Homeliness, Gardening
A variety of juniper: photo and care
Coniferous plants in your garden - this is the original design of the landscape, a wonderful aroma, as well as the daily pleasure from contemplating evergreen, furry twigs. However, the question arises, which plants are best to choose for their site? Fir-trees, pines and cedars are amazing, but it will take a very long time to wait until they become adults. However, there is an alternative. Any kind of juniper, and there are many of them, can become a real highlight of your garden. In addition, the representatives of this family grow much faster and are rather unpretentious.
An unusual variety of forms
Not for nothing that gardeners loved this plant. Just a couple of junipers on the site will give you a delicate aroma, pleasing warm on a summer evening. And also the amateurs note the unpretentiousness that any kind of juniper has. Find two identical in principle is very difficult, because there are a huge number of interesting shapes, original colors and textures of the needles.
The genus of junipers includes about 60 varieties of plants of all shapes and sizes. They grow on the entire length of the Northern Hemisphere, from the mountain tropics and up to the polar zone. In this case, each species has its own area. For example, a variety of juniper, which is characterized by its short stature and a feathering species, is a typical inhabitant of rocks and mountain slopes.
general description
How to understand that this plant is in front of you? It is enough to know its distinctive features. Any kind of juniper is an evergreen tree or shrub. In this case, it can be treelike or crawl on the ground in the form of a carpet. The crown is pyramidal or conical.
The evergreen plant blooms in June, and fructifies in August. Cones or berries contain loose flesh. Many owners make blanks to later use these fruits for medicinal purposes.
Planting a juniper
We propose the following scheme for the consideration of this topic. First, let's talk about planting and nursing, and then about the characteristics of each species separately. So, the planting of seedlings is carried out when they are already strong young plants. From the moment of shoots should pass at least 36 months. Spring is best for this, namely, April-May.
All species of tuja and junipers are planted together with a large clod of land. Preliminary it is recommended to prepare a hole, the depth of which should be twice as large as the height of the seedling itself. At the bottom of the hole must spread the broken brick. The basal circle is covered with mulch material. It can be peat or foliage. The thickness of the layer should be at least 10 cm. Although this plant is unpretentious, for a better rooting it is desirable to replace the usual garden ground with a nutrient mixture. It can be bought at a specialized store. In addition, nitroammophoska is added to the substrate.
Group landing
Depending on your preferences, you can decorate your site with a single coniferous plant or a whole group. For example, a hedge made of coniferous shrubs. In addition, you can create in the center of the site a composition of three or four junipers, which will be the highlight and the centerpiece of your garden. However, if you make a group landing, you must follow certain rules. In advance, gather information about the size of the plants in their adult form. This will leave enough space between them. It is not recommended to plant junipers too close, so that they do not muffle each other.
Care of the plant
The species of tuja and junipers attract gardeners not only with their decorative appearance, but also with minimal requirements for care. In the country site there are enough delicate plants that require regular transplantation, pruning, feeding, propping and much more. In this regard, juniper is a true staunch tin soldier, who practically does not require anything from his master. With the first heat, nitroammophoska is introduced into the soil, approximately 40 g per m 2 . More during the year you can do nothing. If the soil is very stony and poor, then this rule can be violated, but in this case it is not recommended to feed more than twice during the warm season.
Watering and pruning
Any variety of tuja, cypress, juniper is characterized by high drought resistance. But if the summer is very hot, then without water, the plant will at least lose its decorative effect. Therefore, do not forget to periodically spill the root zone. Very fond of these plants is spraying. This procedure is performed in the morning or evening.
But pruning is a completely unnecessary procedure, so be guided by the appearance of the plant and your taste. But if you form a hedge from it, you will have to regularly remove all sticking shoots. Wintering juniper is usually good, it is frost-resistant. But young plants must always be sheltered.
Common Juniper
Not all varieties of junipers are found in our summer cottages. Photo and name of the most popular of them, we will quote in our today's article, so that you have guidelines for selecting seedlings. So, ordinary it is called because of the widespread and unpretentious. It withstands almost any conditions, winter cold and dry summer. Rusty it will be in the form of a tree or spreading shrub up to 6 meters in height. The branching is chaotic, it blooms with yellow flowers, in the place of which berries are formed. The plant is very beautiful at any time of year
Three main subspecies
They are quite popular among summer residents in Russia, so let's move on to the description.
Gold Cone - this plant looks like a candle. Does not need complex care, perfectly tolerates the winter and completely does not tolerate waterlogging. Planting is carried out in early spring, after which it will be necessary to pryaneny seedling from direct sunlight. It is recommended to bind the crown for the winter.
Hibernika. It is simply amazing that so different plants are close relatives and belong to the same species. This exotic beauty will definitely become the main attraction of your garden. The main difference from the previous subspecies is the non-slim, tender needles, which envelops the trunk, like the finest strings. The shrub will grow on any soil, but it is very demanding for lighting. Therefore, choose the most sunny place.
Green Carpet. This kind of juniper, whose name translates as "green carpet," is very different from previous brethren. If they had an elongated shape, then this kind can be formed only in a round ball. It is perfectly combined with stones and can be used as a ground cover plant. It grows well in well-lit places.
Juniper, Chinese
It is widely distributed from Korea to the north of China. Even in nature there are dozens of varieties of this variety, and most of them perfectly tolerate the conditions of Russia. It's hard to believe that this is all Chinese juniper. Varieties, the photos of which we will consider today, can be used to decorate your garden plot. Needles are mostly prickly and small.
