
'Andipal' instructions

Many people suffer from various diseases, in which they have to take painkillers that relieve or remove the feeling of pain. Andipal also belongs to such drugs. The instruction recommends taking it as a sedative, analgesic and antispasmodic. In addition, he is appointed to reduce blood pressure.

Active active substances of the preparation "Andipal" are: papaverine, analgin, phenobarbital and dibazol. It is this combination of components that causes the sedative property of the drug, under the influence of which spasms of smooth muscles are eliminated, which leads to a weakening of the pain sensations in the patient and the expansion of the blood vessels.

They produce a drug in the form of tablets. It should be noted that there is its analogue and it is called "Andipal-B". Pharmacology is the same, the chemical composition is also similar.

Accept the "Andipal" instruction for severe pain syndromes, which cause a spasm of cerebral vessels, vessels of the peripheral region of smooth muscles and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this drug is used in the treatment of hypertensives, including in single cases of an attack, as well as diseases associated with sudden increases and lowering of blood pressure. Often prescribe the drug for headaches and migraines.

Some patients who plan to start taking the drug "Andipal", the instruction forbids it to take if the patient's body is sensitive to at least one of the components of the drug. In addition, it is not prescribed for persons with a diseased liver and kidneys, as well as for any blood diseases. During lactation and pregnancy, it is also contraindicated, in addition, it is not recommended for children.

The "Andipal" instruction is also prohibited in the following cases:

- with deficiency of phosphate dehydrogenase;

- with tachyarrhythmias;

- with severe angina pectoris;

- with chronic heart failure;

- with intestinal obstruction;

- an angle-closure glaucoma;

- hyperplasia of the prostate.

In addition, the admission should take into account the specific instructions that are in any instructions of the drug. If the drug is taken for more than 7 days, it is necessary to control the composition of the blood and the functioning of the liver - the main hematopoietic organ. In addition, during treatment with this drug should protect yourself from work that requires increased attention, and also do not drive the vehicle, because the active substances "Andipal" are able to inhibit psychomotor reactions and reduce concentration.

Many are prescribed "Andipal", how to take this drug, should explain the expert. The course of treatment involves the use of adults for 1 tablet, the frequency can be up to 3 times a day. Children drug is contraindicated, as was mentioned above.

As with any other medication, after taking the Andipal tablets, you may experience side effects in the form of constipation, nausea, impaired liver function, drowsiness, and retardation. As for the hemopoietic system, there may be more serious disorders, such as agranulocytosis and leukopenia. In addition, there may appear allergic reactions, disruption of the kidneys and lowering blood pressure. At the slightest manifestation of the side effect of the drug, you must stop taking it and seek help from a doctor.

Independently it is not recommended to take "Andipal", the testimony should be clearly prescribed by your doctor.

Store this tool under normal conditions, the main thing is that it does not get direct rays of the sun and it was inaccessible to children.

Be healthy!

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