HealthDiseases and Conditions

FERD 1 degree: causes and consequences

FERD (syndrome of fetal development delay ) of the 1st degree is a fairly common diagnosis in pregnant women. It is about him that will be discussed in this article. You will learn what is FGRS 1 degree in pregnancy. Also you can find out the main characteristics of this state. It is also necessary to say which FGRS 1 degree has consequences. The causes of the pathology will be presented to your attention below.

What is FGR 1 degree in pregnancy?

The given diagnosis can be put to the future mum already in the second trimester of expectation of the kid. In most cases, during the next examination and measurement of the height of the uterus, the doctor establishes the fact that the genital organ lags behind in size. The obstetrician in such cases can presume the fetal development delay syndrome (FGRI) of 1 degree, 2 types or 3 rd. However, to confirm this condition for certain can only be an additional study.

FZRP 1 degree - lagging behind the size of the future baby from the deadlines for no more than two weeks. If this period is longer, then it is a question of other stages of pathology. Thus, in the second type of intrauterine growth retardation, the size of the fetus diverges from the average for three to four weeks. When your baby lags behind for more than one month, gynecologists talk about the third stage of intrauterine growth retardation.

The fetal development retardation syndrome is sometimes called other terms. However, their meaning and characteristics are the same. When detection of FGRS 1 degree during pregnancy treatment is shown in most cases. Before the correction, additional studies are carried out. These include Doplerography, cardiotocography, ultrasound diagnostics in dynamics. Based on the data obtained, appropriate medications are prescribed.

Forms of pathology

The FWRP of the 1st degree can have two different types. Identify them is possible only during ultrasound. A routine examination can not provide the doctor and patient with such detailed information. So, the syndrome of intrauterine growth retardation can be as follows:

  • Symmetrical form (in this case the fetus has a proportional lag in the size of bones, head and abdomen volumes, height and weight), this type of intrauterine development occurs in about 20-40 percent of cases of this pathology;
  • Asymmetric appearance (the lag is uneven, most parts of the body have normal values, while some of them are inadequate), this kind of pathology occurs in seventy percent of all cases.

In some cases, the determination of the type of fetal development delay syndrome of the 1st degree may be erroneous. It is worth recalling that this form of pathology has small discrepancies with standard norms. That is why it is so important to select a qualified specialist for diagnosing this condition.

Developmental delay or rate?

Sometimes it happens that the treatment of FVRP 1 degree is not carried out. In this case, this situation has no reason. Consequences do not arise in most cases. In this case, doctors still put this diagnosis, although in this case it is rather a hereditary feature.

In some families, all babies are born very small. Such kids simply inherited this feature from mom and dad. If you have the above diagnosis, but cardiotocography and dopplerometry are normal, it makes sense to remember how much weight you and your partner were born with.

Pathology development

The 1 st degree of asymmetric form or symmetric species does not appear simply. The only exceptions are hereditary characteristics. In most cases, there is a reason for the problem. Why develop retardation of intrauterine development?

The cause of this problem is a violation of uteroplacental blood flow. At the same time the baby starts missing oxygen, vitamins and other nutrients. In most cases, the problem has a gradual development. So, in the second trimester the baby can lag behind in just a few days. By the third part of pregnancy, this period is increased to one and a half weeks. A child with a delay of two weeks is born.

Let us examine in detail the main causes of the appearance of this pathology.

Household and social

For this reason, you can include all bad habits. If the future mother smokes, regularly drinks alcohol, then surely her baby gets a lot of suffering. It is worth noting that passive smoking and taking certain medications have a similar effect. Heavy physical activity or enthusiasm for professional sports can also play a role.

It is necessary to consider separately the food of a pregnant woman. Some representatives of the weaker sex are afraid to strongly add weight. That's why they stick to certain diets and eat low-calorie food. So it is impossible to do. In a day a woman in an interesting position should consume up to 2000 calories. A future mother needs to eat meat and blood products. Otherwise, the baby simply will not be able to develop correctly and evenly.

The age of a woman in the same way can affect the baby in the womb and cause a delay in its development. It is worth noting that this diagnosis is most often made for future mothers who have not reached the age of 18. After 36, there is also a risk of intrauterine growth retardation. Stressful situations during pregnancy can have a negative impact on the development of crumbs.

