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Milk: types of milk and dairy products, production and storage

What is milk? Types of milk and its useful properties will be presented in the materials of this article. Also we will tell you about what animals give this product and how it should be stored correctly.

General information

Milk is called a nutrient fluid, which is produced by the mammary glands of mammals. Its natural purpose is to feed the cubs, who are not yet able to digest other foods.

Milk and dairy products are part of many species of ghjlernjd used by man. Their production has become a huge industry.

Milk and dairy products

Milk is obtained through the secretion of mammary glands. It is a liquid of white color (sometimes it may have a yellowish tinge) with a sweetish taste.

Most often in our country, use cow's milk, processed in dairy plants. However, in other nations this product is often obtained as a result of milking of other animals. For example, sheep, mares, camels, goats and others. So, the milk of mares is ideal for making koumiss, sheep is made of sheep, and shubat is made from camel.


Which components includes milk? Types of milk are different. That is why their composition also changes. It also depends on the breeds of animals, the stage of its lactation, the season and so on.

According to experts, this product includes complex proteins that contain all the essential amino acids.

The mammary gland of an animal consists of a multitude of cells, permeated with lymphatic, blood and nervous vessels. They deliver all the necessary substances for the synthesis of milk.

It should also be noted that this product includes fats and carbohydrates in the form of monosaccharides and lactose. Splitting of the latter in the intestine occurs rather slowly. Due to this, the fermentation of this product is inhibited.

The fat content of milk is determined by the amount of fat contained in it. They are in a state of emulsion and are a complex mixture of triglycerides that contain fat-soluble vitamins and lecithin.

It should also be noted that the fat content of milk determines its calorific value. Although experts say that even the most fatty product does not contain more than 60 kcal per 100 ml.

What kind of milk? Types of milk

Most often, pasteurized milk is used for food. It is divided into several types:

  • The whole. This is normalized milk, which contains a certain amount of fat (ie, 2.5% or 3.2%).
  • Refurbished. Such milk is partially or completely prepared from dairy canned food, which is cleaned, pasteurized, homogenized, cooled, bottled, and the like. This product is often obtained by dissolving dry whole milk in warm water and holding it for four hours. It is during this time that proteins can swell, watery taste disappears, and normal density and viscosity can be formed.
  • Whipped. It is not a secret to anyone that the color of melted milk has a pleasant creamy tinge. This is due to the fact that its fat content is not less than 6%. It undergoes pasteurization and homogenization at a temperature of about 95 degrees with exposure for four hours. By the way, it is this kind of treatment of the product that makes the color of melted milk creamy, and also gives it a special taste and aroma.
  • Milk of high fat content. This is a normalized product that is homogenized. As a rule, it has a fat content of 6%.
  • Protein. It's not just milk. In the process of normalization, condensed or dried milk is added to it. Such a product is characterized by an increased content of non-fat components.
  • Vitaminized. It is very tasty milk and healthy. It is made from a low-fat or whole product and is enriched with vitamins C, A and D.
  • Lean. The quality of lean milk always leaves much to be desired. Such a product is obtained from a pasteurized beverage by its separation. Usually its fat content is 0.05%.

Now you know what milk is like. Types of milk were listed above.

According to some nutritionists, such a product, subject to sterilization, can cause significant harm. This is due to the fact that with such treatment, calcium and milk protein are denatured and subsequently cause health problems.

Processing at factories

The harm of milk lies in the fact that it can negatively affect the state of the human digestive system. However, this happens only if the product has been spoiled.

To increase the shelf life of the beverage in question, the fresh milk is first filtered and cooled, and then sent to the plants. There it is subjected to cleaning, pasteurized, normalized, homogenized, as well as cooled and packaged.

Due to this treatment, this drink retains all the useful qualities. Moreover, the growth and development of microorganisms trapped in it is prevented.

Milk camels, cows, goats, mares, etc., do not produce, but are extracted by milking animals. However, in the future, it is subjected to special treatment. This drink is purified in centrifugal milk cleaners, and also filtered under high pressure. As a result, all impurities are removed from the product.

To rid the milk of bacterial cells, use special centrifuges. As is known, this purification process is called bacterification.

Types of processing

It's just that milk can not get to the store shelves. In industrial conditions, it must be subjected to any treatment.

