Food and drinkRecipes

Delicious pork head dishes

People at the sight of pig heads on the shelves often turn disgustingly - too naturalistic. However, ignoring this byproduct, they deprive themselves of many flavoring pleasures. Pork head dishes are a real delicacy. They are cooked in all countries (unless religious principles put a ban on pork). And ate the food almost in the first place, even on a very rich festive table. Pork head dishes have only one drawback: they are all prepared long enough. But for a real gourmet it's not an obstacle!

Competent preparation

Before you cook a pig's head, it must be properly gutted. First of all, if the subproduct was given to you with bristles, shave it with the cheapest disposable razor. It is not advisable to scorch it - you will not like the smell and will long disappear. Then pick up a hard brush or washcloth and wipe the skin in all places, paying special attention to hard-to-reach - snout and ears. Further cutting depends on what to cook from the pig's head you are gathered: in some recipes it is needed entirely, in some - pieces or only its meat parts. But the basis remains unified: it is necessary to launder the byproduct very carefully!

Estonian jelly

When the recipes of dishes from the pig's head are mentioned, first of all the famous jelly is recalled. Of course, it turns out to be very rich and perfectly gelatinous and without gelatin. However, we must admit that at the output we have a very fat dish. Estonians offer to act somewhat differently: take in equal amounts the head, legs and veal. The cheeks are cut off from the head on something else, and everything else is put on a plate filled with cold water. After removing the foam in the pan, two onions are laid directly with the husks, whole carrots and root parsley plus the root of the celery. When the meat begins to fall away from the bones itself, peppercorns, salt and laurushka are poured. The cooled meat is disassembled into small pieces, filled with strained transparent broth and after boiling is poured over the containers.


Before you cook a pig's head in this form, you have to cut meat from it with the skin, cut out the tongue and clean off all unnecessary ones. The ears are removed; Meat with a part of the fat is laid out along the tongue, the neck muscles are cut, slices of meat are covered by the eye cavities. The whole design is generously rubbed with garlic and sprinkled with dried herbs. For this dish of pork head is very good pounded pepper, rosemary, thyme and basil. The roll turns off, is pulled over by a string, under which fresh rosemary is put. On a baking sheet the pieces of cut fat are laid out, on them - a roll, on top - a foil. The dish is put in the oven for three hours. Periodically, it is required to water it with greased fat. When it's ready, the cooled roulet for the night hides in the refrigerator. And in the morning you can eat.

Pressed Meat

For him, the pig's head is taken (photo - in the article), carefully washed and boiled for a long time - five hours. Near the end of the cooking, spices are added with salt. You can limit yourself to laurel and pepper, but you can pick something to your taste. Then the head is disassembled; Soft cartilage, too, go to work, as well as lard, which must be cut smaller. All the cuts are mixed with garlic, laid out in a colander (it is better to lace it with gauze), poured a glass of two broth and put under a press in the refrigerator. For about five hours you can eat meat.

Pork head with horseradish

Almost the simplest thing to make from a pig's head, and quite quickly and without complicated cooking techniques. The cleansed and washed head is poured with water and boiled with parsley, onions, laurel, salt, carrot and pepper. Readiness comes somewhat earlier than in the cold: the meat is separated without difficulty, but does not fall off the bones. The sauce is made: per kilogram of the head, the grated root of the horseradish is roasted, a spoonful of flour is poured in, pre-dried dry, filled with broth (half cup) and sour cream (glass). After boiling, add a little vinegar, salt and sugar (to taste). On the table, the head is put cut into portions and poured with sauce.

Heads with Vegetables

The first stage of cooking is the boiling of the heads. To speed up the process, they can be chopped. In parallel, for this dish, a pork head is made from a bulb of onions, carrots and root parsley. When the color and smell of the roast will satisfy you, add in it the browned flour (large spoon), tomato puree (three), a couple cloves of garlic and a half cup of broth. After boiling in the gravy, put the head disassembled into small pieces, and the dish is stewed for about a third of an hour.

