
Hepatic tests: interpretation of the analysis. Normal indicators of liver function

The liver is one of the most important organs of man. It is with its help that the toxins and the remnants of drugs are cleaved and removed. Every day it undergoes enormous loads, but, nevertheless, is quickly restored. Unfortunately, this happens only up to a certain point. Hepatic tests help to determine the functionality of the liver. Deciphering the analysis will help to identify the problems of this body.

Hepatic tests - what is it

In order to determine the state of the liver and bile ducts, modern medicine uses a number of laboratory tests, collectively called liver tests. The material for the study is obtained by venous blood sampling, and with it the following tests are performed:

  • AST, ALT;
  • bilirubin;
  • alkaline phosphatase;
  • Total protein;
  • Timole sample;
  • albumen.

These laboratory tests allow us to assess the already existing disorders, as well as the ability of the liver to maintain one of its most important functions - the synthesis of enzymes and other substances necessary for normal life.

Hepatic tests - ALT, AST

Endogenous enzymes AST and ALT are an important component in the production of certain amino acids. The norm of AST and ALT differs depending on the sex and age of the patient, as well as on his body weight, temperature and lifestyle. In a healthy body, their number is insignificant, and for men a little more than for women.

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)

This enzyme is contained, as a rule, in the liver tissues and partly in the heart and muscles. The norm in women is 10-35 U / L, and for men - from 14 to 20 U / L. An increase in normal indices may indicate damage to the organs where it is contained. Depending on how high the excess rate is (and this figure can vary from several units to an increase of five to ten times), determine the extent of the lesion. In order to ensure that the pathological process affects the liver, complete liver tests are performed. The interpretation of the analysis confirms or refutes suspicions with a high degree of probability.

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

The liver enzyme, like AST, takes part in the metabolism and in particular amino acids. As well as AST, it is mainly present in liver cells, in the muscle and heart tissues. Its content in women is normally from 10 to 30 U / l. In men, the norm is 10-40 U / l. Its excess also signals a lesion of tissues that contain alanine aminotransferase. If the norm of AST and ALT is increased, this may indicate the presence of such diseases as viral hepatitis, acute alcohol or food poisoning, liver cirrhosis, the presence of parasites.


There are three types of bilirubin - direct (bound), indirect (unrelated) and generic, while the latter does not exist by itself, but represents a collection of the first and second types. This pigmented substance is formed due to the decay of the heme, which, in turn, is part of the hemoglobin. The process takes place in the liver cells. In the presence of any pathological process in the hepatocytes or bile ducts, the level of bilirubin in the blood serum changes.

The total bilirubin can range from 3.3 μmol / l to 20.5, while the direct bilirubin is about 25% of the total, that is, up to 3.3 μmol / l, and indirect - 75% (13.6-17 , 1 μmol / L). In the event that liver tests are increased, it is possible to suspect various inflammatory processes in the liver and gall bladder. Visually, an increase in the level of bilirubin is manifested by jaundice.

Alkaline phosphatase

Another enzyme of the bile ducts, which is necessary for normal functioning of the body, is alkaline phosphatase. It plays an important role in the phosphorus-calcium metabolism, directly affecting the state of bone tissue. However, in large quantities alkaline phosphatase is present in the liver tissues, as well as in the intestinal mucosa, mammary glands. Normal indications of it depend on the age of the patient. In the age group up to 30 years, the normal values of alkaline phosphatase are 32-92 IU / l, and older - from 39 to 117 IU / l. What will the blood test give? Hepatic tests, as a rule, do not show a decrease in this indicator, and its increase indicates a metabolic disorder, in particular, a violation of phosphorus transport. This can be if the outflow of bile in the biliary tract (cholestasis), liver cirrhosis, parasitic diseases, acute alcohol poisoning.

Thymolic test

Timolovaya test - this is another test, included in the liver tests. The interpretation of the analysis in this case shows the ability of the liver to synthesize the protein components of the blood. Timolovaya sample refers to sedimentary. To conduct it, a saturated solution of thymol is added to the mixture of blood serum and buffer solution , and after half an hour, the turbidity of the solution is evaluated. The normal values of this sample range from 0 to 5 units. The increase occurs when there is a violation of protein synthesis and can signal about viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and certain connective tissue diseases. How useful is this blood test? Liver tests, and thymol in particular, allow early detection, not waiting for clinical manifestations, to identify the disease and begin adequate therapy.


One of the main proteins of plasma is albumin. It is the leading component in maintaining the oncotic blood pressure and, as a consequence, affects the volume of circulating blood. In addition, albumin plays an important role in the transport function, binding to bile acids, bilirubin, calcium ions and drug substances. Normally, the albumin value is in the range of 35-50 g / l. An increase in the indices is observed with pronounced dehydration, a decrease is an occasion to suspect inflammatory processes in the liver, sepsis, rheumatic processes. In addition, a decrease in albumin in the serum is possible with prolonged starvation, the use of oral contraceptives, steroids, and smoking.

Total protein

By the term "total protein" is usually meant the total concentration of globulins and albumin in the blood serum. This is the main component of protein metabolism in the human body. It performs many functions: maintains a constant blood PH, participates in the processes of clotting, immune reactions, the transfer of fats, hormones and bilirubin to organs and tissues. Why does the doctor offer patients to pass the test for liver tests? Decoding (the norm of this indicator should be from 64 to 86 g / l) will help the specialist to understand whether these functions are not violated. So, protein increase can be observed in acute and chronic inflammatory processes and infectious diseases, as well as with extensive burns. Decreased rates may be the result of bleeding, kidney disease, which is accompanied by significant protein losses (glomerulonephritis), cancer processes.

Hepatic assays, the analysis of which is of great importance in the diagnosis of many pathological conditions of the liver and other organs, are given in the morning, on an empty stomach (the last meal should be taken no less than 8 hours before the test). It is necessary to exclude alcohol and fatty foods on the eve.

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