Normalization of milk is called increasing or reducing the content of fat droplets in it. Do this to bring the above indicator to the norm.

The fat content of the product must not exceed 3.2%. To do this, it is processed with a separator-normalizer or mixed with whole milk.

Pasteurization of the beverage in question is carried out to increase the shelf life of the beverage. For this, the normalized milk is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of no more than 85 degrees with an exposure time of 15-20 seconds.

Pasteurization is short-lived, immediate and long-lasting. For all these treatments different equipment is used.

According to experts, instant pasteurization is carried out without exposure for several seconds. At the same time, the heating temperature reaches 85-90 degrees.

With a short pasteurization, the beverage is heated to 75 degrees and held for about 17 seconds.

Continuous pasteurization is carried out at a temperature of 65 degrees with an exposure time of half an hour.

Most often in factories milk, the price of which is indicated below, is subjected to short-term pasteurization.


Homogenization is another type of milk treatment. Such a method is necessary for the further manufacture of fermented milk products.

What is homogenization? This is a mechanical crushing of droplets of fat into small particles. Such processing of the beverage is carried out in order to obtain an emulsion that does not exfoliate during storage.

After homogenization, the product is rapidly cooled to 4-6 degrees and sent to a spill.

Dairy products are obtained only from pasteurized milk. As a rule, this happens in two different ways - reservoir and thermostat.

With the tank method, the finished product is already poured into the container, which was preliminarily aged for ripening and ripening in special containers.

In the thermostatic process, the homogenized beverage is poured into a container and quenched in thermostats, and then cooled to a temperature of 8 degrees.

In rare cases, the method of activation is used to sterilize milk . It is based on the use of infrared and ultraviolet radiation.

Features of milk of various animals

Many people are used to think that homemade milk is cow's milk. However, in some settlements, including in our country, other types of this product are used. It is obtained by milking various animals. Consider the features of these drinks right now.


This fatty milk, rich in proteins. It is characterized by increased density and acidity. Because of the lack of carotene, he has a greyish shade.

The sheep drink contains 6% protein. At the same time, 80% is casein, and 20% is whey proteins.

This product is actively used for the preparation of the following types of cheeses: pekarino, brynza, kashkaval, roquefort, kobi cheese and others. It should also be noted that in Central Asia oil is made from it.


This product is rich in albumin, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin C. Because of the small amount of coloring substances, it has a light color. After consumption, this milk coagulates and forms small flakes. Due to this, it is easily absorbed by the body.

Goat drink is consumed in whole and processed form. Cheeses and sour-milk products are made from it. They are distinguished by their curative and preventive properties, especially useful in gastrointestinal diseases.

This drink is often included in dietary and baby food.

The mare

According to historians, the horse was originally domesticated in order to obtain milk and meat. A little later this animal was used to help with the farm.

Kobyliy drink has a sweetish-tart taste and a bluish tinge. Moreover, for him, the characters are bactericidal properties. This product is very often used for making koumiss. It is used in the treatment of ulcerative diseases of tuberculosis and anemia.


This drink is the main food product of the desert and semi-desert population of Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Georgia and Armenia. It has a sweetish specific taste and a thick consistency.

Camel's milk can be consumed both fresh and in the form of fermented milk products such as ayran, cottage cheese, katyk, shubat, chal, and others. It also makes cheese and butter. All these products are characterized by high medicinal properties.


Buffaloes are bred in many countries. Such animals are quite resistant to a hot climate. Their milk has a pleasant taste and aroma. It is very dense, and also contains a lot of minerals, protein and fats.

This product is consumed fresh. Also, oil and cheeses are made from it.


Due to its physical properties and chemical composition, this milk is very close to the mare. Such a product includes many immunoglobulins. That's why it is used to treat children, including newborns.

From donkey milk, koumiss is often made.


This drink has a fairly thick consistency, which resembles cream. As a rule, before use, it is diluted.


This drink is a tropical tree juice galactodendron. In the people, the plant is called cow or milk. Its juice very much resembles an animal product, and not only in appearance, but also in taste and nutritional properties.

Milk products

Milk cow (GOST), as well as goat, mare, camel and others can be consumed not only in a single form, but also in the form of dairy products. The most common of these are:

  • Cream.

