Food and drinkRecipes

Do not rise the dough: how to fix the situation?

Many housewives, who try to diversify and decorate the dining table as much as possible, begin to engage in a yeast test. From it you can safely cook and pizza with greens, and pie, and many other bakes. But often scrupulously mixed yeast dough from dry yeast does not rise.

Causes of the problem

To understand the reason for the "breakdown", it is necessary to remember several main rules while working with the test:

  • The plane and complex process of dough molding can be a sign of excess water;
  • The slow fermentation process and the rigidity of finished products mean a lack of water;
  • The salty taste of finished products and the insidious pale crust is the surest sign of the excessive presence of salt;
  • Vagueness and lack of taste is the opposite phenomenon - salt is not enough in the test available;
  • If the crust of the product is treacherously burning, and the middle remains liquid, then there is a lot of sugar in the test;
  • Product of insufficient height, the middle remained liquid and tasteless - lack of sugar.

Grandmother's advice

Yeast dough is pretty whimsical, and it needs increased attention during batching. If the dough does not rise, how to fix it, will help to understand the grandmother's advice:

  • An emergency aid may be a new batch of yeast scrupulously dissolved in a small amount of water and mixed into a dough.
  • Do not put and check yeast. To do this, take one pinch of them, combine with sugar (a teaspoon) and pour a spoonful of warm water into the dining room. If within 12 minutes the foam did not go, the yeast was clearly overdue.

Why does not it rise?

How much the dough should go up, always determines the amount of yeast and their quality, as well as the presence of co-factors. A normal process of "approach" is a time of 3 hours, a stagnant can lead to the formation of a saturated sour taste. The dough can stay in place for several reasons:

  • Poor quality (unchecked) yeast;
  • Excess fatty ingredient (oil);
  • Poor quality or insufficient amount of sugar;
  • Too high base temperature (milk or water);
  • Low room temperature for the approach of opaire.

When working with a yeast test, it is not necessary to allocate a time frame, a quality product should rise at least two times. By enriching with oxygen, the products will become soft and melting in the mouth. Excessive amounts of yeast can lead to unpleasant taste and aroma. Increase the amount of the base is not worth it, the result will be a significant time savings, but the products will acquire a cotton taste.

Notes on cooking

When preparing yeast dough from dry yeast, it is worth taking into account a few checked comments:

  • Yeast should be used only tested, fresh. In this case, the packaging must be whole. Why? Yes, because contact with oxygen worsens their effectiveness.
  • In the case of manual batch dry yeast should be mixed with flour, the bread maker does not require such scrupulousness.

To make yeast dough rich and soft, you need to start with the process of mixing dry ingredients.

The flour is slowly sifted (you can 2 times), then the products will be amazingly airy. Some housewives sift it after mixing with yeast. Then the effect of airiness increases. Because of the urgency of mixing, many do not raise dough. How to fix this incident, will prompt the advice of experienced housewives. All ingredients should be warm. If the yeast was previously open and became less active, you can warm up the pan in which the dough will be kneaded, and then the fermentation process will reach normal.

Tricks of housewives and bakers

There are also options when everything is done according to the recipe, but still does not rise the dough. How to fix the situation, will prompt notes of experienced bakers. Help to disperse the test on the basis of dry yeast can the basin with warm water. It is necessary to place a container with a "harmful" composition and let it stand there for at least 30 minutes. A bowl of water can be replaced with a heated oven, only this method requires constant attention so that the dough does not overheat.

Other housewives do the same when the dough does not rise. How to fix the situation, they know for sure. The dainters in the dough add an incomplete table spoon of vinegar. It will necessarily react and rise. But put the dough after the addition of vinegar in the oven is not worth, then it will acquire a vivid taste of yeast, and the baking will deteriorate.

When preparing a yeast dough, it's worth using a little trick. To start the dough it is necessary in 150 ml of warm (not hot) milk, in which it is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of sifted flour, the pack of yeast goes last. Mix the mixture carefully and hide it in a warm place, wrapping the container with heated towels. After 15-17 minutes, the mixture should form a cap of foam. It is in it in the future and it is necessary to intervene the remaining ingredients. Then the dough will be soft and pleasantly airy. This is how the yeast dough is step-by-step and prepared. We hope that you understand everything.

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