
What if I knocked my finger on my arm? Practical recommendations

People whose activities are connected with physical labor know firsthand what a finger injury is. In fact, it is possible to damage the limb in the most unexpected situation, for example, during active rest.

What if I knocked my finger on my arm? What first aid should be provided in this situation? How to recover from damage? We will look for answers to these and other questions in the material presented.


If you knocked out a thumb on your hand - what to do? Before answering this question, let's find out what are the symptoms of such a trauma.

The knocked out finger is a closed tissue damage, which occurs under the influence of a strong contusion of soft tissues with a shift in phalanges. For trauma is characterized by a restriction of the mobility of the finger, a slight change in its shape, a sharp pain, the occurrence of swelling in the joint area.

If a finger is bruised, there may be a hematoma. Its color can gradually change from reddish to dark blue. It depends on the severity of the damage. Usually the hematoma dissolves on its own for several days. Surgical intervention to eliminate it is extremely rare. It is the accumulation of blood clots in the soft tissues that is the cause of the development of the pain syndrome.

First aid

What if I knocked my finger on my arm? First aid in this situation involves the implementation of actions aimed at removing the pain syndrome, as well as immobilization of damaged phalanges. First of all, it is necessary to work on the injured area with cold. For these purposes, it is better to use a package filled with crushed ice. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is necessary to attach to the finger any improvised cold object.

The embossed finger must be immobilized. In other words, it is necessary to provide him with a fixed position. To do this, it is recommended to tighten the finger to the adjacent finger tightly.


What if I knocked my finger on my arm? The displaced phalanx should be inserted as soon as possible. Do this yourself can only at your own peril and risk. To avoid serious consequences, it is recommended to seek qualified help from a doctor. If ligaments and tendons are damaged as a result of traumatic effects, surgery may be required.

After the finger is inserted into place, a special wire tire is applied to it, which ensures a reliable fixation of the phalanx. In this condition, the limb is left for several weeks.

I knocked my index finger on my arm - what should I do? In order to restore the injured area more quickly, local ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect should be used. To the aid here will come such means as "Fastum Gel", "Diclofenac", "Voltaren", other.

After resorption of edema, one should resort to physiotherapeutic procedures. Warm-up of the finger and massage allow you to return the phalanx to the previous mobility. It is desirable that exercises for finger warming up are simple and do not exert significant loads on the limb.

Methods of Traditional Medicine

We will continue to consider what to do if I knocked out a finger on my hand. Currently, there are a lot of popular recipes that make it possible to relieve pain in case of a finger injury, and also to eliminate swelling and inflammation of soft tissues. To facilitate the recovery process, it is worth paying attention to the following methods:

  1. Prepare an infusion of tansy, celandine, string and marigold. Bloom flowers in equal proportions, pour boiled water and wait for the liquid to cool. The resulting solution is used to apply compresses to the bruised finger. This method of folk medicine allows you to quickly remove puffiness and helps restore the mobility of the damaged phalanx.
  2. Grind several garlic heads. Mix it with apple cider vinegar. Several times a day, apply the resulting solution to the knocked out finger. Very soon the hematoma will dissolve in the damaged area, after which the pain sensations will completely disappear.
  3. Grind to powder about 50 grams of hop cones. Mix with fat to make ointment. The resulting remedy will cope with bruises, will have an antiseptic and analgesic effect on the tissues.


We provided full information on the topic: "If a finger is knocked out on the arm - what to do?" Photos that tell you what these injuries look like can be seen in the material. Finally, it should be noted that the displacement of the phalanx of the finger often coincides with cracks in the bone tissue. Therefore, with such injuries, it is not recommended to engage in amateur activities. Having received first aid, it is better to resort to the radiography of the damaged area as soon as possible.

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