German cabbes

In Germany, the dishes from the pig's head are very respected. You can try to cook the traditional for this country sour cabbes. The head is not very large cut and cooked - but only up to half ready, and in very little water, so that during cooking it almost completely boils. Sauerkraut (at the rate of 200 g for the same amount of meat) is mixed with sliced apple, juniper berries and chopped onion. The resulting mass is placed in the broth and stewed until the head is ready. At the end, a quarter of a glass of white wine is poured in and a little cumin is poured in. For serving, you still need a sauce: two teaspoonfuls of flour are added on melted butter, a quarter of a glass of broth is poured in, a couple of large spoons of fat cream, grated horseradish and salt. Zakipit - you can fill the cabbes, laid out on a dish.

Stuffed head in Ukrainian

For its preparation it is necessary to show considerable culinary dexterity. First of all, the head is cut from the bottom, but so that the skin on the crown remains intact. After repeated washing (or better - a two-hour soaking in a water repeatedly replaced), the bones are removed, the eyes are sewn and the head is stuffed. For filling a kilo of veal liver is baked with bacon and stewed to a crust with onions. A white roll is soaked in milk and squeezed. A pail of veal is grinded with liver and bread, supplemented with four yolks, a quarter kilogram of finely chopped boiled corned beef and finally a foam of four proteins. Half of the stuffed minced meat is embedded in a shell from the head, on it there are mugs of five steep eggs, a dozen pickled mushrooms and five pickled cucumbers (slices or mugs). The second part of the forcemeat is decomposed from above, the head is pulled together by a twine and is cooked from two to three hours. The table is set with horseradish and mayonnaise.

Chuvash pie

If you are interested in preparing dishes from a pig's head, do not stop only on traditional ones. In Chuvashia came up with a wonderful batch of this by-product. Mix yeast dough from half a kilogram of flour. Waiting for his lifting is preparing the filling. For her, the washed and prepared head is cut into quarters and cooked almost until ready. It removes all the meat with some of the fat and grinds it in a meat grinder. Minced fries until light brown, combines with onion, salt and pepper. After blending, it decomposes into a thickly rolled test. The edges are plastered - you should get a big oval cake. After three quarters of an hour of disintegration, it is smeared with a beaten egg, in several places it is pricked with a fork and sent to the oven for half an hour.

Pate of pork head

Various kinds of nads make it easy to have quick snacks and serve as a nice addition to dinner. Not bad in this quality is the pate from the pig's head. You can do it in many ways. The simplest: cut the by-product into pieces, pour water in not too large a volume, put the whole carrot and onion and cook, as if the jelly were about to cook. When the meat begins to fall off the bones, the strained broth is left for some soup, and the pulp, including the skin, fat and soft cartilage, is beaten in a blender with garlic and onions. The already prepared pate from the pig's head is savored with salt and spices. As them, ground pepper is obligatory, the rest - as you like. But it will be very successful to use muscat.

Pate "Delicacy"

The real gourmets do not like the dish only from the meat of the head. They can be advised to combine it with the liver in approximately equal amounts. The chopped head is boiled, and the liver, large-chopped, is fried (you can also boil it, but it will be too watery). To the liver you can add a quarter of bulbs - then you will not have to do roasting separately. All components are milled or run through a blender, salted, peppered and spiced with other spices - and pate can be consumed. If you have prepared it in too large a quantity or plan to leave it before winter, add six pieces of egg to the mass, spread out in half-liter jars and sterilize for an hour and a half. After corking and cooling, they should be stored in the cold: canned food is a capricious thing and can deteriorate.

Pate from the pig's head can be cooked with meat. Actions and product ratios are similar, only meat is cooked with the head, and the onion is fried separately.


For her, meat and fat will be carefully and small, in centimeters, cut with slices from the bones. The billet is filled with cold water and cooked for about three hours. At the right time, salt with spices is added. When the stew from the pig's head is ready, it is packed in sterile jars, covered with lids and sterilized for half an hour. After capping, the cans are turned upside down and cooled without wrapping. Keep, like any other canned meat, better in the cold. And if you really like the stew from the pig's head and you intend to cook it in large quantities, buy an autoclave - it makes it possible to store canned meat for a long time.

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