
Adrenal hormones and their role in the human body

Adrenal hormones are very important for the normal functioning of the human body, since it is with their help that the processes of metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins are regulated, as well as the work of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. But before you find out what hormones the adrenal glands produce, you need to familiarize yourself with their structure.

Adrenal gland summary

The adrenal glands are small, yellowish gland paired glands that are located directly above the kidneys. Each such gland consists of two parts, which differ in their functions, morphological and physiological characteristics.

Above it is located the so-called cortical substance, which, in turn, consists of three different balls: the glomerular zone is located outside, then the bundle is located, and the mesh region adjoins directly to the inner part of the adrenal glands-the brain ball.

The role of the adrenal gland is very important for the body. This fact has been proved experimentally. For example, if both glands were removed, the animal immediately died.

Hormones of the cortical layer of the adrenal glands

The cortical layer of these glands produces a whole series of steroid hormones, which are called corticosteroids. The main substance for the synthesis of such hormones is cholesterol, which enters the body with food. The synthesis of these hormonal substances is carried out in the mitochondria of cells.

In the reticular and fascicular zone of the adrenal glands, so-called glucocorticoids are produced, while the glomerular globule is responsible for the formation of mineralocorticoids. In addition, a small amount of androgens, the sex hormones of the human body, is formed in the reticular zone.

Glucocorticoids are very important hormonal substances, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate for the organism. For example, it is these hormones that regulate the activity of enzymes that control glucose metabolism. Artificial introduction of glucocorticoids into the body increases the amount of glycogen in the liver and increases the glucose level in the blood. Along with this, under the influence of these hormones, a stop of protein synthesis is observed. With severe disruption and a decrease in these hormones, muscle atrophy is observed .

In addition, glucocorticoids are important for the work of the brain, because when they lack, the person loses the ability to distinguish smells and tastes. When the hormonal background is disturbed, the processing of information deteriorates.

The effect of glucocorticoids on the immune system has also been proven, as a decrease in their number increases the lymph nodes and thymus gland.

Mineralocorticoids are adrenal hormones that are responsible for water and salt balance in the human body. They control the processes of ion exchange, in particular potassium and sodium. This is how the volumes of blood and fluid released by the kidneys are regulated. In addition, these adrenal hormones regulate the work of the heart muscle.

Androgens are the sex hormones of the adrenal glands, which only increase the effect of substances released by the sex glands. In addition, it is thanks to androgens that the muscles grow and increase in volume. It should be noted that in men the level of such hormonal substances is much higher. Increasing their level in the woman's blood causes the development of secondary male sexual characteristics.

Hormones of adrenal medulla

This part of the gland produces the so-called "stress hormones", united under the name of catecholamines. These adrenal hormones are adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine. It is these substances that begin to be intensively released into the blood with strong experiences, nervous tension, joy, pleasure, fear, etc. Under their influence, heartbeat, respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, metabolism are significantly accelerated, in particular, the decomposition of glycogen to monomers. By the way, all the catecholamines produced by the human body, scientists have learned to synthesize in the external environment.

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