Health, Preparations
"Venus" or "Detralex" - which is better? Comments of doctors about "Venarus" and "Detralex"
In the modern world, people are increasingly faced with diseases of blood vessels and heart. The reason for this is a wrong way of life, bad ecology, harmful nutrition and so on. Women are especially prone to developing varicose veins. This is due to the wearing of tight shoes with high heels, sedentary work and the period of pregnancy. For the treatment of pathology, there are several methods. Doctors recommend starting with medication. This method can also become a preventive measure of the disease. In this article we will talk about two similar drugs. "Venus" or "Detralex": which is better? You will learn more about this later. It is worth comparing the medicines and learn the opinions of specialists about them.
Composition of tablets and their effect
The composition of Detralex and Venus is absolutely identical. The capsules contain 450 milligrams of diosmine and 50 milligrams of hesperidin. Tablets have an oblong shape. "Venus" or "Detralex": what is the best choice?
Getting into the human body, these drugs begin to be split in the gastrointestinal tract in a few minutes. Active substances are actively absorbed into the blood and begin their work. "Detralex" or "Venarus" with hemorrhoids affect the nodes. The walls of the vessels become stronger, and the blood inside them dilutes. All this leads to the suppression of hemorrhoids and its reduction. With varicose veins, both these products strengthen the capillaries and reduce their fragility. Preparations improve blood circulation and prevent stagnation in the lower extremities. In addition, the regular reception of Detralex, Flebodia, Venarus and other venotonics allows you to get rid of fatigue and pain in your legs, as well as to remove puffiness.
Price category of funds
"Venus" or "Detralex": which is better? If to look from the point of view of cost it is more favorable to buy the first variant. Since the effect of drugs is similar and the composition is no different, is there any sense in overpayment?
One package of Detralex for 30 capsules will cost you approximately 700-900 rubles. Tablets are manufactured by a famous French pharmaceutical company. The preparation "Venarus" can be bought at a lower cost. This remedy is produced in Russia. In this case, for 30 capsules will have to give about 500 rubles. As you can see, the difference is obvious. The price differs almost twofold. That is why when choosing a drug ("Venus" or "Detralex"), patients' reviews indicate that it is worth giving preference to a cheaper drug.
Method of taking drugs from varicose veins
"Detralex" or "Venarus": what is better with varicose veins? If judged from the point of view of use, then, of course, the second drug is more convenient.
Tablets "Detraleks" can be used once. It is very convenient for busy people and leading an active lifestyle. The patient does not have to carry the drug all day with him and choose the right time for the next capsule intake. It is enough to take two tablets during breakfast in the morning. This scheme is suitable for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.
If you prefer a cheaper drug called Venarus, then be prepared for the fact that taking the tablets should be divided. The first capsule should be drunk in the morning during a meal, and the second - at lunch or evening. It is worth noting that the drug is not recommended for use on an empty stomach. This distinguishes the medicine from its expensive counterpart.
Using drugs to treat hemorrhoids
"Venus" or "Detralex": when hemorrhoids are better? And in this case, an expensive and effective drug was an expensive French remedy.
For the treatment of hemorrhoids with "Venarus" tablets, the following dosage should be observed. In the first four days, 6 capsules are used. After that, the dose decreases, and the patient needs to drink 4 tablets for another three days.
If you chose Detralex to treat hemorrhoids, then the scheme will be as follows. In the first three days, 4 capsules are used. After that, the reception switches to a new mode: 3 tablets for a few more days.
Side effects
As with any other medication, these drugs have side effects. Most often, they are observed if the dosage is incorrect or the doctor's prescribed treatment regimens are not adhered to.
Detralex can cause indigestion: nausea, vomiting, stool changes. The drug "Venarus" often affects the nervous system, leading to headache, fatigue and increased fatigue.
The rate of action and excretion of drugs
What is the difference between Detralex and Venarus? At first glance, the difference is only in price. However, this is not at all the case. The composition of Detralex includes diosmin in a microdosed form. This suggests that the substance is split more quickly and absorbed into the blood. In most cases, the pills begin to act within a few hours after ingestion, reaching their maximum effect two months after treatment.
The medicine "Venarus" has the same composition as its expensive analogue. However, his work is different at a different rate. In order for the drug to act, you need to take it continuously for three weeks. Only after that he begins to actively split and work.
Both of these drugs are withdrawn on average after 12 hours together with feces and urine.
"Detralex" or "Venarus": reviews of doctors
What do doctors say about these two drugs? What is more effective and better? Most specialists (angio-surgeons and phlebologists) recommend using Detralex. It's all about his quick effect and good work.
Doctors say that for the treatment of hemorrhoids the preparation "Venarus" is completely inappropriate. Or it needs to be combined with additional means, which is even more expensive. If you use only tablets "Venarus", then do not expect a quick effect. You will see a noticeable result only a month later. When acute hemorrhoids need help fast. That's why doctors recommend using tablets "Detraleks".
If you need to prevent varicose veins, what should you choose - Detralex or Venarus? The doctors say that the first option will be more effective. Despite the high cost, the preventive dose will cost you a little cheaper. The whole point is that the remedy is appointed for a period of one to two months. While the "Venus" tablets should be consumed at least three months.
For correction after surgery, both these drugs are prescribed. However, the drug "Detralex" causes more confidence in doctors than its cheap counterpart. This is due to its effective and quick action. As you can see, in this respect the medicinal product "Venarus" does not stand competition.
Summing up and conclusion
You can now tell everything about the preparation "Venus" or "Detralex". Which is better in a particular case, decide for yourself. Doctors insist on using a proven French remedy with a microdosed diosmin in the composition. However, doctors can not force the patient to give preference to this particular remedy. Many people want to save money, so they buy a cheaper analogue of the medicine.
Try to follow the doctor's prescriptions and choose only the recommended drugs. Be healthy!
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