TravelsTips for tourists

At what temperature can you swim

Many of us are very fond of swimming. The sea or the river, the lake or an artificial reservoir - everything can give the amateur pleasure to splash and dive in the warm water. Bathing is a very useful procedure that not only helps with various sores, but also raises the mood, promotes the body's hardening and is a hygienic, that is, a cleansing procedure. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not get sick. To prevent this from happening, everyone should know at what temperature the water can be bathed.

Each person has his own thermal regime. People hardened, or as they are called "walruses", can safely bathe even at minus temperatures. If you are not "walrus" and have never been tempered before, then swimming in ice and cold water is strictly forbidden to you. In order to become a fearless bather, you need to train and harden your body for a long time and regularly. For a person who has never done this before, the optimum temperature can be water, not lower than 20 degrees. This is provided that he will not swim for more than five minutes.

At what temperature can you swim on a hot day?

During the summer heat, it is best to cool your body with a water temperature of 20-25 degrees. You can feel more cheerful and comfortable, having bathed in such water, while not risking a supercooling. The main thing is do not overdo it, or you'll get a good cold just like a spoiled vacation. People with weakened immunity and prone to colds should begin to swim with 3 minutes, gradually increasing the time in the water, but not more than 10 minutes. After bathing, it is advisable to wipe dry with a towel and change wet clothes.

At what temperature can you swim at night?

Many people like to swim at night. In the night bathing there are a number of advantages. First, fewer people, and secondly, the water is cleaner. These arguments are difficult to challenge, but we must remember that at night very often the water temperature is higher than air. If you bathe at night, be sure to get out of the water, dry yourself with a towel and dress. Most people prefer a water temperature of 23 to 26 degrees. It is under these conditions that they feel comfortable and enjoy bathing.

At what temperature can you swim for children?

This question is most often asked by parents who want their children to grow up strong and healthy. The child can carry out health procedures in an open reservoir after three years, with a water temperature of at least 25 degrees. First, gradually wipe the baby with water and only then it can be completely dipped. Start with 2 or 3 minutes, no more, so that the baby does not freeze. On the shore, wipe the child with a towel and change into dry clothes. This simple procedure reduces the risk of colds by more than 3 times, according to doctors.

The water temperature for bathing older children should be at least 24 degrees. Take care that they do not sit for hours in the water, because children, even when frozen, are very reluctant to leave it. Let them run a little along the shore, and only then allow them to resume bathing.

The water temperature in the sea for bathing newborns is a topic for a separate article. We think that no one will come to mind to bathe his newborn baby in an open pool, let it be even a warm sea. Babies are bathed at home and only in the bathroom.

The water temperature in the sea should also not be below 20 degrees for an unoccupied person. To feel comfortable, he must pay attention to some factors: in windy weather, the water is warmer, in sunny weather it seems colder, and on cloudy days it is also warmer; The more salty the water, the warmer it is.

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