Blaauw is a very interesting species, the main feature is its blue branches. Believe me, such a rare shade will highlight it against the background of all the plants in the garden. This kind of juniper can be planted anywhere, even in a small shadow. However, it is more demanding on the quality of the soil. The plant is suitable only for drained, light and non-acidic soils.
BlueAlps is another very interesting species, which is distinguished by a pleasant bluish tint. This juniper will grow beautifully both in the shade and in the sun, but in the first case its shade will be rather dim. But there is a significant advantage. The plant is absolutely undemanding to the ground and watering.
Variegata is another amazing plant. If you need not a center figure in the garden, but an interesting design of the corner part of the flowerbed, then it is best to designate it using an expressive shrub. With this task, this kind of copes best. Distinctive features are small size, spreading branches and yellowish spots that are scattered all around the perimeter of the plant. The only condition is fresh, nutritious and non-acid soils. Optimize the soil on your site, and you will grow this beautiful juniper. Varieties, photos and names (coniferous handsome people are very popular) can be found, including in specialized stores or on websites of online stores.
Juniperus Cossack
This species is widely distributed in landscape design. Depending on the variety, it can be a shrub up to a meter and a half or a huge tree with a height of 4 to 6 meters. And the width of the crown in some can reach 10 meters. Designers are very fond of Cossack juniper. Varieties of it are undemanding to the soil, they suffer heat and cold, wind and drought, and also have the strongest phytoncide properties. The cultivars of the Cossack juniper open up a whole world in which you will surely find what you like.
Hicksii. The maximum height of the shrub is 1.5 meters, and width 2. It is distinguished by its high winter hardiness.
Broadmoor. The height is not more than 60 cm, but it spreads to a width of up to three meters, forming an emerald carpet.
Blue Danube. The hvoins of this plant have a bluish tinge. The shrub does not exceed 60 cm in height, but extends up to 3 meters wide. Looks good along the paths in the garden.
Southern variety of juniper
It is called in another way archa. Approximately 21 species of junipers are found in Central Asia. Especially a lot of it in the mountains. If you plan to organize an alpine slide in your garden, then archa will become the ideal basis for your composition. These are very unpretentious plants that grow in the crevices of rocks, gradually expanding them with their roots. Archa plants are extremely interesting in form. These are bizarrely curved or straight trees, as well as creeping, spiraling, twisted forms of shrubs.
The archa grows very slowly and practically does not give a shadow. Its needles exude phytoncides, they completely purify the air of pathogenic bacteria. You can plant any juniper at home. Varieties, photos, planting and care - this is information that you will receive additionally with the seedlings. However, the mountain archa is a too long-growing plant to grow it on site.
Species of Tui
Juniper and thuja are separate genera belonging to the cypress family. But if the genus of junipers includes at least 60 species, then only five. It can also have the appearance of a lush shrub or tree with the most bizarre shape. Its crown is spherical or pyramidal, there are also weeping thuja. If you are currently planning a landscape of your garden, be sure to think about placing on its territory at least one coniferous tree or shrub. It's beautiful, fashionable and modern.
Thuya Western
Considering the species of tuja and junipers (see photo in our article), it should be noted that tree forms are the most popular. Still, spectacular evergreen and long-lived handsome people are conquering at first sight. Among them, I would like to note the thuju western, which is a tree, reaching a height of 15-20 meters. The width of the crown is up to 5 meters. It grows well in the penumbra and in the sun, it is undemanding for soils and nursing, it grows well in humid and cold regions. But the drought and heat can not stand. Can live up to 1 thousand years.
Other popular varieties
Arbor vitae. Asian species, which often has the form of a bush. The maximum height is 18 meters, the twigs are flat and grow vertically, and not horizontally. Very thermophilic, resistant to drought, but not winter hardy.
Giant or folded - a very beautiful bush, which resembles cypress. It grows fast by about 30 cm per year. Forms the crown of the pyramidal shape, height - up to 15 meters. The needles have a dark green color and a strong aroma. Winter-resistant and wind-resistant, it grows well in wet areas.
Thuya Korean is another spectacular but thermophilic bush with a wide crown and spreading branches, as well as soft needles. The color of the needles is silvery on one side, and dark green on the other. It grows only in the southern regions, since it does not tolerate frost below -10.
Tuya Japanese is a very effective tree, reaches a height of 18 meters. Frost-proof, can survive in the most extreme conditions. But it can not grow in cities due to the fact that it is very sensitive to the purity of air.
Instead of concluding
The family of junipers is amazing and diverse. Representatives of the same species can grow into huge trees or spread along the earth like grass. However, they are united by high decorative and resistance to a variety of diseases, undemanding conditions of growth. Even if you visit the country site far from every day, juniper will do well without you. Care for any representative of this huge family is about the same.
It is necessary to choose for him a sunny place on which the plant will not lack a light. After planting, be sure to carefully cover the soil. Now it remains only to water the plant occasionally, and also to apply fertilizing in the spring. Very responsive to all these types of mineral fertilizers, but the organic needs to be used in limited quantities every few years.
In accordance with the descriptions given, you can choose for your site the most interesting varieties of juniper. Photo and name will allow you to plan in advance the purchase of the most attractive seedlings, which means making your garden unusual and original.
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