Obstetric causes

The 1 st grade FGRS (asymmetric or symmetrical form) is often detected in expectant mothers who suffer from gynecological diseases. It is worth noting that they can be congenital or acquired. The first include the anomalies of development of the genital organ (bifurcation, the presence of septums, baby uterus and so on). Among the acquired can be identified endometriosis, adenomyosis, the presence of tumors in the ovaries and in the cavity of the muscular organ and so on.

It is worth saying that future mothers who had previously had abortions or spontaneous termination of pregnancy are more likely to experience a delay in fetal development in the womb. Early onset of sexual activity or uterine underdevelopment (early pregnancy) also lead to fetal development retardation syndrome.

Causes of somatic

Second-degree FERD during pregnancy is often detected with some accompanying problems. These include kidney and liver, heart and circulatory system diseases. Even a stomach ulcer can cause intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus.

This also applies to the illnesses borne by a woman during the bearing of a child. A particularly dangerous period is the first trimester. It is then that the basic organs and systems of the baby are formed. A common cold can lead to disruption and the appearance of FGR in the future.


The syndrome of intrauterine growth retardation may be caused by problems that appeared directly during pregnancy. It does not matter the period of bearing of the baby. Pathology sometimes develops at the very beginning. Also the problem is likely to appear already at the end of pregnancy.

For these reasons, one can attribute a severe course of toxicosis or gestosis. Polyhydramnios or hypochondria, anemia, placenta previa, its infarctions or cysts - all this can cause the appearance of fetal development retardation syndrome. If in the first half of pregnancy there was a detachment of the fetal egg, bruising or bleeding, the risk of developing pathology greatly increases.

Pathologies in the formation of the fetus

Sometimes the syndrome of intrauterine growth retardation occurs due to fetal pathologies. In this case, we can talk about various deviations, for example, about thyroid gland diseases, various syndromes, chromosomal abnormalities, the acquisition of intrauterine infections, and so on.

This reason for the occurrence of FWM causes the most severe consequences, since it is not just a matter of lagging behind, but also problems in the body of the baby.

What are the consequences of the NRWP?

To answer this question, it is necessary to find out what caused the pathology. If this is a genetic feature, and the baby's parents also had small height and weight at birth, then the consequences usually do not arise. Such kids very quickly catch up with their peers. In the first three months, the children can add from three to six kilograms and grow by ten centimeters. However, if there are reasons for the development of intrauterine delay, then there may be consequences. Consider them.

Premature delivery

When the diagnosis shows the severe suffering of the baby, the doctors prescribe the treatment. In most cases, it is conducted in the hospital. If, after a few weeks, there is no improvement, the doctors can collect a consultation on which a decision is made on early delivery. In most cases this is a cesarean section. It should be noted that the child may need appropriate help and certain conditions.

Complications in childbirth

If the pathology is not pronounced, then after the correction, a woman can inform the baby before the due date. However, in the process of childbirth, problems often arise. These include fetal asphyxia , hypoxia, amniotic fluid staining with meconium, infection, and so on. In most of such situations, the child needs urgent medical care, which will help to avoid the development of irreversible consequences.

Growth and development in the future

Children with FWR in their majority catch up with their peers in growth and weight by the age of two. But this can not be said about psychoemotional development. Here the differences are erased only at the age of ten to fifteen years. These children are more emotional and hyperactive, they are often unable to concentrate on one subject for a long time, they are poorly trained in school and less likely to succeed in their careers.

Children with this diagnosis are often sick. They are prone to the development of diabetes, obesity, lung and heart diseases. In order to avoid the development of such health disorders as much as possible, it is necessary to show the child to the doctors in a timely manner and to conduct the treatment recommended by them.


You now became aware of what is the NWFP of the 1st degree. You have learned about the methods of diagnosis and the types of pathology. To prevent adverse events, it is necessary to plan pregnancy. Before conception, be sure to visit a doctor and exclude all factors that can cause this pathology.

If you had to deal with the above diagnosis, then do not panic. The nervous tension of a future mother can only aggravate the condition of a growing baby. Trust the doctors and, if necessary, go through the prescribed treatment. Mild pregnancy and well-being!

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