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What is marble? What products are made of it?
People used natural stone from ancient times. Building and facing of buildings is only one area of its application. Marble, granite and other varieties of stone were valued more than others. A natural stone is not only beauty, but also durability. It is this property that makes it demandable and reliable.
Marble: Definition
Natural marble is called a calcareous stone, which is of natural origin.
What is marble? This is one of the most sought-after and beautiful finishing materials. Marble - a stone that embodies the refinement, color and greatness of nature. In ancient times, this natural material was used in the construction of houses of rich and noble people. Today, despite the high cost, marble products are available to any person. But, as before, this material remains a symbol of natural beauty and greatness.
Description of the material
What is marble? A natural stone is a crystalline rock formed from limestone or dolomite and subjected to changes in temperature or pressure. Some believe that marble has bactericidal properties.
Perhaps, that's why in Ancient Greece it was often used for finishing bathing. And in every rich house certainly there was a bath of marble. It is known for sure that products made of natural stone have positive energy, which will fuel their owner, as well as neutralize all negative influences of ill-wishers.
This material is well tolerated by temperature changes. Marble is well polished and easily sanded with tools, as it has an average degree of hardness. After polishing, the true beauty of a natural stone will manifest itself even more.
Types and colors of marble
It is not for nothing that every stone is a living being, which can be either cold or warm, massive or weightless, exciting or soothing. Marble exists in several varieties, each of which has its own individual properties.
This stone can be of almost any color: it all depends on what impurities are included in its composition. The figure, which will be obtained after polishing, depends not only on the structure of the material, but also on the direction of its cutting. Consider how marble can be. Photo and description - below.
What is marble? One of the best materials for making sculptures and statuettes. And white marble is a kind of stone that is ideal for this purpose. The material may have veins stained to different degrees, and its white color indicates that there are no impurities in it. This kind of natural stone is easier than others to be cut and polished.
This kind of stone in nature is relatively rare. Lunar marble has a bluish-silver hue. In addition, it has a kind of internal glow.
The black
This type of stone is a sedimentary type volcanic rock. It contains a large percentage of an admixture of bitumen or graphite. Particularly valuable black marble is one that has golden blotches or veins. Blue tide betrays this type of stone the presence of iron sulphite.
There are two varieties of gray marble. It is a material with a fine-grained and coarse-grained structure. In addition, in the total mass of gray marble, lighter or darker inclusions are distinguished.
Green marble is another kind of material. This color is attached to the iron-containing silicates. Marble of green color is often used as amulets and talismans.
One of the rarest varieties of stone. Red marble is a valuable and original grade of natural stone. A similar shade of material is obtained due to the content of iron oxide.
Beige and pink
Beige shade of natural stone attached to manganese and limonite. It is on them that a pleasant and warm shade of this material depends.
Pink marble is considered an ideal option for finishing the bathroom. The color saturation of this stone depends on the amount of iron oxide contained in the rock.
One of the rarest minerals is blue marble. This shade creates a special admixture - a blue diopside. The color saturation of a stone depends on the concentration of the substance.
Blue marble is one of the most unusual natural stones. Its original coloring is due to the fact that the mineral has blue veins on a light or white background. The color saturation of this natural stone depends on the concentration of veins.
This original and unusual color of natural stone can not go unnoticed. The shade of the material is manifested by the content in it of various impurities, for example manganese or iron carbonate. Marble can acquire such a coloring and due to the high concentration of limonite.
Application of stone
What is marble? This is an abundance of colors and shades, as well as a huge variety of structures. All this makes marble popular and widely applicable.
Due to the fact that this natural material is plastic and easy to process, it has been used since antiquity for the manufacture of various statues, monuments, sculptures, tombstones and architectural elements.
Marble slabs are often used for interior and exterior decoration of buildings, stairs, countertops, sinks, bathtubs, sinks and window sills are made of this material. Classics of interior decoration is a marble fireplace.
Marble tiles are widely used in landscape design: it is often laid out paths, make curbs. The mosaic of this natural material is also rapidly gaining popularity. From it collect unique compositions that later decorate the walls or floor. For this, both marble pieces of different shades and the same kind of stone can be used.
Products made of this natural material, as a rule, have a decorative appearance, are distinguished by hygiene, reliability, durability and resistance to temperature changes. If they are properly looked after, they will retain their original appeal for several centuries, while not losing their quality characteristics.
In addition, from the marble are made original jewelry in the form of bracelets, beads, pendants and pendants, which can receive the power of amulets, talismans and amulets. Some species of this natural stone can be found as inserts in earrings and rings.
Marble, like any other material for construction, has its own merits and demerits.
Advantages of marble
- The stone can be easily processed.
- Marble has a solid structure, which is why it keeps its properties and integrity when drilling, polishing and cutting. In addition, even with prolonged mechanical action on the surface of the material, cracks do not appear. The stone does not change its structure in any way, it does not become brittle or loose.
- This material is resistant to chemicals.
- Natural marble is surprisingly durable. This material is really "forever." Over time, it is not subjected to any changes, preserving its original appearance for many years. The stone does not turn yellow even if it is always outdoors.
- Marble has increased frost resistance due to low water absorption. The material is perfect for finishing the room with high humidity.
- This natural stone can safely be called safe in all senses of the word. Marble does not emit any harmful substances, even when heated. It does not accumulate static electricity, nor is it a current conductor.
- Scientifically proven bactericidal properties of natural stone. Marble does not accumulate on its surface bacteria that are harmful to humans. For rooms finished with this material, stagnant or musty air is not characteristic: a natural stone creates a microclimate in the room that is most comfortable for a person.
- Marble is highly ecological due to its natural origin.
- This material is better not to use as a floor covering in public places, since abrasive particles and dust will very quickly make the surface unsightly.
- Due to the abundance of shades, it is extremely difficult to find a stone that is uniform in color for finishing a large room.
- Marble can not be exposed to acids, as this will lead to its rapid destruction.
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