This is the fatty part of milk, obtained by separation. It has a high fat content, due to which it has a high nutritional value.

Cream is consumed after pasteurization. It is carried out under high temperature. This gives them a special flavor and taste, as well as a guarantee of cleanliness from various bacteria.

Pasteurized cream has a creamy hue, a sweetish taste and a homogeneous consistency.

  • Milk canned food.

To preserve milk longer, it can be preserved. Depending on the production, such canned food is divided into dry and condensed.

Dry products are obtained by removing moisture from the milk. Thanks to this treatment, they remain for a long time.

Milk, condensed with sugar or without it, is made from a fresh whole or low-fat beverage. From it, water is evaporated, and then canned or simply sterilized.

The main process in the preparation of canned products is the pasteurization of their base, that is milk. After that, it is sent to a vacuum apparatus, where the temperature is maintained no more than 55-57 degrees. Then the condensed milk is cooled and poured into cans.

Thanks to the use of sugar, this product has a high calorie content, as well as good taste qualities.

  • Milk powder is whole.

Such a product is obtained by drying the pasteurized whole milk. It may have a weak forage taste and a light cream tinge. It should also be noted that such a powder can contain burnt particles.

In addition, on sale you can find skimmed milk powder. It is prepared from a low-fat beverage.

  • Dry cream.

Such a powder is made from pasteurized cream by drying them. They are packaged in a sealed or leaky package.

  • Butter.

Very few people know, but it's an easily digestible product. It contains all the basic components of milk. After a certain time, the oil loses its flavor. It is made from cream by churning in a churn. This fat is used and just like that, and used to prepare various dishes.

Butter can be salty and unsalted. It contains about 25% moisture, and 71% or 72.5% fat and 1.5% salt. This product is characterized by a high content of mineral salts, vitamins of the group PP, B and C.

  • Ice cream.

Such a sweet and tasty dessert is made from cream or pasteurized milk by mixing with stabilizers, sugar, as well as aromatic and flavor additives. All ingredients are frozen and whipped thoroughly.

  • Secondary raw materials.

Such products are produced during the production of butter, drinking dairy products, cheeses and cottage cheese. These include buttermilk, whey and skimmed milk.


Usually, milk is stored at a temperature of 2-5 degrees for about 2-3 days. At its industrial processing this period can be increased several times. If the milk is packaged in special bags or bottles, its shelf life often reaches several months. However, the benefit of such a product is very doubtful.

To significantly increase the shelf life of the beverage in question, it is thickened with sugar or dried.

Why should not you drink milk?

The harm of milk lies in the fact that with its prolonged use a person begins to experience a strong weakness. According to some experts, amateurs of this product quickly accumulate fats and accelerate the aging process.

It should also be noted that the use of such products can cause osteoporosis, allergies, indigestion, flatulence and blockage of the artery. That is why many nutritionists recommend that milk, butter and cream be excluded from their diet. As for low-fat yogurt and cheeses, you can afford them, but only in limited quantities.

The use of the product and its price

How much does the milk cost? Its price depends on the type and method of processing. As a rule, the cost of one liter of such a drink varies from 30-65 rubles.

About the usefulness of milk has long been disputes. Some experts say that this is a harmful product. However, most of them are of the opinion that this drink is very useful for the normalization of cholesterol metabolism. It also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

The positive effect of this product on the human body is due to the content in it of a large amount of water, as well as the presence of methionine, which participates in the formation of hemoglobin.

It should also be noted that in the course of research, scientists have found that animal milk promotes the stimulation of the kidneys. In addition, sour-milk products are the best means for normalizing intestinal flora. Their regular intake prevents putrefactive processes and restores the digestive system.

According to experts, eating milk helps protect the body. It reduces the sensitivity of cells to the hormone insulin. In addition, people who eat butter, milk, cheeses and yoghurts every day have a much lower incidence of high cholesterol and elevated blood pressure.

Milk diet reduces the risk of obesity syndrome and insulin resistance, which often provoke the development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

According to some scientists, potassium, calcium and magnesium, contained in dairy products in large quantities, reduce the risk of hypertension. Moreover, thanks to this drink, it is possible to exclude the development of heart attack, diabetes and stroke.

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