HealthDiseases and Conditions

Chondrosis of the neck. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: symptoms, signs, treatment

If, having woken up in the morning, you felt a strong pulling pain in the neck and neck, then you need to pay attention to it. Of course, during the day, discomfort can go away, but the next day there is a chance that unpleasant sensations will return.

Because of what there is a pain in a nape and a neck? This question can be answered only by a doctor, but preliminary it is necessary to undergo a series of studies (ultrasound, MRI of the cervical department). There is a possibility that the cause of all colds or inflammation of the lymph nodes as a result of angina or other infection. But if the cause of the pain is chondrosis of the neck, then this diagnosis can not be ignored. After all, this disease contributes to a significant decrease in the quality of life, limits the activity of patients.

What is chondrosis of the neck?

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine. As a result, irreversible deformations of the vertebrae occur. Appear spinous processes that dig into the nerve endings that pass in the trunk of the spine. In addition, the intervertebral discs become more fragile, thinner. There is a risk of intervertebral hernia, which leads the patient to the operating table.

In general, the cervical section consists of 7 vertebrae, is very mobile and is responsible for the tilt and turn of the head. Chondrosis of the neck is very common and ranks second after chondrosis of the lumbar spine. Most often they are sick people aged 30 to 60 years. The cause of this ailment are the features of the structure of the spine (closely adjacent vertebrae). In addition, the muscles of the neck are developed rather poorly, so a very small load leads to violations in the cervical region.

Chondrosis of the neck may result from:

  • Weakness of the muscular corset of the neck;
  • Long work at the computer or desk;
  • Various neck injuries;
  • Incorrect posture, sedentary lifestyle;
  • Disturbances in metabolic processes;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Overeating.

Symptoms of the disease

Cervical chondrosis is the most dangerous form of osteochondrosis, because blood circulation in the brain is impaired because of blood vessels squeezing. A pinching of the root, leaving the nerve of the spinal cord, and can lead a person to a loss of sensitivity and disability.

So, the symptoms of the disease are:

  • Persistent pain in occiput and neck;
  • dizziness;
  • Ringing, noise in the head and ears;
  • Fatigue, general malaise;
  • Deterioration of eyesight and hearing;
  • Pain that pushes into the scapula, shoulder, arm and can be accompanied by weakness and numbness of the upper limbs.

Acute course of the disease

Acute chondrosis proceeds without symptoms for a certain time. It makes itself felt when the inflammatory process begins. Violations are made in parts of the spine that are involved in movement. There is a lot of pain.

Symptoms of an acute form of osteochondrosis are the same as the usual cervical chondrosis. But the causes of this disease differ:

  • Frequent muscle damage with spasms;
  • Congenital malformation of the skeleton;
  • Postoperative actions and injuries;
  • Severe poisoning;
  • Hernia;
  • elderly age;
  • Heavy physical labor;
  • Mineral or hormonal failure.


To avoid severe consequences in the future, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if at least one of the above symptoms of the disease occurs. Treatment of chondrosis of the neck should begin immediately. However, complete recovery, unfortunately, is impossible. Treatment is focused only on delaying irreversible processes. When exacerbations, hospitalization and a semi-postal regime are necessary.

Neurologists prescribe various kinds of analgesics, vitamins, muscle relaxants. Good results are provided by physiotherapy (ultrasound procedures, electrophoresis using anesthetics, etc.). Wearing the collar of Shantz is also one of the methods of treatment. In addition, surgical intervention using chondroprotectors is used.

Showing and massage, it should be done when the chondrosis is not yet in the acute stage. However, sometimes it is prescribed during the period of exacerbation. Then the doctor reflexively influences pain in the spine area due to healthy parts of the body. In general, at first, massage is organized with the help of gentle methods, in order to avoid muscle tension.

In order to effectively implement the treatment of cervical chondrosis, it is necessary:

  • Eliminate the factors that caused this disease;
  • Stimulate the process of natural regeneration of intervertebral discs;
  • Improve the overall condition and function of the discs;
  • Restore normal blood circulation of the brain.

Ointment from the chondrosis of the neck

The use of ointment helps to anesthetize, warm, distract, protect cartilaginous tissue. Use these medications only as directed by your doctor. They are used for tension and pain in the muscles. Ointment can be of the following types:

  1. Anti-inflammatory - contains steroid substances and, probably, analgesics for getting rid of pain.
  2. The complex effect (anesthesia, inflammation removal, regeneration).
  3. Ointment from chondrosis, which anesthetizes and irritates. It is needed in order to increase blood supply and thereby improve the nutrition of tissues. The active substance is nicoboxyl.
  4. Ointment, which slows down the negative processes and restores cartilage tissue. The main active substance in it is chondroitin sulfate.
  5. Homeopathic. Ointment is made on the basis of plant components and extracts. By its action, it is similar to ointments from 1 point.
  6. Massage, which removes inflammation, promotes the regeneration of tissues, anesthetizes. In its composition contains mummies, honey, vegetable components.


At the initial stages of the chondrosis of the neck is almost invisible, so it is worth paying special attention to the prevention of this insidious disease. It is always better to prevent the problem than to treat it. For the prevention of this ailment should:

  • Improve working conditions;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Follow the diet, do not overeat;
  • Avoid irrational loads;
  • Observe proper postures during work and sleep;
  • Perform physical exercises.

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