Food and drinkRecipes

Beef stew with vegetables

People who refuse meat do not even understand how much they lose. Not only that the dishes from it are tasty and nutritious, so also the mass of useful microelements contained in it does not reach the "addressee", that is, up to the human body. The most popular meat is beef. It is not as fatty as pork, but no less delicious. A beef stew with vegetables - just the best option for people who care about their health.

First, this kind of meat is useful for the body. Beef contains various trace elements, iron, vitamin B12, zinc, selenium, monounsaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated fats, protein and so on. Secondly, stew is much more useful than roast and even baked. Thirdly, beef stew with vegetables (with them) automatically turns into a well of substances necessary for the body. So please yourself and cook dinner on one of the recipes given in this article.

Beef stew with vegetables requires: two potatoes, half a kilogram of meat, two pieces of bell pepper, carrots and tomatoes, one piece of onion, zucchini and eggplant, 50 grams of tomato paste, dill and parsley, 100 grams of asparagus beans and lettuce leaves , 100 milliliters of water, a glass of broth, bay leaf, black pepper, salt, 2 tbsp. L of sugar. So, the beef fillet should be washed, dried, cut into cubes and fried in a skillet until a ruddy crust, then put it in a saucepan. Now work with the vegetables. Potatoes must be cut into cubes and fry too, and zucchini, eggplant and asparagus beans - small pieces. All vegetables are laid out in a saucepan to meat. Now on a frying pan the onion (half rings) with carrots (on a grater) is fried, tomato paste, half a glass of broth is added there, then sugar to pour into the frying pan. Now its contents can be laid out to meat and vegetables. Simmer all this for 10 minutes. At the end, the Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes, cut into small pieces, are added to the pan. Add the remaining broth and cook it all for another 20 minutes. Do not forget to stir up the dish. Before serving, beef stew with vegetables sprinkled with sliced greens and decorated with lettuce leaves.

There are recipes that do not require the use of such a number of ingredients. Let's say beef stew with onions. Take 100 grams of flour, a bit of ground black pepper, salt, a kilogram of beef (with no bones), vegetable oil, a bottle of beer, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 onions, half a tablespoon of brown sugar, dried thyme and bay leaf. In a large bowl, you must mix the salt, pepper and flour, and then put the meat cut into cubes. In a frying pan, the beef should be roasted to a crispy crust, add to it greens, thyme, bay leaves, garlic, sugar and onions (semicircles). All this must be fried for 5-7 minutes. Then you can pour the contents of the frying pan with beer and simmer for about an hour and a half on a slow fire.

During the preparation of dishes from such meat, it is not necessary to use fresh vegetables. Beef stew with pickled cucumbers - this is an example of the unusual taste of ordinary foods. Take half a kilogram of meat, a tablespoon of butter, two onions, four pickles, garlic, green onions, pepper and salt - to taste. The fillet is fried in pieces with butter and onions (semicircles). There you can add chopped garlic, add a boiling water (half a glass) and simmer for 10 minutes. Then send the pickled cucumber (finely chopped). The dish should be fried for another 20 minutes, stirring. It is served with a raw onion, chopped rings.

As you can see, the dishes from beef, especially if it is stewed with vegetables, can become an excellent dinner or dinner.

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