providing a more accurate uniform casting. Due to the biased weight when bream is bitten, the load rises, improving the hook. It is mandatory to put an anti-twist and swivel.
Catching catfish
It is best to catch catfish on donka. It is much stronger than spinning. In addition, the bottom rig on the catfish is more simple in equipping and reliable. With the funds required to buy spinning and rigging, you can make a dozen donkeys. 15-20 installed simple donkeys work more efficiently than one, albeit incredibly "steep" spinning.
The catfish have a night schedule of feeding. Therefore, the rigging with the bait is thrown in the evening, and the catch is checked in the morning. If the bream can be found in any part of the river, large catfishes keep pools, deep sections of the reservoir. However, throwing bait close to snags should not be. Once you get on the hook, the fish will probably get tangled in them. It is recommended that you select a relatively clean bed or shoal, not far from the proposed habitat of the catfish. He has an excellent sense of smell, he will find the bait himself.
How to make a bottom tackle on a catfish
Instead of the rod, you can take an ordinary sturdy stick and dig it up on the shore. From above on a stick it is possible to make cuts so that the line does not slip. The line type - mono or braid - is selected, taking into account the estimated size of the fish. Usually enough fishing line is 0.5-1 mm. But if catfish are found under 25-30 kg or more, the diameter is doubled (1-2 mm). Some fishermen use thin ropes, but the braided line is not less durable and more convenient to use. The length depends on the conditions of catching.
When picking up gear for bottom fishing on a catfish, it is important to choose a suitable sinker. When bait in the form of cramps, pieces of meat, liver, shellfish, a standard 100 gram weight is enough. If live bait is used (cancer, frog, male), the cargo must be heavy: 200-300 grams. Otherwise livestock will pull out a snap. The speed of the current is also taken into account.
Hooks must be large, durable. For fixed baits, single hooks are usually chosen. When caught on bait, twins and tees are used.
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