
Atopic dermatitis: diet and treatment

Atopic dermatitis - a disease in the modern world is quite common. Suffer from chronic dermatitis as children between the ages of 3 months, and adults. Causes of the disease can be called genetic predisposition, dysfunction of the skin, as well as external factors. In addition, dermatitis is not a single disease, as people who are prone to this ailment have symptoms of allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergies. It is not a secret for anyone that allergic people are characterized by low immunity, which means that they are more prone to viral infections and fungal infections than others. You can treat the disease only under the supervision of a good specialist doctor, because an independent struggle can only harm the patient. There is a great chance that expensive self-treatment will not yield any result. To be treated by means of exclusively national means (grasses, broths, etc.) too it is not necessary, it can be dangerous.

Classifications of dermatitis are diverse and differ in both the severity forms and age criteria. The disease itself occurs in children and adults with varying degrees of complication. If the child's neurodermatitis recedes at the age of 13-14 years, with the onset of the transition age, chronic dermatitis does not pass and at the age of 30 years. The danger is that the disease can find new forms. Treatment of atopic dermatitis in adults (aged 18 and over) requires special medical supervision.

To date, this disease affects about 30% of the world's population. Data for recent years are disappointing, as the percentage of sick people increases every time. Scientists explain this by the unfavorable environment surrounding us, and the malnutrition of the population.

Do you want to cure atopic dermatitis? Diet will help you! Certainly, the restriction in nutrition will not relieve you from ailment for life, but it will seriously ease the general condition of the body for a while. Especially effective diet in the event that you suffer from food allergy.

Atopic dermatitis, a diet in which each patient needs, can not be cured solely through a course of medications, since the disease is chronic. Most often, experts prescribe to patients ointments that eliminate external signs of allergy, as well as tablets and capsules that facilitate the general condition.

Atopic dermatitis. Diet of elimination

Its peculiarity is that it reveals and eliminates the food allergen. Before the start of the diet, it is necessary to pass tests and samples, according to the results of which this treatment is prescribed. It is intended to completely eliminate the food allergen from the diet for a certain period. The duration of these restrictions is determined by a specialist, but, as a rule, the diet lasts about 2 months.

In order for the course of treatment to be successful, you should help close people who relieve you of temptations. In addition to allergens, "pathogens" are also excluded, for example, sugar, citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, preservatives, dyes, juices.

If you do not know how to treat atopic dermatitis, but sincerely want to get rid of the disease, we advise you to undergo a course of treatment or prevention from a good specialist. Do not trust the district doctors, if you can visit an allergist-immunologist, in whose competence you do not doubt.

If your chronic illness is atopic dermatitis, a diet and getting rid of sources of an allergen will not help, you need to undergo a complete examination, as it often happens that the cause of hypersensitivity to certain foods and household factors lies in the other. Staphylococcus, giardiasis, dysbiosis - all this provokes a relapse of the disease. There are also cases of nervous breakdowns against which allergic inflammation occurs.

Before making a diagnosis, analyze the events of recent months, perhaps the source of dermatitis lies in another. Do not self-medicate, sit on a hard diet and drink expensive, but ineffective drugs. Take a blood test and, if possible, rest on the sea. If you do not get rid of atopic dermatitis forever, then the general condition of the body can improve in any case.

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