Self improvementPsychology

Cycle Flask: description, principles, examples and efficiency

Kolba's cycle is called one of the models used in the training of adults (trainings, courses, schools). The name of David Kolb, a specialist in the psychological aspects of training, became known precisely because of the effectiveness and efficiency of the model he developed.

Theoretical basis of the technique

Kolb believed that learning as a process is a cycle or a kind of spiral, and its main components called the accumulation of personal experience with further deliberation and reflection and, as a result, action.

The stages that the student is going through according to the method Kolba man:

  1. Baseline: the person has a direct, concrete experience in the matter that he plans to study.
  2. Stage reflexion or mental observations: here the learner must consider and analyze the knowledge that he possesses.
  3. The process of the emergence of an abstract concept or model: the stage of generalization of the information obtained (experience) and the construction of a specific model. According to the Kolb plan, this period of the training session or training is designed to generate ideas, build relationships and add new information about how everything is arranged (about the patterns in the studied field).
  4. Stage of active experiments: the final element of the lesson is to check whether the model or concept created is applicable to specific situations. As a result, the trainee has a completely new experience. In the future we can observe the closure of the cycle.

Cycle Flask: Advantages and Fields of Application of the Model

This method of training is considered one of the most effective and universal. It is interesting that the Kolba model can suit almost any person, because it is based on what the learner already knows. That is why its application is so effective.

This method of systematizing professional practical or academic knowledge and skills is used by the largest companies around the world. The Kolbah cycle, used by personal growth trainers or teachers of advanced training courses, allows employees to maximize their potential, as well as activate latent opportunities and abilities.

Features specific to adult learning

Unlike pedagogy, which considers the specifics of the work of the child's psyche in learning conditions, andragogy is the science of how a teacher and coach should work with adults. The Flask cycle involves the use of the basic principles of andragogy.

Difference of the "adult trainee" becomes the presence of a steady motivation for training, training and self-development. This is not surprising, because many working people or businessmen perfectly understand that the new experience will help them to more effectively find solutions to professional and personal problems.

In addition, referring to his experience, such a person benefits not only himself, but also other members of the group. Communication and exchange of information enrich the experience of each of them.

Follower D. Kolb: model optimization

The widely circulated Kolba cycle was developed and perfected by the Swedish training specialist Klas Mellander. Its cycle looks a little different and includes such components:

  • Motivation (the degree of receptivity and psychological readiness).
  • Information (formation of information from transformed facts and available data).
  • Processing (turning information into awareness and experience).
  • Generation of conclusions (processing of awareness and experience into knowledge).
  • Use (practical application of knowledge, formation of skill and approach).
  • Feedback factor (evaluation of results, their optimization and new thinking).

This model pays more attention to the process of converting the information received by the learner from the lecturer or the trainer into skills that will be repeatedly applied in the future.

Cycle Flask in training: structure of the lesson

A model that allows effective training of adults has found application in the field of personnel management. Most of the trainings aimed at improving the level of skills or training employees with new skills are built as follows:

  1. 10% of the duration of the educational process: the identification of the motivation of those present, the argumentation of the value of this course (actualization of the course). This kind of introduction allows students to be interested, to concentrate their attention on the topic of training, and also to indicate the benefit or necessity of the material presented. Properly conducted first stage largely determines the success of learning in general. Motivation can be formed by case studies on problematization, exercise-challenges, indicating to participants that they do not have the skills and experience necessary in specific situations. This is the most important tool that the Kolb cycle offers. An example can be given the following: in the training on business communication and negotiation the trainer intentionally provokes a conflict situation between the participants, showing them how imperfect their communication skills and ability to analyze the non-verbal signals of the interlocutor.
  2. 20% of the training: the process of fixing and repeating what has already been learned in the lesson. This part of the training allows presenters to form a consistent logical structure of skills from non-systematized information.
  3. 50% of the educational process: submission and explanation of new information. This stage is most important, as the students receive new skills, knowledge and techniques that they will need to solve the problems set at the beginning of the training.
  4. 10% of the time: evaluation of the work done. Here the coach assesses the degree and completeness of the knowledge acquired by participants. In the evaluation process, the teacher should proceed from the principles of clarity, fairness and objectivity. Only in this way the evaluation can stimulate the audience to further study. Assessments do not have to be a coach, it can be done by every student or team.
  5. 10% of the training: conclusions. This is the stage at which the coach receives information from students (feedback, comments, suggestions for improving the learning process). The last task of the teacher can be called the formation of motivation for the audience to further independent study of the material.

Adaptation of the model for teaching children

To use this model, students should have minimum skills in any field and have a desire to develop them. Since children are usually taught "from scratch", the Kolba cycle is rarely used in pedagogy. An example for a kindergarten can be as follows:

  1. Demonstration of a beautiful craft of plasticine.
  2. An appeal to what children already know how to do with this material.
  3. Illustration of the crafting algorithm.
  4. Comparison of works, their evaluation.
  5. Teacher's questions about what the children liked.

The main danger that lies in wait for trainers and teachers using the Kolb cycle is the high risk of demotivation and the possibility of reducing the self-esteem of employees or students (if the experience gained during the lesson is frankly unsuccessful). For this reason, the coach must be extremely patient and prudent. Using this method, you need to know the rules of criticism and follow the feedback.

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